Afghanistan,  Day By Day

Day By Day December 29, 2010 – MarsVenus

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Chris, a high level of audio encryption will be required for Sam’s phone sex conversations with Zed who is in Afghanistan. Yeah, Sam misses him.

But, it is a war zone after all……

Sort of like New York City.

On the day after the day after, New Yorkers were left wondering what happened. There are still many streets that haven’t seen a plow yet.

“I’m curious as to why none of this has been plowed yet,” one person told CBS 2?s Lou Young. “All the streets around here, very few have been plowed. One was half-plowed.”

“I think they get an F-minus,” said Arlene Buonintane of Queens Village. “I think they really screwed up because, you know, this is ridiculous. You still have ambulances that have to get out. You still have police and firefighters that have to get through and none of the side streets are plowed.”


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