• Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day by Chris Muir October 19, 2009 – Present-dent

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    President Obama’s Afghanistan War policy is unclear and reminds me of the waffling of President Lyndon Johnson and Viet Nam.

    The problem with Obama is that every statement has an expiration date – so you never know where he stands on a particular issue.

    Unfortunately, for our military and that of our allies, this indecision may have deadly consequences. And, which President Obama will NOT be able to blame on former President George W. Bush.

    There will be NO voting Present.


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  • Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  John McCain

    Day By Day by Chris Muir October 7, 2009 – Coin of the Realm

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Time is running out for President Obama on an Afghanistan troop deployment decision. The United States military wants MORE troops and Obama’s GOP opponent John McCain says a SURGE is needed. But, the fanatical Democrat Congressional LEFT who Obama needs for Obamacare and his domestic agenda are anti-war.

    Will Obama split the baby ala King Solomon or is it an all or nothing decision?

    Even though Obama entertained GOP leaders for a briefing and chat yesterday at the White House, the decision is his. There is NO political cover.

    A decision is necessary and NOW not later. Obama has to make up his mind.

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  • Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  John McCain

    Senator John McCain’s Advice to President Obama on Afghanistan War: SURGE

    Senator John McCain on The Today Show this morning

    Linkage of Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and more troops are among the recommendations to the President.

    Sen. John McCain says Obama administration policy decisions in Afghanistan shouldn’t be based on viewing the insurgent Taliban and the al-Qaida terrorist network as separate and distinct issues.

    Interviewed Tuesday morning on NBC’s “Today” program, the Arizona Republican said, “You can’t separate the two. … If the Taliban returns, they will work with al-Qaida. It’s just a historical fact.”

    McCain is among a host of key congressional leaders slated to meet later Tuesday at the White House with President Barack Obama. The administration is debating what changes may be necessary in Afghan war-fighting policy amid increasing violence and a call by the U.S. commanding general for thousands of additional fighting forces.

    McCain’s recommendations will carry weight and an Obama divergence will heighten the partisan divide on war and peace.

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  • Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  NATO

    Day By Day by Chris Muir April 4, 2009 – Meditative Analogous Dialogue

    day by day 040409

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Yes, Chris, the Democrats are good at creating “NOISE” and playing “HIDE THE BALL” on the issues. It is all about “symbolism over substance” with them.

    Look, for example, at Obama’s European trip. The President requested more troops from NATO for the Afghanistan-Taliban War (note Flap did not call it the Global War on Terror) but he was rebuffed.

    NATO allies agreed to send up to 5,000 more military trainers and police to Afghanistan. But, Obama (plus the Obama loving MSM) are hailing it as “strong and unanimous support from the NATO allies.” It was anything from the sort.

    Obama called that “a strong down payment” on both Afghanistan and NATO itself at the end of a gathering celebrating the 60th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    He waved off questions on whether the size and makeup of the commitments were disappointing in light of an anti-terrorism struggle he himself portrayed as daunting. Since becoming president, Obama has begun switching America’s anti-terror emphasis to fighting al-Qaida in the Afghanistan-Pakistan area as the war in Iraq winds down.

    The new president insisted that “terrorists threaten every member of NATO,” but he also said he had no intention of trying to dictate to European countries the scope of their contributions.

    “This was not a pledging conference,” he told a wrap-up news briefing packed with both American and foreign journalists. “We came expecting consensus and we’re gratified getting that consensus.”

    In other words, Obama failed to achieve his goals for the NATO meeting. But, it is the symbolism, the crowds and the adoration of his wife that is important while MORE Americans are called upon to sacrifice their lives because American NATO allies refuse.

    Some consensus……


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  • Barack Obama,  Global War on Terror,  Overseas Contingency Operation

    The Global War on Terror Ends and Replaced With “Overseas Contingency Operation”

    afghanistan feb 2009

    US soldiers belonging to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force stand guard during a patrol outside the Bagram airbase, 50 kms north of Kabul, in February 2009. The NATO-led force in Afghanistan said Monday its troops killed a senior insurgent and nine associates in an operation in the southern province of Helmand

    More symbolism over substance and Bush bashing from the Obama Administration.

    The end of the Global War on Terror — or at least the use of that phrase — has been codified at the Pentagon. Reports that the phrase was being retired have been circulating for some time amongst senior administration officials, and this morning speechwriters and other staff were notified via this e-mail to use “Overseas Contingency Operation” instead.

    “Recently, in a LtGen [John] Bergman, USMC, statement for the 25 March [congressional] hearing, OMB required that the following change be made before going to the Hill,” Dave Riedel, of the Office of Security Review, wrote in an e-mail.

    “OMB says: ‘This Administration prefers to avoid using the term “Long War” or “Global War on Terror” [GWOT]. Please use “Overseas Contingency Operation.'”

    Riedel asked recipients to “Please pass on to your speech writers and try to catch this change before the statements make it to OMB.”

    President Obama recently ordered an additional 17,000 troops to Afghanistan to fight in this war against Islamic extremists.

    “This increase is necessary to stabilize a deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, which has not received the strategic attention, direction and resources it urgently requires,” Obama said in a written statement.

    “The Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan, and al Qaeda supports the insurgency and threatens America from its safe haven along the Pakistani border.”

    This “OPERATION” sounds like a WAR to me. Has the mission changed or do you want to change the name to show disdain to President Bush?

    So, what gives, Mr. President?

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  • Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Hamid Karzai

    Day By Day by Chris Muir January 25, 2009 – Big Red Dream

    Day By Day 012509

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Flap wonders how th OBOTS will handle the latest Flap, President Obama has already created in Afghanistan?

    Obama’s spokesman will not acknowledge there is a “War on Terror” yet the President authorized an air strike that involved the killing of Afghan civilians and which has been highly criticized by the Afghan President.

    President Hamid Karzai condemned a U.S. operation he said killed 16 Afghan civilians, while hundreds of villagers denounced the American military during an angry demonstration Sunday.

    Karzai said the killing of innocent Afghans during U.S. military operations “is strengthening the terrorists.”

    He also announced that his Ministry of Defense sent Washington a draft technical agreement that seeks to give Afghanistan more oversight over U.S. military operations. The same letter has also been sent to NATO headquarters.

    Remember when the MSM was all over Bush’s ASS, when the killing of civilians happened on his watch?

    And, what do you hear now?


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