Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina,  Chuck DeVore

Updated: CA-Sen: Carly Fiorina Leads in Race to Defeat Senator Barbara Boxer But…..

++++++ Update ++++++

Here are the favorable/unfavorable ratings:

Favorable / Unfavorable
Barbara Boxer: 51 / 41 +10
Chuck DeVore: 31 / 25 +6
Carly Fiorina: 40 / 29 +11

California GOP U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina on the Kudlow Report (November 18, 2009)

But, the but is a big one. Carly Fiorina polls better than Chuck DeVore but continues to trail the incumbent Democrat Senator Boxer.

On the other hand, Senator Boxer is considered to be vulnerable.

Any incumbent who polls less than 50% is considered vulnerable, and 2010 is shaping up as a tough political year for Democrats. Still, Boxer, who is expected to seek a fourth term in the Senate next year, was reelected in 2004 with 58% of the vote, and California remains a heavily Democratic state.

Twenty-four percent (24%) of voters share a very favorable opinion of Boxer, down three points from October. One in three voters (33%) now view her very unfavorably, up five points from last month.

Only 8% view Fiorina very favorably and 9% view her very unfavorably.

Just 4% view DeVore very favorably and 7% view him very unfavorably.

At this point in a campaign, Rasmussen Reports considers the number of people with a strong opinion more significant than the total favorable/unfavorable numbers.

And…. while DeVore has been campaigning for over a year, his candidacy has shown NO positive movement, especially during the time Fiorina has been battling breast cancer. Carly has only been an announced candidate for two weeks and although now is in full campaign mode did very few events from February though October.

The polling continues to show promise for Fiorina in picking off Barbara Boxer.

Stay tuned…..

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  • Mike

    Are you kidding, Flap? She’s poured HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS, if not MILLIONS into her launch (as a recipient of some of that HP money, you already knew that), has been full-on campaigning for weeks and hasn’t made a dent! She’s had NO BUMP against DeVore. And her negatives are UP! Maybe, since DeVore is proving to be just as electable as Carly, you could embrace principle over pragmatism, show some backbone and stand up for the ideals of the founding of this nation.

  • Flap

    For one, I have received NO money from the Fiorina campaign. And, I do not expect my $3.00 from any Google Ad clicks until January at best. If I receive even the $3 – so keep on clicking everyone.

    Fiorina announced on the 4th of November and that to me is a scant two weeks ago.

    Fiorina has the best favorable/unfavorable ratio of any candidate. See above.

    Also, DeVore has been campaigning for over a year and CONTINUES TO TRAIL in the polling. Fiorina leads even after the first two weeks.

    Show some backbone?

    What do you mean?

  • Mike

    If this is good news, where’s Fiorina’s campaign? They haven’t even tweeted this yet. They likely assumed a 4-7 point bump after the gargantuan amount of money she’s dumped so far.

    By backbone, I mean that I presume that you, like the NRSC and other establishment-types believe that you can’t win with principles, but need to lean left to pull in independents. It NEVER works. If you stand for conservative principles, why support a candidate who doesn’t? Just to win? What’s the point? And now it’s becoming clear to everyone (including her) that she has no strategic advantage there either.

    I just think you spend a lot time laying into (and occasionally libeling) DeVore, because you either have no principles, no backbone, or no scruples.

  • Flap

    Chuck DeVore has been campaigning for over a year and continues to trail in the polls. Carly Fiorina only announced her candidacy on November 4.

    She discovered she had breast cancer in February this year and underwent treatment during the Spring, summer and early Fall. She did not campaign or do any events. DeVore was on the campaign trail the entire time and yet continues to lose in the polls.

    What does that tell you about his candidacy?

    How many Republican leaders, including members of the United States Senate have endorsed Carly? Many, including very conservative Senators Coburn, Kyl and Inhofe.

    Why do you assume a two week candidacy would affect poll numbers, 4 or 7 points. Do you really think that many California voters care one wit about this race yet? Besides, you are from Minnesota, right?

    Why do you assume that Fiorina is not a conservative and does not have conservative principles? Examples?

    Again, if you wish to continue to comment here, read my terms of use above and refrain from calling me names.

  • Mike

    Carly was FOR the bailout.

    Carly was FOR the stimulus.

    Carly is FOR internet regulation.

    Carly is (or at least WAS) supportive of Cap and Trade.

    Carly supports health care reform, though she hasn’t bothered to read the bill.

    Is that enough? I could list more.

    I’m from Minnesota, to be sure, but that has nothing to do with it. While I can’t vote in your state, many of us around the nation are watching this race carefully. I support DeVore and encourage my many Californian friends to support him, because I believe that government should be smaller and less intrusive… that it exists to SECURE our rights, not provide anything for us. That’s what DeVore stands for. Carly does not. It’s really that simple.

    Nobody called you any names. If you don’t like people disagreeing with you, turn off your comments. It’s your blog. I’m abiding by your terms of use, so if that’s your standard, I’ll continue to contribute to the conversation. If you don’t want me here, you can block me. But if you’re just upset that some people disagree with you, then maybe while you’re at The Backbone Store, you might want to visit the Thicker Skin Shoppe.

  • Flap

    Let’s see:

    Carly Fiorina was Not for what bailout? (The Bush one? or others?); she was not for Obama’s economic stimulus bill; she is not for internet regulation and I have written about that here several times; she has never been supportive of Cap and Trade; she does not support Obamacare.

    So, you are pretty much wrong on every statement, except maybe the first Bush and GOP supported financial services bailout.

    Is that enough?

    You have not made your case and I welcome any links or evidence you might have.

    You are from Minnesota and do not have a vote in this race. Nor, do you understand the California electorate like I do since I have lived here all of my life – over 50 years.

    Carly Fiorina is a conservative and is as conservative as the last Republican U.S. Senator California elected, Pete Wilson who was later elected Governor. In some ways, she is even more conservative than Wilson.

    Carly is certainly more conservative than California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    So, please list the issues where Carly Fiorina sells out conservative principles.

    By the way, you did call me names now and earlier. So, I will give you a final warning.

  • Mike

    “By the way, you did call me names now and earlier. So, I will give you a final warning.”

    Nope. I haven’t. But it’s your blog. I don’t care about your warnings. If you don’t want people disagreeing with you, block me. It’s your right.

    Apparently, your ability to cite Carly’s record is as good as it is with respect to my alleged name-calling. We went ’round before about Carly wanting to tax the internet, and even though she says it point blank in the Web 2.0 video, you omitted the part of the transcript that said that. It’s part of the record. But it doesn’t matter to you because you’ll blindly follow her and I have a feeling that when DeVore wins the primary, you’ll support Boxer.

    And regardless of the length of your citizenship in California, you should really think about how honest you’re being with yourself. You’ve heard Carly say that she supports taxing the internet, as I just stated. You’ve heard her support the stimulus. You’ve heard her say she supports health care reform, but that she hasn’t read the current legislation. Yet you refuse to allow these things to seep in and affect your thinking about your candidate. Or you’re intentionally misleading readers. I really hope you think about which one it is. It’s okay to change your mind, Flap.

  • Flap

    Again you have provided no evidence that Carly Fiorina favors any of those policies as you mention in #5 above.

    And, the reason you haven’t is because she doesn’t.

    Here are a couple of links for you that spell out some of her policy positions and how some have been mischaracterized.

    Since you do not care about the rules, I will place your comments on moderation.

  • Mike

    I’ve broken no rules. If you choose to moderate me, I’ll converse with people who are willing to have a conversation. And you can sit in the dark alone with your autographed picture of Carly.