President 2012,  Sarah Palin

President 2012: Another Indication that Sarah Palin Will NOT Be a Presidential Candidate

From PPP Polling

I have said for months that Sarah Palin would NOT be a candidate for President in 2012, unless her polling against President Obama demonstrated that she had a chance to win. Looking at the polling graphic above, this is not the case. In fact, of the top four contenders (Romney, Huckabee, Gingrich), she is polling the most poorly.

Now, there is this interview last night on the Greta Show:

VAN SUSTEREN: I paid attention to your trip in India, because I’ve done a lot of research to prepare for this, and you left the door open in your speech.

It was asked of you, and you mentioned it. Where are you on this?

PALIN: I’m still not going to close the door, at this time.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it a little farther open?

PALIN: It’s about the same.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it an inch farther open or an inch more closed.

PALIN: Still thinking about it. Still knowing that all of us can be so engaged, and Greta, you don’t need a title, you don’t need an office to make a difference — I’m proof of that.

So If I were to choose not to run, at this stage of my life, then…

VAN SUSTEREN: [interrupting] Tempted?

PALIN: Yeah, I’m tempted to, because I’m still wondering who the heck is going to be out there with a servant’s heart — willing to serve the American people for the right reason. Not for ego, not for special interests, not with excessive partisanship that’s going to get in the way, of playing these games, just do what’s right to get the economy back on the right track and to strengthen national security.

…. I’m waiting to see: who else is out there who’s willing to do this?

Sarah would be a fool to give up her $1 million a year gig at Fox News and all of those speaking fees in order to have a Quixotic run for the Presidency.

Palin is NO fool and will not be a Presidential candidate in 2012. Her saving face OUT is now on the record.