Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Obamacare

Day By Day March 4, 2010 – Bend Over

Day By Day by Chris Muir

The “White Coat” prop used by Obama was certainly revealing. The President must use cheap symbolism to sell his government takeover of American health care.

Will it work?

Let’s see how many “White Coats” continue to practice medicine under Obamacare? With the scheduled Medicare cutbacks and the massive tax increases there will be little incentive for physicians to work. Rationing of health care and scarcity will be the norm as the government attempts to train medical auxiliaries to replace the doctors.

I wonder how long before the SEIU unionizes the government supported phsyicans?


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One Comment

  • Aneriz

    Amazing that this professionals would allow themselves to be”put in costume” for a political stunt.
    Maybe they aren’t physicians, they just play one in at the White House.