• Afghanistan,  Day By Day

    Day By Day December 18, 2010 – Twu Wuv

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Ah Zed, Sam does NOT want you to go. But, when you do, you are on a short pendant – I mean leash.

    The War in Afghanistan is dragging on and it looks like Pakistan is helping the insurgent Taliban. President Obama should make it clear to the Pakistanis to butt out or face the consequences. I understand the Pakistanis are in the nuclear club but American NUKES are much bigger and this attirtion in Afghanistan is BS and the Pakistanis have to be made to understand – either diplomatically or by force.


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  • Afghanistan,  Day By Day,  Ireland

    Day by Day November 10, 2010 – Up That Creek

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, looks like Zed is being drawn into the quagmire which is Afghanistan under President Obama. Sort of like Ireland and their national debt crisis – sliding into the cesspool abysss.

    Ireland’s financial troubles loomed large Wednesday as investors – betting that the country soon could join Greece in seeking an EU bailout – drove the interest rate on the country’s 10-year borrowing to a new high.

    The yield on 10-year bonds rose above 8 percent for the first time since the launch of the euro, the European Union’s common currency, 11 years ago.

    The cost of funding Irish debt has risen steadily since September, when the government admitted its bailout efforts of five banks would cost at least euro45 billion, equivalent to euro10,000 for every man, woman and child in Ireland. That gargantuan bill, in turn, has made the projected 2010 deficit rise to 32 percent of GDP, the highest in post-war Europe.

    The yield, or interest rate, on 10-year Irish notes rose steadily from 7.94 percent to reach 8.18 percent by midmorning. As the value of bonds fall, buyers demand ever-higher yields as compensation.

    Bond traders increasingly believe that Ireland soon will be forced to tap Europe’s emergency fund for euro-zone nations facing a threat of bankruptcy. The 16 nations of the euro zone created that euro750 billion backstop in May as the EU and International Monetary Fund provided an emergency euro110 billion loan to Greece.

    Another bailout would send more shock waves through the currency union, which has struggled to find ways to keep individual governments from overspending and threatening the currency’s value.

    Might this be a lesson to the new Congress about spending and debt?


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  • Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day November 8, 2010 – Last Dance

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, President Obama’s Afghanistan/Taliban/Pakistan policy is failing and his July 2011 deadline for withdrawal looms. I know Zed is an outstanding operative but sending him into the combat arena in Afghanistan is a waste since Obama will be withdrawing all troops within six months anyway.

    As American’s economy has crash and burned under Obama, his foreign policy of blaming Bush and America has been equally a disaster.

    In the meantime, the President dances is India and is planning to visit a Mosque in Indonesia where Obama was raised.



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  • Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day July 9, 2010 – Steele Medals

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, many Americans and conservatives are growing tired of the Afghanistan nation building strategy of the neo-cons and President Obama. Endless war, to fight an amorphous enemy sounds like Vietnam all over again.

    Ann Coulter has it RIGHT.

    Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele was absolutely right. Afghanistan is Obama’s war and, judging by other recent Democratic ventures in military affairs, isn’t likely to turn out well.

    It has been idiotically claimed that Steele’s statement about Afghanistan being Obama’s war is “inaccurate” — as if Steele is unaware Bush invaded Afghanistan soon after 9/11. (No one can forget that — even liberals pretended to support that war for three whole weeks.)

    Yes, Bush invaded Afghanistan soon after 9/11. Within the first few months we had toppled the Taliban, killed or captured hundreds of al-Qaida fighters and arranged for democratic elections, resulting in an American-friendly government.

    Then Bush declared success and turned his attention to Iraq, leaving minimal troops behind in Afghanistan to prevent Osama bin Laden from regrouping, swat down al-Qaida fighters and gather intelligence.

    Having some vague concept of America’s national interest — unlike liberals — the Bush administration could see that a country of illiterate peasants living in caves ruled by “warlords” was not a primo target for “nation-building.”

    Read it all.

    For anyone to think that Michael Steele is not representing a goodly number of Republicans on this issue are simply wrong. And, calls for his resignation as Chairman of the Republican National Committee are misguided.


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  • Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  Stanley McChrystal

    The Runaway General and the Obama Afghanistan Failure

    From Rolling Stone Magazine

    Read the entire piece either at Rolling Stone or at the more reader friendly version at Politico.

    President Obama will meet with General Stanley McChrystal tomorrow and he will resign. But, the political damage to the Obama Administration has been major. The Afghanistan War is now squarely on Obama’s shoulders and his policies conducted by a cast of clowns in the White House are failing.

    And, who will benefit politically?

    Republican Presidential candidates who have executive experience – most notably Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney. Obama is now seen as weak in domestic as well as foreign policy with numerous blunders because of his lack of experience.

    Also, watch for a resurgence of noise from the Clinton Cabal to undermine Obama. Hell, it is possible that Obama could lose the Democrat nomination to Hillary if he loses the Afghanistan war.

    This story may, indeed, topple “The One.”

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day December 6, 2009 – Game On

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, it sounds to me that President Obama is REALLY GAME OUT in Afghanistan.

    But, will the American voters tolerate a policy where he is throwing 30K American troops into combat to follow the order to fail? The last time this happened was in Vietnam with LBJ.

    And, we all know how that turned out foreign policy wise and politically – America lost the war, people died and LBJ did not run for re-election and certainly would have lost a primary/general election challenge anyway.

    Does Obama have a death-wish for his own political career?


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