• Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day September 19, 2012 – Recipes

    Day By Day cartoon

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Americans don’t even know what is coming, if they re-elect President Obama.

    Remember when Obama told the Russian President that “after” the election he will be more flexible on missile defense.

    And, the full effects of ObamaCare will come into effect in 2014 with the taxation parts taking the lead – because someone has to pay for it.

    In other words, you have not seen anything yet from an unbridled Obama Administration.

  • Day By Day

    Day By Day September 18, 2012 – Big Girls Don’t Cry

    Day By Day cartoon

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Should President Obama win re-election in November who will he and the Democrats in Congress have to blame for the preceding six years?

    Can you guess?

    Why not Bush again?

    Or, it used to be Reagan?

    The character flaw of avoiding responsibility for public policy decisions is endemic in American government. This is one of the reasons why many Americans are so turned off with politics.

    Congress and the President had better start governing after the elections or 2014 will be a blood bath for incumbents.

  • Day By Day

    Day By Day September 16, 2012 – Feel the Paine

    Day By Day cartoon for September 16, 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, social media, namely Twitter and Facebook have changed the political media game.

    No longer will be political news be controlled through “print” newspapers and discussion limited to letters to the editor.

    We first saw the results with the rise of the Tea Party for the 2010 elections and the quick change over of the House leadership back to the GOP in just four quick years.

    While the results are uncertain, just seven weeks from the 2012 Presidential election, political discussion and activism has been sharp, partisan and healthy – just like The Founders wanted.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day September 13, 2012 – The Flip Side

    Day By Day cartoon for September 13, 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The Obama Administration’s foreign policy has NO CLOTHES.

    The fecklessness is so readily apparent.

    Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Thursday that the attacks on American embassies in the Middle East were happening as a result of “the policy of appeasement” and called for immediate congressional hearings into the violence that has left four foreign service officers dead.

    “You can start them tomorrow. These hearings should start,” Inhofe told Fox News.

    “Let’s keep in mind, this is a big deal,” he continued. “We have four countries right now attacking America. When you attack an embassy, you’re attacking America. We can’t sit around and wait for hearings. We’ve got to do it right now.”

    Inhofe was then asked by Fox host Steve Doocy if the attacks were the result of President Obama’s foreign policy, and specifically his “apology tour” when he visited Egypt at the beginning of his presidency. Although the president did not issue any apologies during that trip, Republicans have criticized the tone as too conciliatory.

    “Yeah. What foreign policy? The policy of appeasement,” Inhofe said. “Yes, it’s happening as a result of that… this thing is huge. we mentioned four countries, let me tell you, it’s not going to stop there. there is war against america throughout the entire region. they’re attacking us now.”

    Inhofe went on to call for the suspension of aid to countries where diplomatic missions had been attacked. In an interview Wednesday with Telemundo, President Obama said the United States didn’t “have the option of withdrawing from the world.”

    Yet, the main stream media is all over Mitt Romney for comments that are consistent with his world view and his foreign policy positions.

    Are American voters watching?

  • Day By Day

    Day By Day September 9, 2012 – Circus

    Day By Day cartoon for September 9, 2012

    Day by Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, the Democratic National Convention was a joke.

    Besides the gaffes of taking God and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel out of their platform and then back into it, they added the long speech of the serial adulterer, and convicted perjurer, former President Bill Clinton.

    But, did American voters buy the show?

    Forty-three percent of Americans say what they saw at last week’s Democratic Convention makes them more likely to vote for Barack Obama — typical of what Gallup has measured for most conventions — and slightly better than the 40% reading for Mitt Romney and the recent Republican Convention. At the same time, a relatively high 38% of Americans say the convention made them less likely to vote for Obama, resulting in a net impact rating of +5, which is on the low-end of Gallup’s historical comparisons.

    America may be in more trouble than it realizes….

  • Day By Day

    Day By Day September 5, 2012 – Hang ’em High

    Day By Day Cartoon for September 5, 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, don’t sweat the North Carolina Democratic National Convention.

    Have you seen what their party of freedom has done to the North Carolina Democratic Party and elected POLS?

    North Carolina Democrats will take a share of the national spotlight this week, but across the Tar Heel State, their party is in peril.

    Republicans used control of the State Legislature to redraw congressional districts in their favor, leading two House Democrats to retire and putting another two, Reps. Mike McIntyre and Larry Kissell, in serious jeopardy.

    President Obama’s path to victory here is equally thorny. While he eked out a win in 2008 by fewer than 14,000 votes, most polls entering this week’s convention give Mitt Romney the edge in the race for the state’s 15 electoral votes.

    Republicans are also poised to take back the governor’s mansion. Former Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory (R) has consistently led Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton (D) in polls since incumbent Gov. Bev Purdue (D) decided not to seek a second term.

    Add to that a battered state party apparatus that saw Chairman David Parker briefly resign in May over his handling of sexual harassment allegations, and you have a sobering backdrop for Democrats as they celebrate North Carolina’s first national convention in more than a century.

    It looks to me that you are correct – the Democrats are HANGING themselves.