• Day By Day

    Day By Day October 28, 2012 – Call Forward

    Day By Day cartoon for October 28, 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, what will everyone do tomorrow when Obama’s federal government is closed due to Hurricane Sandy?

    Federal workers in the Washington area are getting a day off thanks to Hurricane Sandy.

    The U.S. Office of Personnel Management says federal offices will be closed Monday.

    Non-emergency employees will be granted administrative leave for their scheduled working hours unless they are required to telework or are traveling or on unpaid leave.

    Only emergency employees are required to report to work.

    Probably the same…..

  • Day By Day

    Day By Day October 23, 2012 – Foreigner

    Day By Day cartoon for October 23, 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The foreign policy Presidential debate last night broke NO new ground.

    Mitt Romney looked and was ill.

    President Obama was the aggressor and had to be as it is perceived he is trailing in his re-election race. Obama won on points.

    Mitt Romney did what he had to do – not look like a radical, Barry Goldwater type. He succeeded and the campaign continues into the last two weeks.

    The key battleground states at this point are Wisconsin, Iowa, and Colorado. I will have more on this and a new Electoral College map soon.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Iran

    Day By Day October 22, 2012 – Try Hard

    Day By Day cartoon for October 22, 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Interesting, isn’t it that on the eve of the third and last Presidential debate there is a “leaked” report or an October Surprise about Iran?

    The New York Times reports (and the White House denies) that “The United States and Iran have agreed for the first time to one-on-one negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, according to Obama administration officials, setting the stage for what could be a last-ditch diplomatic effort to avert a military strike on Iran.”

    Two of the three assertions in that lead paragraph are demonstrably false.  One-on-one negotiations have been going on for years (most recently, according to my friend “Reza Kahlili,” in Doha, where, he was told, Valerie Jarrett and other American officials recently traveled for the latest talks).  The only news here is that the talks would no longer be secret.  And the notion that only diplomacy can avert “a military strike on Iran” is fanciful.  There are at least two other ways:  sanctions may compel the regime to stop its nuclear weapons program, or the Iranian people may find a way to overthrow the regime, thereby (perhaps, at least) rendering military action unnecessary.

    I rather suspect that you don’t have to do anything to avoid an American military strike on Iran.  I can’t imagine an Obama administration authorizing a military attack.  An administration that can barely bring itself to fly air cover in Libya, and can’t bring itself to take any serious action in Syria, strikes me as very unlikely to unleash our armed forces against the mullahs.

    Even as the debate approaches, remember you can fool some of the people ONLY some of the time.

    Anyone want to bet how many times Obama spikes the football regarding the demise of Osama bin Laden tonight?

  • Day By Day

    Day By Day October 20, 2012 – Pussies

    Day By Day cartoon for October 20, 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, I have to say that the town hall Presidential debate format with Gallup Poll selected undecided voters was an epic FAIL.

    Did anyone REALLY believe those voters were undecided and there were a few “ringers” thrown in and selected to ask questions?

    I don’t think this format will be used again – nor should it be.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Mitt Romney

    Day By Day October 19, 2012 – Smackdown

    Day By Day cartoon for October 19 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Sorry readers that I have not recently posted Chris Muir’s Day By Day cartoon. I will try to be more prolific in my posting.

    I promise.

    Chris, you have to watch women and that “WEIGHT” issue. Remember that this is way too shallow.

    With regards to Candy Crowley’s conduct at the Presidential debate, now that can be criticized.

    Is there any doubt that she helped President Obama escape a truthful explanation of the Libya terrorist debacle?

    And, didn’t CNN’s Crowley derail Mitt Romney with constant interruptions and allowing President Obama to have more time for his explanations.

    The Town Hall format of the debate was a fail and Crowley was a failure.

    Enough said….