Rudy Giuliani,  Sarah Palin

Election 2012: Why Stop Sarah Palin?

Sounds like Mitt Romney’s political operatives to me.

Top Republicans in Washington and in the national GOP establishment say the 2010 campaign highlighted an urgent task that they will begin in earnest as soon as the elections are over: Stop Sarah Palin.

Interviews with advisers to the main 2012 presidential contenders and with other veteran Republican operatives make clear they see themselves on a common, if uncoordinated, mission of halting the momentum and credibility Palin gained with conservative activists by plunging so aggressively into this year’s midterm campaigns.

Former New York Mayor and GOP Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani has the best advice for the GOP.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, meanwhile, made the point that Palin’s anti-establishment credibility is only helped when Republican operatives air their concerns anonymously to the consummate insider publication.

“I worked for Ronald Reagan, you know the 11th Commandment was don’t criticize another Republican,” he said during an appearance on “Fox and Friends” on Monday. “Let’s not start this presidential race before this election is over and let’s not go through the negativity we went through in the last one where Republicans attacked the heck out of each other. We have got a bigger mission here. Sarah Palin has every right to make her case to the Republican Party. How about we let the Republicans decide — not the so-called leaders — whether she is qualified or not?”

“I think they are missing the whole point of what is going on in our electorate right now because that is the worst possible way to take that kind of a lesson out of this election,” Giuliani added. “I think this time we have to have a Republican National Committee that disciplines Republicans who attack other Republicans. I see it starting already and it really disturbs me.”

And, I agree. Let the Republican primary elections take care of themselves.

Republican political operatives should obey Reagan’s 11th commandment and come out of the shadows, if they have the intestinal fortitude.