• Carly Fiorina,  Tom Campbell

    CA-Sen: Tom Campbell Out of Money?

    tomcampbell CA-Sen: Tom Campbell Has Raised $516K for Senate  Primary Race

    Former Congressman Tom Campbell and U.S. Senate candidate

    Well, Tom Campbell has cancelled all television and radio ad buys for this week.

    Ex-Rep. Tom Campbell (R) is cutting back on TV advertising, switching strategies as some opponents wonder whether Campbell’s surprisingly strong campaign is running low on funds.

    Campbell will not be on TV this coming week. And he has cut his ad buys for the final 2 weeks of the campaign significantly, according to sources who watch campaign ad spending; data shows Campbell has purchased $286K in ads over the last 2 weeks, less than the $393K he had previously reserved.

    Instead, Campbell’s campaign will send an oversized mailer to 1.1M voters this week, according to his campaign.

    From the Carly Fiorina campaign via e-mail:

    Over here at Team Carly, while we are watching our ads on the airwaves increase in frequency, reports over the last couple of days confirm that Tom Campbell has canceled his television AND his radio time – all of it – for this week.
    The Campbell camp is exhaling a lot of hot air as they struggle to come up with any good reason for why, but we sure have been amused by the excuses so far:

    1.     Campbell is going to move numbers with that larger-than-life photo of himself that he’s mailing Republicans. Newsflash, we too are sending mail to Republicans statewide…and it may or may not include a photo of Tom as well.

    2.     TV won’t break through because of the Steve-Meg slugfest. True, Tom’s less than $100,000 buy for this week really would not have been competition for Steve and Meg.

    3.     They are husbanding resources for an ad blitz in the final few weeks. Could be, but it seems if that were true, they would have reserved more than $200,000 in time over the final two weeks of the primary campaign.

    4.     They are ahead and are therefore holding resources for the general. Sounds like a bold move when more than one-third of voters are undecided in the primary.

    5.     Carly has bought $2.2 million in TV and has not moved in the polls. First, the majority of our ad buy has yet to air and more importantly, the polling out there on the primary race does not account for the time we have been on the air. But nice try on that one, Team Campbell.

    6.     And finally, my personal favorite: Tom is ahead in the polls so they don’t need to spend as much on TV. We really hope they believe their own spin there – because if they do, they certainly are not looking at the same polling we are!
    Let’s be honest here. Tom would be on TV and radio if he had the money.
    And, while Tom keeps inventing excuses, Carly keeps getting more endorsements. Today, she is in Orange County (in AD 70 to be precise) picking up the endorsements of a slew of local elected officials and prominent business organizations including Orange County Supervisor Bill Campbell, the Orange County Business Council and the Hispanic 100. She has a full public schedule the remainder of the week. Meanwhile, our statewide network of volunteers made thousands of calls to Republican voters over the weekend and will be phone banking daily between now and June 8.

    Even the LEFT is able to put 2 and 2 together:

    Campbell’s advisors are trying to spin this as a super-sneaky strategy to conserve funds, banking on the fact that California’s two billionaire Republican gubernatorial candidates, Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner, will crowd everyone out on television anyway. And maybe there’s a little truth to that. But far more likely is the fact that Campbell has run out of money. He’s never been a good fundraiser, having been chased out of the Governor’s race for just that reason…

    I surmise that Tom Campbell is running on empty and is saving whatever resources he has left to guard against a negative barrage from Carly Fiorina.

    And, it will more than likely come and very soon.

  • Cap and Trade,  Day By Day

    Day By Day May 17, 2010 – Pogressives

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    President Obama’s and Congressional Democrat’s Cap and Tax legislation WILL hurt American business as it attempts to recover from recession.

    The chances of this massive tax increase passing the Congress in an election year is remote and Obama is merely giving it lip service – like immigration reform and gay rights in the military.

    All symbolism and no substance.


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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day May 16, 2010 – Crap

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    President Obama’s policy failures are numerous as are his attempts to involve the federal government in American’s daily lives.

    But, ulimately, Obama will have to make it past the 2010 Congressional midterm elections where he will likely lose his Democrat majorities. Then, he will have to run for re-election against an invigorated Republican Party – one not headed by an unpopular President named Bush.

    Note how Sarah Palin has been accumulating favors with other Republican POLS. One who can take her time in running for the Presidency Sarah has stepped up her game because she views Obama as vulnerable in 2012.

    Game on.


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    links for 2010-05-15

    • The new healthcare law will pack 32 million newly insured people into emergency rooms already crammed beyond capacity, according to experts on healthcare facilities.

      A chief aim of the new healthcare law was to take the pressure off emergency rooms by mandating that people either have insurance coverage. The idea was that if people have insurance, they will go to a doctor rather than putting off care until they faced an emergency.
      People who build hospitals, however, say newly insured people will still go to emergency rooms for primary care because they don’t have a doctor.

      “Everybody expected that one of the initial impacts of reform would be less pressure on emergency departments; it’s going to be exactly the opposite over the next four to eight years,” said Rich Dallam, a healthcare partner at the architectural firm NBBJ, which designs healthcare facilities.
      Not really a surprise

      (tags: Obamacare)
    • The home of a Swedish artist who once drew a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad as a dog has been hit by a suspected arson attack, police said Saturday.

      Lars Vilks, who lives in Nyhamnslage in southern Sweden, was not at home during the attack late Friday night and no one was reported injured.

      It was the latest in a week of attacks on the 53-year-old cartoonist, who was assaulted Tuesday by a man while he lectured at a university and saw his Web site apparently attacked by hacker on Wednesday.
      And, what about South Park now?

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  • Carly Fiorina,  Chuck DeVore,  Tom Campbell

    CA-Sen: Latest Rasmussen Poll Continues to Show Senator Barbara Boxer in Trouble

    Carly Fiorina Vs. Barbara Boxer

    The latest Rasmussen poll is out and there is little change. California United States Senator Barbara Boxer continues to be in re-election trouble.

    5/12/10; 500 likely voters, 4.5% margin of error
    Mode: Automated phone
    (Rasmussen release)


    2010 Senate
    45% Boxer, 38% Fiorina (chart)
    46% Boxer, 40% DeVore (chart)
    42% Boxer, 41% Campbell (chart)

    Favorable / Unfavorable
    Barbara Boxer: 47 / 49 (chart)
    Carly Fiorina: 38 / 39
    Chuck DeVore: 35 / 33
    Tom Campbell: 39 / 35

    I have highlighted in bold above the margin of error in which all of the GOP candidate are within. Let’s look at the other candidate’s charts:

    First DeVore:

    Now, Tom Campbell:

    The campaigns and some pundits have been trying to spin this poll result as a “surge” for Chuck DeVore.

    Not so.

    Look at the poll trends above and only Carly Fiorina has an upward graph trend. But, all of the results are within the margin of error anyway.

    The only conclusion to be drawn here is that Senator Barbara Boxer is in trouble.

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