• Day By Day,  Obamacare

    Day By Day June 29, 2012 – Eat Your Vegetables

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, the SCOTUS decision yesterday on ObamaCare has given conservatives newly-driven incentive to win electoral gains in November.

    The Tea Party will rise from moribund inaction and become active in key competitive U.S. Senate races around the country.

    Mitt Romney has already raised more than $4.2 million since the decision was announced.

    Chief Justice Roberts may have handed the GOP a gift with his flip to the LEFT.

  • Day By Day,  Elizabeth Warren,  Scott Brown

    Day By Day June 28, 2012 – Profiles in Lavage

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Today’s Day By Day cartoon highlights Massachusetts Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren and her claim of American Indian heritage.

    More symbolism over substance from the LEFT.

    Democrat Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren says she listed herself as Cherokee to get invited to tribal “luncheons.” So, why did she turn down a powwow with her alleged kin?

    Warren, a Harvard law professor, is trying to take back Ted Kennedy’s old Massachusetts seat held by GOP Sen. Scott Brown.

    When the Boston Herald learned the blue-eyed blonde had listed herself in faculty recruiting directories as an American Indian, Warren denied trying to get an affirmative action leg up. She insisted she ID’d herself as a minority for social reasons.

    “I listed myself in the directory in the hopes it might mean I would be invited to a luncheon with people who are like I am,” Warren explained.

    Well, some Cherokee women have called her bluff. Four authentic Indians traveled to Boston from Oklahoma, Oregon and Missouri to arrange a lunch with Warren — and she snubbed them.

    They were in town four days, yet Warren couldn’t find time to fit them into her schedule. Even her staff blew them off. Her campaign never even returned their calls, despite an earlier promise that at least some staffers would meet with them.

    The advantage swings to Republican Senator Scott Brown.

    Does Warren have any thoughts on baseball?

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Eric Holder

    Day By Day for June 26 and June 27, 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir – No S–t

    Day By Day by Chris Muir -News

    Chris, everyone is wating for tomorrow’s Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare.

    Fortunately, for Attorney General Eric Holder his machinations with Fast and Furious may be lost in the media frenzy. But, this issue will come back to bite the Obama Administration.

    The Fast and Furious scandal WILL be tied into the President’s illegal immigration policy and further alienate voters in Colorado and Nevada – key battleground states for the November general election.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  President 2012

    Day By Day June 24, 2012 – Fifth Columns

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, the MSM, especially NBC has been especially pathetic this Presidential cycle defending Obama.

    I mean – someone, somehow has to do it.

    Obama’s record is so poor, even his own Democrats in Congress are refusing to attend the Democratic National Convention this summer.

    We are waiting this morning for SCOTUS to rule on ObamaCare. When the announcement is made, it may be the beginning of the end of the Obama Administration.

  • Day By Day,  Eric Holder,  Obamacare

    Day By Day June 21, 2012 – Dress Up

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, there is plenty to be “dressed up” about with the imminent ObamaCare SCOTUS decision and the House voted contempt of Attorney General Eric Holder over Fast and Furious.

    The Fast and Furious investigation has finally handed House Republicans a prize they’ve long sought: a legal smackdown of the Obama administration.

    Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was able to show skeptical conservatives that his spine could stay stiff under pressure from President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder by locking arms with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) on a contempt of Congress vote Wednesday. There was no daylight — at least publicly — between Boehner and Issa, a dynamic the White House was desperately seeking.

    It is certain that some Americans will be “PISSED” over the decisions.

  • Day By Day,  MSNBC

    Day By Day June 20, 2012 – Rear…View MSM Media

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    MSNBC has disingenuously mischaracterized Mitt Romney’s statements. But, what else is new from a news outlet that is in the tank for the LEFT and the Democratic Party, including President Obama.

    You can watch Romney’s full speech and read some of the stories about the FLAP here.

    In the days of social media, NBC has NOT learned that they can no longer fool the American people with their biased view of the political world.

  • Day By Day

    Day By Day June 19, 2012 – Banned Acts

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris Muir’s Day By Day today touches on California and Foie Gras.

    Oh California!

    How it is REGULATED….

    It is farewell to foie gras on July 1st, when all restaurants in the state of California will ban the production of foie gras and opt for more humanely raised ingredients.

    Restaurants throughout the state are hosting “Farewell to Foie Gras” dinners to satisfy diner’s appetites for one final taste of the savory dish.

    Tim Kilcoyne, executive chef and owner of the Sidecar Restaurant in Ventura is a long-time believer in sustainable and ethical farming practices. Chef Tim will donate a portion of the proceeds of his five-course foie gras dinner to the Coalition for Humane and Ethical Farming Standards—C.H.E.F.S.

    Next thing the Far Left Democrat dominated California Legislature will do is to try to ban guns and plastic shopping bags…..