Barack Obama,  Day By Day

Day By Day March 2, 2010 – The Real Thing

Day By Day by Chris Muir

The REAL THING indeed.

Looks like President Obama should go back to THE REAL THING and stay away from the beer and cigarettes.

Barack Obama should not only try harder to kick his smoking habit, his team of doctors warned, but they also recommended ‘moderation of alcohol intake’.

It would seem the pressure of the U.S. presidency – and all those White House receptions – are taking their toll after the 48-year-old’s first medical checkup since winning the race to the White House.

The chief executive, who has endured an exhausting first year in the White House and year-long battles with congressional Republicans, should also eat better to lower his cholesterol, but was otherwise declared in excellent health and fit for duty.

Great, a stressed out President. Maybe if he and his cronies Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi stopped trying to RAM through Obamacare, he could revert to a less stressful life.

In any case, for these revelations to show up, there must be some cause for alarm by Obama’s physicians.

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