Day By Day,  Mitt Romney

Day By Day February 21, 2010 – Pure Logic

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Chris, I don’t know. Mitt Romney did pretty well at CPAC this past weekend.

Ex-MA Gov. Mitt Romney: He didn’t win the CPAC straw poll, but Romney came in second place to a contender no one believes is serious about running in WH’12 — Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX). Romney gave a well-regarded speech that fired up the crowd more than most of his potential ’12 rivals, and his showing, 3 times more than ex-AK Gov. Sarah Palin (R), demonstrates he still has a following among the influential group of activists.

Should the economy remain trashed, voters will be looking for somebody that is tired and true. And, despite Romney’s inconsistent past, he is experienced and tested.


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