• Barbara Boxer

    CA-Sen: Another Ethics Investigation of Barbara Boxer?

    California Democrat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer

    Looks like it and it involves her son, Douglas again.

    In a breaking development that may affect the close California Senate race, Pajamas Media has learned The Foundation for Ethics in Public Service sent a letter to Eric Holder last Thursday requesting the attorney general “begin an investigation to determine whether United States Senator Barbara Boxer violated any criminal laws or should be liable for any civil penalty for failure to disclose real property on her Personal Financial Disclosure Reports between 2002 and 2010.”

    The specific property FEPS is referring to is an Oakland, California, home valued at over a million dollars and co-owned by Boxer, her husband Stewart, their son Douglas, and his wife Amy. The letter to Holder reads in part:

    Despite the fact that Senator Boxer had an ownership in 854 Longridge Road [in Oakland], she failed to report this substantial real property asset on any of her personal financial disclosures between 2002 and 2010.  She had also failed to report the mortgage on the property.  Further, she failed to report the purchase of 854 Longridge Road in 2002.  Each year Boxer was required to have filed a “full and complete report.”

    The filing of false or incomplete disclosure statements  is in violation of the Ethics  in Government Act. The Act authorizes the Attorney General of the United States to seek civil penalties against Senators who knowingly and willy falsify or fail to report required information. The knowing and willful concealment of the existence of substantial amount of real property for a prolonged period may subject Senators to federal criminal prosecution under 18 U.S.C. paragraph 101. [other citations are available at the link]

    The Oakland home is currently lived in by Douglas and his wife.  This is not the first time Senator Boxer’s son has been the center of controversy.  The senator reportedly paid out nearly $500,000 from her campaign contributions to her son’s public relations firm between 2001 and 2009.  Those moneys could have been used to pay off the mortgage on the Oakland property, adding urgency to the DOJ investigation sought by The Foundation for Ethics in Public Service and further complicating the legal and ethical issues involved.

    Well, this is certainly a last minute October surprise and it may be picked up by the MSM in California. The whole flap with Boxer’s son will play out after the election when the ethics trial of Congresswoman Maxine Waters is tried in her own ethics trial in the House.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day October 26, 2010 – Legacies

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The Obama legacy will be Saul Alinsky and Socialism while the Bill Clinton legacy continues to be one of a corrupt philanderer. Which is worse?

    I guess we can ask former President Jimmy Carter whose legacy was self-righteous incompetence.

    It has been quite a few decades since the Democratic Party has yielded a President who actually could do the job without screwing up the country in worse ways.



    The Day By Day Archive

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    links for 2010-10-25

    • An aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid repeatedly lied to federal immigration and FBI agents and submitted false federal documents to the Department of Homeland Security to cover up her illegal seven-year marriage to a Lebanese national who was the subject of an Oklahoma City Joint Terror Task Force investigation, FoxNews.com has learned.
      An October surprise?

      Read it all

      (tags: harry_reid)
    • Is it cutting-edge voter mobilization, or just a bit creepy?

      The California Democratic Party unveiled a new tool in its kit of get-out-the-vote operations Monday: a first-of-its-kind Facebook application that sifts through a user’s friends list, matches it with the friends’ party registrations and voting histories and pops out a list people who vote Democratic but don’t regularly vote.

      It then encourages users to tell their non-voting friends to cast a ballot Nov. 2.
      Creepy – yes it is

    • For all of the ink and airtime devoted to criticizing Republican Meg Whitman's stock deals, she's not the only top-of-the-ticket candidate who benefited from early access to initial public offerings, or IPOs.

      At least twice during her political career, U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer turned quick profits on IPOs that were unavailable to the general public, records and published reports show [PDF]. The transactions, which were made public in 1994 and 2000, allowed her exclusive access to several lucrative investments.
      Boxer tries to profit from everything she does

    • The list of the top 25 papers by weekday circulation, for April through September 2010 and 2009, is below. Circulation figures are followed by last year’s figures and the percent difference:

      WALL STREET JOURNAL 2,061,142 … 2,024,269 … 1.82%
      USA TODAY 1,830,594 … 1,900,116 … -3.66%
      NEW YORK TIMES 876,638 … 927,851 … -5.52%
      LOS ANGELES TIMES 600,449 … 657,467 … -8.67%
      WASHINGTON POST 545,345 … 582,844 … -6.43%
      NEW YORK DAILY NEWS 512,520 … 544,167 … -5.82%
      NEW YORK POST 501,501 … 508,042 … -1.29%
      Read it all
      CHICAGO TRIBUNE 441,508 … 465,892 … -5.23%
      HOUSTON CHRONICLE 343,952 … 384,437 … -10.53%
      PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER 342,361 … 361,481 … -5.29%

      (tags: Newpapers)
    • The number was 600,449 for the six months ended Sept. 30, an 8.7 percent drop from a year earlier. Sunday circulation was 900,000 901,119 down 8 8.4 percent. At least the percentage drops were not in the double digits, as happened once more with the SF Chronicle. That paper reported an 11.2 percent drop, which brings its circulation down to a stunningly low 223,549
      Read more here: http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/25/newspaper-circulation-falls-broadly-but-at-slower-pace/
    • But today the conventional wisdom about Palin is being revised again, nowhere more so than within the ranks of professional Republicans. Among two dozen senior strategists and operatives with whom I’ve spoken in recent days—including many of those responsible for securing the nomination for the party’s last three standard-bearers—there is a growing consensus that Palin is running or setting herself up to run. All agreed that her entry would radically and fundamentally transform the race. Most averred that if she steps into the fray, she stands a reasonable chance of claiming the Republican prize. Indeed, more than one argued that she is already the de facto front-runner.
      Read it all
      (tags: sarah_palin)
  • Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina

    CA-Sen: State of the Race October 25, 2010 Morning

    This morning’s Real Clear Politics poll average graph is above and the race continues to be a toss up, tied. The poll average table is here.

    So, what does this mean for California voters?

    Non-stop political ads from Barbara Boxer and Carly Fiorina over the next week.

    There had been some uncertainty as to whether the Fiorina Campaign would be able to compete with Boxer on the number of ad impressions over the last week of the campaign but that concern has been laid to rest.

    With outside groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce already pouring in millions to defeat California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, the National Republican Senatorial Committee announced a $3-million independent expenditure for television ads in the final week of the campaign.

    The committee, which rarely makes major expenditures in California, had already spent the maximum allowed — $4.8 million — in coordinated expenditures with GOP nominee Carly Fiorina’s campaign in what it views as a highly competitive race.

    “This critical spending continues to demonstrate our confidence that the California Senate race is neck-in-neck thanks to Barbara Boxer’s out-of-touch, reckless Washington spending agenda,” committee spokeswoman Amber Marchand said in a statement.

    The new independent expenditure comes after Fiorina announced she was putting another $1 million of her own money into the campaign, allowing her to match Boxer’s cash on hand for the final stretch.

    It appears that Fiorina will be able to match the Boxer ad buys over the next seven days. This is bad news for Boxer.

    With the polls so very close (also bad news for the incumbent Senator, Boxer), the ground operations of the California Republicans (GOTV), including the Meg Whitman for California Governor Campaign may very well decide this U.S. Senate race.

  • Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina

    CA-Sen Video: Carly Fiorina’s Newest Television Ad “Crushed” Attacks Barbara Boxer’s Failed Legacy

    Carly Fiorina’s latest television ad “Crushed”

    California U.S Senate candidate Carly Fiorina is “on air” with a new Fred Davis television ad.

    From the press release:

    As part of a continuing effort to highlight the stark contrast between incumbent senator Barbara Boxer’s failed tenure in Washington and Carly Fiorina’s commitment to common-sense problem solving, the Fiorina campaign today launched the fifth 30-second ad of its general election statewide television advertisement campaign, titled “Crushed.”

    “Barbara Boxer’s legacy after 28 years of failed leadership in Washington is bleak, as Californians across the state have watched their livelihoods be crushed, with more than 2.25 million people out of work, losing income and facing the very real possibility of losing their homes. Yet Barbara Boxer is so out of touch that she continues to try to fool voters into believing her economic policies, including the stimulus, have worked,” said Carly for California Campaign Manager Marty Wilson. “The people of this state deserve a leader in Washington who will fight to get our economy moving forward again. Californians have the opportunity to make a change for California’s future by voting for new leadership in the U.S. Senate on Election Day – and that begins by retiring Barbara Boxer and electing Carly Fiorina on November 2.”

  • California Proposition 25

    CA-Prop 25 Video: The Magic Act

    The Stop Hidden Taxes campaign launched a humorous web video titled, “Magic Act.” While the video takes a lighthearted approach, Prop. 25 is no laughing matter. The video highlights the Legislature and the Sacramento politicians who are pushing Prop. 25, which would allow them to increase their power, pay and perks with a majority vote budget.

    California Proposition 25 is yet another power grab by the majority Democrats in the California Legislature. The only thing that has stopped California from tax and spending itself into a blind bankruptcy is the 2/3 rds requirement to pass taxes (Proposition 13) and the California budget.

    The official voter information guide for Proposition 25 is here. 

    California voters on November 2nd should vote NO.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day October 25, 2010 – Electile Dysfunction

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The President and Mrs. Obama trip to India is a JUNKET and everyone knows it. If there is critical business to be conducted, then do it and come back home. Obama does not need a huge entourage.

    With massive unemployment in California and other states, why does the President have to WASTE government derived taxpayer funds? I mean, it is a waste and unnecessary.

    The One’s arrogance is really beyond the pale and will come back to bite him in the ass for the November 2012 election – that is, if Obama runs for re-election.


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    links for 2010-10-22

    • A new Rasmussen survey backs up a SurveyUSA poll showing Carly Fiorina nipping at the heels of Sen. Barbara Boxer, down just 2 points. A potentially more troubling number for Boxer: the state’s unemployment rate, which remained at 12.4 percent last month. Fiorina issued a statement lamenting the loss of another 63,000 jobs, while nothing came out of Boxer’s office. “It is a little odd that month after month people are losing jobs, and she’s silent,” said one California GOP strategist.
  • Day By Day,  George Soros

    Day By Day October 22, 2010 – ShortWave

    Day by Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, sort of like the MSNBC anchors/pundits who have DNC (Democratic National Committee) stamped on their foreheads.

    But, George Soros, the currency speculator, will NOT be able to hide his duplicity in trying to influence the American political process. No more hiding the fact that he funds many of the Far Left media enterprises who spin the news HIS WAY.

    The internet, including Twitter, Facebook and the Blogosphere will keep the LEFT exposed – unlike in the 2004, 2006 and 2008 election cycles.


    In blogging matters, I will be away most of the day driving to Los Angeles to the LA Half Marathon Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Then, I get to fight the Obama/Boxer generated traffic mess to timely return to Thousand Oaks for my daughter, Anna’s wedding rehearsal.

    A busy day, but if something breaks, my laptop and hotspot are in hand.


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