• Israel,  United Nations

    G-8 Summit Watch: President George Bush Curses Hezbollah

    U.S. President George W. Bush, left, speaks with World Trade Organization (WTO) chief Pascal Lamy, right, as South African President Thabo Mbeki, center, looks on at the end of a group photo session at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, Monday, July 17, 2006.

    AP: Bush Curses Hezbollah During G8 Luncheon

    It wasn’t meant to be overheard. Private luncheon conversations among world leaders, picked up by a microphone, provided a rare window into both banter and substance _ including President Bush cursing Hezbollah’s attacks against Israel.

    Bush expressed his frustration with the United Nations and his disgust with the militant Islamic group and its backers in Syria as he talked to British Prime Minister Tony Blair during the closing lunch at the Group of Eight summit.

    And maybe the disgust/frustration WAS meant to be heard – especially to get Kofi Annan off his ASS and get busy trying to defuse this situation.

    “See the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this s— and it’s over,” Bush told Blair as he chewed on a buttered roll.

    He told Blair he felt like telling U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who visited the gathered leaders, to get on the phone with Syrian President Bashar Assad to “make something happen.” He suggested Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice might visit the region soon.


    Witnessing the United Nations and its worthless actions towards North Korea and Iran, there is little wonder why President Bush is frustrated with the United Nations. If the United Nations continues to be WORTHLESS, then why belong?

    Unless you think this idea by Britain’s Tony Blair has any merit? Ridiculous is more the term……


    Michelle and Allah have the video.

    Here’s Bush on video cursing Hezbollah. Sometimes, profanity is called for.


    Hugh Hewitt 


    G-8 Summit Watch: G-8 World Leaders Demand Halt to Middle East Attacks

    G-8 Summit Watch: President Bush Blocks World Trade Organization Membership for Russia

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  • Liberal Morons,  Politics,  United Nations

    Mark Steyn on Malloch Brown, George Soros and the United Nations

    Mark Steyn at the Claremont Institute Dinner, December 5, 2005


    A couple of years ago, I was asked a question about the United Nations and replied that it was a good basic axiom that if you took a quart of ice cream and mixed it with a quart of dog feces the result would taste more like the latter than the former. There was a useful example of that the other day from a leading Turtle Bay honcho. Now I confess I have a sneaking admiration for the more shameless transnational apparatchiks: Two years ago, you may recall, Sudan was elected to the UN Human Rights Commission at a time when the government’s proxies were busy slaughtering and gang-raping their way round Darfur. The last thing one needs when one’s got a hectic schedule of mass murder on one’s plate is a lot of tedious paper-shuffling committee meetings in New York, but Sudan’s ambassador, Elfatih Mohammed Ahmed Erwa, gamely rose to the occasion by announcing, upon joining the Commission, that he was very concerned about human rights abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.

    I gotta hand it to the guy. For the emissary of a blood-soaked genocidal psycho state, that’s pretty funny. But the danger, when you enroll the free nations and the thug states in the same club, isn’t that they meet each other halfway but that the free world winds up going two-thirds, three-quarters, seven-eighths of the way. Consider the speech the other day by Kofi Annan’s deputy. Who is he? Some bespoke apologist for some banana republic or Islamist basket-case? Not at all. He’s called Mark Malloch Brown and he’s one of those smooth-talking Brits. The bit in the speech that got everyone’s attention was when he argued that the reason the UN was so unpopular in America was that the moronic hayseeds in flyover country had fallen for the right-wing blowhards – or, as he put it, “much of the public discourse that reaches the U.S. heartland has been largely abandoned to its loudest detractors such as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.” He didn’t, in fact, say “Limbaugh” but “Lim-bow”, as in “Daddy Wouldn’t Buy Me A Bow-Wow”. A chap as important as Mr Malloch Brown can’t be expected to tune in a radio and actually listen to Rush in order to get his name correct: after all, he’s a lot busier than those dimwit yokels in the “heartland”.

    Blaming their woes on talk radio isn’t all the UN’s learned from the Democrats. The Deputy Secretary General’s fellow speakers at this meeting included George Soros, who happens to be Mr Malloch Brown’s next-door neighbor and landlord. Mr Malloch Brown earns $125,000 a year, $120,000 of which he gives to Mr Soros as rent for his home, next to the gazillionaire’s own in Westchester County. When they entered into this relationship, Mr Malloch Brown was head of the UN Development Program, which works with Mr Soros on many multi-million dollar projects. The Deputy Secretary General insists there’s nothing “improper” in his mixing of his professional and personal lives and, indeed, by the ethical standards of the UN – which is to say the Oil-for-Fraud program, the Child-Sex-for-Food program, etc – there isn’t. Mr Malloch Brown is an international civil servant. Were he merely a national civil servant at Britain’s Department of Health or Transport, it would have been unthinkable for him to have rented a home for 96% of his salary from the chairman of Glaxo Smith Kline or Virgin Airways. But at the UN it’s not just thinkable but doable: when in Turtle Bay, do as the Ghanaians do. And Mr Malloch Brown is widely regarded as the agent of reform. Or, at any rate, “reform”.

    The Deputy Secretary General’s speech was an artful one, arguing that, in a world where “new national security challenges basically thumb their noses at old notions of national sovereignty”, the US needs the UN. On closer inspection, what he means is that the UN needs the US – to supply money, troops, money, equipment, money, technology and money. In a complicated world, the US isn’t big enough to go it alone, but it is big enough to give everything it’s got to the UN, and in return the UN will hold meetings explaining why the US can’t go it alone or with anyone else. In a nicely Sudanese touch, Mr Malloch Brown announced that “my kids were on the Mall in Washington, demanding President Bush to do more to end the genocide in Darfur” but that the President couldn’t do more in Darfur without the UN.

    Er, hang on. On Darfur, Bush has been impeccably transnational. He agreed to go the UN route and, as always happens, everybody’s dead.

    Forget Darfur, and Iraq and Iran. We’re all men of the world here, we can all understand why certain powers might feel it was in their interest to be pro-Saddam or pro-genocide or pro-nuking Israel. Instead, take an issue on which the permanent members of the Security Council were in perfect harmony: the tsunami. Even the French aren’t pro-tsunami. And yet Malloch Brown’s permanent 24/7 lavishly funded humanitarian bureaucracy was useless. The only actual relief effort – you know, saving lives, restoring the water supply, providing shelter – was done by the US, Australia and a handful of others.

    The United Nations is a September 10th organization. Five years on, to leave Iran or even Darfur in its hands is as ludicrous as Churchill and Roosevelt fretting over whether they had the League of Nations’ approval to launch D-Day. The urbane cynicism of Malloch Brown is very revealing: the problem with transnationalism is not what it does to the Sudanese and Ghanaians; it’s what it does to us.
    National Review, June 26th 2006

    Remember Mr. Malloch Brown?

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  • North Korea,  United Nations

    North Korea Watch: Japan Considers Pre-emptive Strike Against North Korea

    U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, right, is greeted by Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Shotaro Yochi, left, as U.S. Ambassador to Japan Thomas Schieffer, center, looks on at the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo, Monday, July 10, 2006. Hill is here as part of his Asian tour ahead of a possible vote in the U.N. Security Council on the resolution proposed by Japan following the July 5 missiles test launched by Norht Korea.

    AP: Japan considers strike against N. Korea

    Japan said Monday it was considering whether a pre-emptive strike on the North’s missile bases would violate its constitution, signaling a hardening stance ahead of a possible U.N. Security Council vote on Tokyo’s proposal for sanctions against the regime.

    Japan was badly rattled by North Korea’s missile tests last week and several government officials openly discussed whether the country ought to take steps to better defend itself, including setting up the legal framework to allow Tokyo to launch a pre-emptive strike against Northern missile sites.

    “If we accept that there is no other option to prevent an attack … there is the view that attacking the launch base of the guided missiles is within the constitutional right of self-defense. We need to deepen discussion,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe said.

    Japan’s constitution currently bars the use of military force in settling international disputes and prohibits Japan from maintaining a military for warfare. Tokyo has interpreted that to mean it can have armed troops to protect itself, allowing the existence of its 240,000-strong Self-Defense Forces.

    A Defense Agency spokeswoman, however, said Japan has no attacking weapons such as ballistic missiles that could reach North Korea. Its forces only have ground-to-air missiles and ground-to-vessel missiles, she said on condition of anonymity due to official policy.

    Well, the United Nations Security Council has two choices:

    !. A tough resolution condemning North Korea with economic sanctions or…

    2. Militarization of Japan and its allies (e.g. Australia and Taiwan) by the United States, including missile defense and a nuclear deterrent.

    It is in the interests of the United States to have the UNSC support a tough resolution, including sanctions. If China and Russia wish to veto the resolutions – so be it.

    Stay tuned…….

    The front of United Nations Headquarters is seen Monday morning, July 10, 2006 in New York. Japan, who proposed a Security Council resolution on Friday calling for penalties against North Korea, is pushing for a vote on the resolution Monday.


    Cox & Forkum: North Korea and the United Nations

    North Korea Watch: United States Supports Bilateral Talks with North Korea

    North Korea Watch: North Korea Threatens “Stronger Physical Actions”

    North Korea Watch: Japan Proposes United Nations Sanctions on North Korea

    North Korea Watch: North Korea Launches Taepodong-2 at Area off Hawaii

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  • United Nations

    United Nations Watch: U.N. Ambassador John Bolton Rebukes UN Deputy Secretary General Mark Malloch Brown for Anti-American Criticism

    John Bolton, US ambassador to the United Nations , responds outside the Security Council chambers at UN headquarters in New York, to a speech given by Mark Malloch Brown, deputy to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan . Bolton strongly rebuked Brown’s remarks which criticized Washington’s stance on key UN issues, demanding that they be repudiated to avoid doing serious damage to the world body.

    AFP: Bolton tangles with Annan deputy over US policy toward UN

    US Ambassador John Bolton rebuked a stinging criticism of Washington’s policy toward the United Nations by UN chief Kofi Annan’s deputy, demanding it be promptly repudiated to avoid doing serious damage to the world body.

    Addressing a New York conference on global leadership Tuesday, UN Deputy Secretary General Mark Malloch Brown slammed the prevailing US “practice of seeking to use the UN almost by stealth as a diplomatic tool while failing to stand up for it against its domestic critics.”

    He noted that while Washington is constructively engaged with the UN on a host of issues such as Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon or Syria, “much of the public discourse that reaches the US heartland has been largely abandoned to its loudest detractors such as (conservative radio talk show host) Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.”

    “Exacerbating matters is the widely held perception, even among many US allies, that the US tends to hold on to maximalist positions when it could be finding middle ground,” Malloch Brown said.

    And who the hell is this MORON?

    No wonder the United Nations is held in such LOW regard in the United States.

    And Americans pay more dues to the United Nations than any other country.

    In a furious reaction, Bolton called the speech by Annan’s deputy a “very grave mistake.”

    “We are in the process of an enormous effort to achieve substantial reform at the United Nations,” he said. “To have the deputy secretary general criticize the United States in such a manner can only do great harm to the United Nations.

    “Even though the target of the speech was the United States, the victim, I fear, will be the United Nations,” he added. “Even worse was the condescending and patronizing tone about the American people.”

    Bolton said the only way “to mitigate the damage to the United Nations” was for Annan to “personally and publicly repudiate this speech at the earliest possible opportunity.”

    “Otherwise I fear the consequences not just for the reform effort but for the organization,” he added.

    But, the crook Koffi Annan won’t repudiate his own deputy because he hates America and so do most of the third world countries that comprise the United Nations.

    Annan’s spokesman Stephane Dujarric said Annan “stands by the statement made by his deputy and he agrees with the thrust of it.”

    “So there is no question of any action being taken against the deputy secretary general,” he added.

    Malloch Brown’s speech should not be interpreted “as an anti-US speech” and in fact called for “greater US involvement in the United Nations and makes clear that the UN cannot work without US engagement and US leadership,” Dujarric said.

    But, the comments by Malloch Brown, who was a Social Democrat candidate for the U.K Parliament in 1983 were anti-American and no matter how he spins it, should be repudiated.

    And after the Flap Mark Mollach Brown  backpedaled:

    I think I don’t need to tell any of you that I have been deeply criticized by the G-77 in recent months for telling them that they too need to get their house in order and engage iaround this reform agenda. But it takes two sides to make a bargain, and to me it was enormously important to deliver that call to my American friends. But to do it in a way, and this is where you all have, and I really do urge you to read the speech, to do it in a way, that is not, that can be possibly characterized as anti-US, but which is intended as a very pro-US speech, in that its central point is an appeal for more consistent public leadership by the United States in the United Nations. And it is a critique not just of this Administratiuon but of Adminsitrations going all the way back to Truman although in my delivery of it Ted Sorenmson sort of made a pitch that maybe Kennedy should be exempted from this, but that we just not…but it has been very hard for Administrations to stand up and publicly avow the extraordinary use they make of the United Nations, so that was the appeal, which was: Engage here. Engage consistently and go out and engage with the American public to say the U.N. matters. And for the life of me I can’t understand how that can be construed as an anti-American speech.

    Stay tuned…..Flap does not think John Bolton will let this go……

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  • Hillary Clinton,  Politics,  President 2008,  United Nations

    Hillary Clinton Watch: Los Angeles Times – Hillary Should Put Presidential Aspirations on Hold

    Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., answers questions after speaking about cutting U.S. dependence on foreign oil during a speech about energy policy Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at the National Press Club in Washington.

    Los Angeles Times: Secretary-General Bill Clinton

    The U.N. needs Bill more than the U.S. needs Hillary.

    THE BEST THING HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON could do for humanity is not run for president. Nothing against her personally, mind you; it’s just that her aspirations could get in the way of her husband’s worthier ones.

    In our continuing quest to find an appropriate job for our favorite ex-president — a year and a half ago we suggested he become chairman of the Democratic Party — we now offer an even better suggestion. This time, it’s a post he has coveted. Not long after leaving office in 2001, Clinton reportedly told an aide that his dream job would be secretary-general of the United Nations. That’s our dream too.

    The Los Angeles Times makes a great case for why the United States should stop supporting the United Nations.


    Bill Clinton? ARE YOU KIDDING FLAP?

    He is so well known in China that a condom has been named after him, and his support in the U.S. cuts a swath across the ideological and socioeconomic spectrum, from billionaires to evangelicals to inner-city minorities.


    The L.A Times presumes that Hillary would even win the Democrat nomination for President in 2008. With the leftward drift of the national party, it isn’t a slam dunk that she could be the Democrat Party standard bearer.

    Protesters Medea Benjamin from Code Pink, center, and Ann Wright from Dissent in a Democracy, right, stand up and interrupt Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton , D-N.Y., as she speaks about energy policy Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at the National Press Club in Washington.

    Bill Clinton should continue his charity work and maybe pound a few nails with Jimmy Carter. But, as far as the United Nations…….the condom reminds Flap of what he would probably do to the world community.

    And Hillary…. she will lose to Rudy Giuliani.

    Oh, the Los Angeles Times? They will probably lose another few hundred subscribers with this foolishness.

    Captain Ed has LA Times: Hillary Should Eschew Presidency For Bill To Lead UN

    The UN is not a world government, but it appears from the LAT that they would like it to be so. They want to see Bill Clinton at the head of this corrupt and discredited organization rather than have Hillary lead a nation with real power to do good. It almost sounds like … a Karl Rove dream come true.

    Discuss this blog post and MORE…. at the FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blogs, My Dental Forum.


    Hillary Clinton Watch: Hillary for President Draws 20 in Tennessee

    Hillary Clinton Watch: State of Clinton’s Marriage Affects Political Calculations

    Hillary Clinton Watch: Clinton – “Wall Would Be Appropriate in Certain Areas”

    Hillary Clinton Watch: House Immigration Bill – “I Realize I Would Be a Criminal, Too. My Staff Would Be Criminal…”

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  • Iran Nuclear Watch,  Politics,  United Nations

    Iran Nuclear Watch: United Nations Ambassador John Bolton – “Iran’s Nuclear Threat – Just Like 9/11”

    U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton departs from a meeting of the UN Security Council’s five permanent members to discuss Iran at the U.S. Mission to the UN, near the UN headquarters in New York, March 15, 2006. Iran came under new pressure to halt its suspected nuclear weapons programs on Tuesday when the U.S. and its allies took the issue to the full U.N. Security Council and Russia pursued its own initiative in talks in Moscow.

    Reuters: Bolton compares Iran threat to Sept 11 attacks

    The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, on Wednesday compared the threat from Iran’s nuclear programs to the September 11 terror attacks on the United States.

    “Just like September 11, only with nuclear weapons this time, that’s the threat. I think that is the threat,” Bolton told ABC News’ Nightline program.

    “I think it’s just facing reality. It’s not a happy reality, but it’s reality and if you don’t deal with it, it will become even more unpleasant.”

    Bolton ratcheted up the rhetoric as the five veto-holding members of the U.N. Security Council failed again to reach agreement on how to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions after a fifth round of negotiations.

    Russia and China are resisting proposals from Britain, France and the United States for a council statement that would express “serious concern” about Iran’s nuclear program and asks it to comply with demands from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The statement does not threaten sanctions.

    Of course, Iran’s nuclear program is comparable to Al Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks but Iran is perhaps a worse threat to America. What if Iran decided to lob a nuclear tipped Shahab-3 missle into American troops in Iraq or at a United States aircraft carrier patrolling the Persian Gulf? What about Jerusalem? Tel aviv?

    And, also, NO surprise that China and Russia are resisting United Nations Security Council actions.

    At the same time foreign ministry officials from the five powers and Germany are considering meeting in New York on Monday to review strategy, diplomats said. Russia had previously proposed such talks in Vienna, seat of the IAEA.

    This meeting will lay the foundation for an outside of the United Nations series of sanctions against Iran. The United States and its allies are coaxing the world community to condemn Iran and to isolate the country from the rest of the world. If this is successfully changes Iran’s nuclear ambitions, so be it. But, will it?


    Stay tuned for tomorrow’s United Nations Security Council meeting in New York.


    Condoleezza Rice Watch: Iran is the “Central Bank of Terrorism”

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei – “Iran’s Nuclear Fuel Program IRREVERSIBLE”

    Iran Nuclear Watch: United Nations Security Council Divided Over Response to Iran Nuclear FLAP

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Russia – “Iran Still Considering Uranium Enrichment DEAL”

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Russia Rebukes Iran Over Withdrawl from Uranium Enrichment Negotiations

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Builds a Secret Underground Command Center

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Threatens “OIL” Weapon

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Israel – “America Needs to Get Its Act Together.”

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Condoleezza Rice – “Iran – No GREATER Challenge”

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran – “NO Compromise”

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Russia – “United Nations Sanctions on Iran Would Be Ineffective”

    Iran Nuclear Watch: United Nations Security Council to Meet on Iran Next Week

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Hassan Rowhani Boasts of Fooling the Europeans

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Vice President Cheney – “Iran Faces Meaningful Consequences”

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Europeans Capitulating for Iran Uranium Enrichment

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Increasing Development of Missles Capable of Delivering a Nuclear Warhead

    The Natanz uranium enrichment complex in Natanz is pictured in this January 2, 2006 satellite image.

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  • Politics,  United Nations

    John Bolton Watch: United Nations is Hobbled “By Bad Management, by Sex and Corruption”

    U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton speaks to an audience during a symposium at Columbia Law School in New York February 25, 2006.

    ASSociated Press: Bolton Blasts U.N. ‘Sex and Corruption’

    The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said Saturday that the world body is hobbled “by bad management, by sex and corruption” and a lack of confidence in its ability to carry out missions.

    John Bolton also criticized the U.N.’s budget, noting that two-thirds of members pay only 20 percent of the cost.

    “We find an organization that is deeply troubled by bad management, by sex and corruption and by a growing lack of confidence in its ability to carry out missions that are given to them,” Bolton told an audience at a Columbia Law School symposium held by the Federalist Society, a conservative law organization.

    This is long overdue criticism of the United Nations. Is it well deserved?

    You betcha…….

    The Oil for Food program and sex scandals regarding U.N. Peacekeepers were way over the line of propriety.

    And what about Iran?

    Bolton on Saturday also described the U.N. as inept for not being able to stop Iran’s nuclear development and “devaluing the IAEA,” the International Atomic Energy Agency.

    “Through all of this, the U.S. has been encouraged by Europe to pursue action through the U.N.,” Bolton said, adding that patience of the administration was wearing thin.

    The United States and Israel will NOT await United Nations sanctions to deter Iran’s nuclear program……..

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  • Global War on Terror,  Terrorists,  United Nations

    Global War on Terror Watch: Close Gitmo – Koffi Annan

    In this image reviewed by the U.S. Military, an unidentified detainee is escorted by two military guards at Camp Delta, in this June 25, 2005 file photo, at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, in Cuba. The United States should shut down the prison for terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay and either release all detainees being held there or bring them to trial, the United Nations said in a report released Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006.

    ASSociated Press: Annan Says U.S. Should Close Gitmo Prison

    Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Thursday said the United States should close the prison at Guantanamo Bay for terror suspects as soon as possible, backing a key conclusion of a U.N.-appointed independent panel.

    The panel’s report, released Wednesday in Geneva and leaked earlier in the week, said the United States must close the detention facility “without further delay” because it is effectively a torture camp where prisoners have no access to justice.

    Annan told reporters he didn’t necessarily agree with everything in the report, but he did support its opposition to people being held “in perpetuity” without being charged and prosecuted in a public court. This is “something that is common under every legal system,” he said.

    “I think sooner or later there will be a need to close the Guantanamo (camp), and I think it will be up to the government to decide, and hopefully to do it as soon as is possible,” the secretary-general told reporters.

    Annan sounds like Slow Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter.

    Of course, this is patently ridiculous – this is a WARi.e. Global War on Terror and these folks are the ENEMY.

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  • Iran Nuclear Watch,  Politics,  United Nations

    Iran Nuclear Watch: IAEA Reports Iran to United Nations Security Council

    IAEA’s Chairman Yukiya Amano from Japan, right, talks to Iranian Ambassador to the IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh prior to the start of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) 35-nation board meeting on the escalating nuclear standoff with Iran, on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2006, at Vienna’s International Center. Iran’s breaches of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and lack of confidence that it is not trying to make weapons are linked to a decision to ask for Tehran’s referral to the U.N. Security Council.

    ASSociated Press: IAEA to Report Iran to Security Council

    The U.N. nuclear watchdog on Saturday reported Iran to the U.N. Security Council in a resolution expressing concern Tehran’s nuclear program may not be “exclusively for peaceful purposes.”

    The landmark decision by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s 35-nation board sets the stage for future action by the top U.N. body, which has the authority to impose economic and political sanctions.

    Still, any such moves were weeks if not months away. Two permanent council members, Russia and China, agreed to referral only on condition the council take no action before March.

    Twenty-seven nations supported the resolution, which was sponsored by three European powers – Britain, France and Germany – and backed by the United States.

    Cuba, Syria and Venezuela were the only nations to vote against. Five others – Algeria, Belarus, Indonesia, Libya and South Africa – abstained, a milder form of showing opposition.

    Among those backing the referral was India, a nation with great weight in the developing world whose stance was unclear until the vote.

    And Iran’s reaction to the referral:

    Reacting to referral, Javed Vaeidi, the deputy head of Iran’s powerful Security Council, said his country would “immediately” set into motion steps to restart work on full-scale uranium enrichment and curtail the inspecting powers of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

    The Resoultion Calls on Iran:

    1. Reestablish a freeze on uranium enrichment and related activities.

    2. Consider whether to stop construction of a heavy water reactor that could be the source of plutonium for weapons.

    3. Formally ratify an agreement allowing the IAEA greater inspecting authority and continue honoring the agreement before it is ratified.

    4. Give the IAEA additional power in its investigation of Iran’s nuclear program, including “access to individuals” for interviews, as well as to documentation on its black-market nuclear purchases, equipment that could be used for nuclear and non-nuclear purposes and “certain military-owned workshops” where nuclear activities might be going on.

    Now over to Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    Stay tuned……..


    Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Threatens Full-Scale Enrichment Work

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Says BACK OFF Or…

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Bush – United States Will Defend Israel Against Iran

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Will Resist “Bully Nations”

    Iran Watch: Bush: Iran ‘Held Hostage’ by Clerical Elite

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Documents Point to Nuclear Warheads

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Threatens End of Diplomacy

    Iran Nuclear Watch: Permanent Five Say IAEA Must Report Iran to U.N. Security Council

    The Natanz uranium enrichment complex in Natanz is pictured in this January 2, 2006 satellite image.

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