• Gay Marriage

    California Proposition 8 Watch: The Blame For Gay Marriage Failing at the California Polls

    Yes on 8 – Protect Traditional Marriage Television Ad: “Whether You Like it Or Not”

    The blame game for the passage of California Proposition 8 which restored the traditional definition of marriage has started.

    A week after California voters approved Proposition 8 and decreed they wanted to end same-sex marriage in the state, details are emerging of an opposition campaign that was in disarray.

    Key staff members – including the campaign manager – were replaced in the final weeks as polls turned dramatically against the No side. Their replacements say they found an effort that was too timid, slow to react, without a radio campaign or a strategy to reach out to African Americans, a group that ultimately supported the measure by more than 2 to 1.

    The above televison ad with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom pandering to a pro-gay marriage crowd and saying that gay marriage was going to happen “whether you like it or not” was the turning point in the campaign.

    California voters did NOT like having their vote devalued by the courts and the decline of support for gay marriage started with this Gavin Newsom GAFFE.

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  • Gay Marriage

    Gay Marriage Headed Back to California Ballot in June 2010?

    The Story of California Proposition 8 – Protect Traditional Marriage

    Flap has wondered why the proponents of gay marriage in California have been staging protests in the streets and at churches even after they lost Proposition 8. Obviously, the homosexual lobby knows their California Supreme Court legal challenge to Proposition 8 is bogus and will fail.

    But, why harass churchgoers and certain church denominations. like the Mormons and Catholics who financially supported traditional marriage?

    Now, it is clear.


    Gay marriage proponents intend to place the issue back on the ballot in June 2010.

    Gay rights groups in California plan to ask voters to overturn the ban on same-sex marriage they approved last week if legal challenges to Proposition 8 are unsuccessful.

    In an e-mail to supporters, Equality California executive director Geoffrey Kors said Wednesday that he and other gay marriage advocates are aiming for a ballot initiative to reverse the ban in two years.

    Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment that overruled the California Supreme Court that legalized same-sex marriage, passed 52 percent to 48 percent.

    What better way to intimidate supporters of Proposition 8 to NOT support the NEXT gay marriage proposition then to attempt to shame them publicly at their churches or places of business?

    Flap does not think this will work. In fact, there may very well be a backlash against those businesses like Apple Computer, AT&T, Google, Dreamworks, Lucas films, Levi Strauss and others (search here) that gave $ hundreds of thousands to redefine marriage.

    Gay marriage proponents have lost every election where the issue has been on the ballot. The people of California have spoken with their vote in favor of Proposition 8.

    If there is another election in California, traditional marriage will win again.

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  • Elton John,  Gay Marriage

    Elton John Criticizes California Proposition 8 for Focusing on Marriage

    elton john and partner

    “I don’t want to be married. I’m very happy with a civil partnership. If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership,” said Elton John, who cemented his relationship with David Furnish in 2005. “The word marriage, I think, puts a lot of people off. ”

    Singer, composer, entertainer, gay rights/AIDS activist, Elton John has criticized California’s Proposition 8 which reinstated California’s traditional definition of marriage last week.

    In December 2005, John and Furnish tied the knot in a civil partnership ceremony in Windsor, England. But, clarified the singer, “We’re not married. Let’s get that right. We have a civil partnership. What is wrong with Proposition 8 is that they went for marriage. Marriage is going to put a lot of people off, the word marriage.”

    John and Furnish, and their two cocker spaniels Marilyn and Arthur, were in town for Monday’s annual benefit for the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

    “I don’t want to be married. I’m very happy with a civil partnership. If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership,” said John. “The word marriage, I think, puts a lot of people off. You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships.”

    Isn’t this the same argument that the YES on 8 supporters were arguing?

    Here is a pre-election video that says the same thing:

    Proposition 8 Made Simple

    But, Elton John is NOT the only gay activist who is criticizing gay leaders for emphasizing marriage versus expanding gay rights in other areas.

    Longtime gay rights advocate Dean Trantalis of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and others on the conference call expressed concern that the gay rights movement had become too focused on marriage, and is now paying the price in other more critical areas. “Marriage was never our issue,” Trantalis said. “It was thrust upon us by the other side, and they’ve done a very good job of beating us up over it.”

    In the meantime, California Proposition 8 opponents continue street demonstrations and protests directed at churches which supported the traditional definition of marriage.

    Winning hearts and minds for homosexuals and their lifestyle?

    Not so much.


    The Gay Marriage Archive

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  • Gay Marriage

    Catholics Condemn Gay Marriage Ad for Religious Biogtry and Intolerance of the Mormon Faith

    Michael Barber, Professor of Theology, Scripture and Catholic Thought – John Paul the Great Catholic University

    Remember the disgusting ad attacking and ridiculing the LDS (Mormon) Church from the supporters of California gay marriage?

    The television ad:

    Courage Campaign’s television ad: “Home Invasion”: Vote NO on Prop 8

    And, remember the California Catholic Conference condemned the ad?

    The California Catholic Conference on Monday condemned the ad as “bigoted and intolerant.”

    Most Rev. Stephen Blaire, Bishop of Stockton and President of the California Catholic Conference, commented in a press release, calling the ad “a blatant display of religious bigotry and intolerance” and expressing dismay any public media outlet would air it.

    “The YES on 8 campaign is not about discrimination and intolerance; it is about restoring the traditional definition of marriage for the good of society and children,” said Bishop Blaire. “All individuals and groups, whether religious or not, have both a right and a responsibility to participate in a civil debate about this important issue. From the beginning of this campaign the Catholic Conference has stressed the importance of mutual respect and denounces this type of religious bigotry.”

    This ad and the violent demonstrations targeting the Mormon Church are bigotted, intolerant, and border on “HATE CRIMES.”

    If this conduct is how the homosexual community wishes to win the hearts and minds of religious people of all faiths to their cause – well, good luck with that.

    Homosexuals and others who support gay marriage should condemn this bigotry.

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  • Gay Marriage

    California Proposition 8 – Protect Traditional Marriage By The Numbers


    These graphics paint the winning picture for the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign which restored the traditional definition of marriage (man and woman)in California on Tuesday as a California Constitutional amendment.

    Proposition 22 was the initiative statute law that was overturned in May by the California Supreme Court. It, also defined marriage as a man and woman.


    No surprise that support for gay marriage was concentrated around San Francisco and coastal areas of California which voted overwhelmingly no on Proposition 8. Most of the land mass of California voted to ban gay marriage, including the Latino and African-American communities. The anglo or white community of voters favored gay marriage.

    So, did the Obama campaign which attracted MORE African-American voters to the polls actually aid Proposition 8 passing?


    Go over to the Los Angeles Times site and play with their interactive maps. It is very revealing.

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  • Gavin Newsom,  Gay Marriage

    San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom – The Biggest Loser in California’s Gay Marriage Fight?


    San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom became the “poster boy” for the Yes on 8 Campaign to restore traditional marriage in California

    Flap asked the question prior to Tuesday’s California election: Will San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom Deserve The Blame When California Proposition 8 Passes?

    The answer is apparently yes – both in San Francisco and statewide (Newsom will run for California Governor in 2010).

    Election night was not kind to Gavin Newsom, who may end up one of the biggest losers after suffering a potentially crushing loss with Proposition 8 and at best breaking even in the local contests he had a stake in.

    Political analysts have long argued that Newsom has short coattails in local politics – a theory in play with the Board of Supervisors races, in which at least three of the seven seats up for grabs seem likely to go to candidates he did not endorse.

    With the local ballot measures, voters for the most part sided with Newsom’s choices, but two propositions that were of particular interest to the mayor – one supporting his special court to prosecute quality-of-life crimes and the other changing the makeup of the San Francisco Transportation Authority – failed spectacularly.

    And, pandering to the homosexual lobby has not helped Newsom with other key California Democrat constituencies, African-American and Latino voters.

    “The Latino and black voters really turned out in this election. They helped get Proposition 8 voted in, and that portends badly for Gavin Newsom if he’s intending to run for governor,” Boushey said. “He’s going to have to appeal to those voters. They’re socially moderate, and they don’t recognize Gavin Newsom as being socially moderate.”

    Paradoxically, the mayor is seen as too liberal for much of the state and too conservative compared to the city’s legislators.

    Look to California Attorney General, Jerry Brown, to demagogue the legal challenge to Proposition 8 and pick-up key homosexual lobby support for HIS run for California Governor. Gavin Newsom rolled the dice in 2004 by setting up the California gay marriage flap and will go down to defeat with its proponents.

    Here is the video featuring Gavin Newsom – “whether you like it or not:”

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  • Gay Marriage

    California Proposition 8 – Protect Traditional Marriage – The Final Winning Totals: 52.5% – 47.5%


    With 100 per cent of the precincts reporting (at least on the California Secretary of State website) the winning tally for California Porposition 8 which restores the traditional definition of marriage to the California Constitution is:

    • Yes – 5,387,939 – 52.5%
    • No – 4,883,460 – 47.5%

    In Ventura County (where Flap lives):

    • Yes – 127,124 – 53.3%
    • No – 111,465 – 46.7%

    The interactive map from the California Secretary of State continues to be down but here is a screen cap from yesterday.


    The exact totals are a little different on this map but the trends are definite. Support for Proposition 8 is widespread and concentrated in southern and northern-inland, central-inland California.

    Remember the last internal polling from the Yes on 8 Campaign had the race tied and they counted on a homosexual type of Bradley effect in polling to predict the race.

    The history of polling on this issue suggests there is a percentage of people who do not accurately report they support traditional marriage. They do not want to say something that may be perceived as not politically correct. Historically, that polling percentage has averaged about 7 % if you look at all of the states where marriage has been on the ballot. “I don’t think it will be 7 per cent this time, more like 4 or 5 per cent bump that we will get…”

    Looks like a 5 percentage point victory and Frank Schubert who ran the Yes on 8 campaign was correct.

    Now, Proposition 8 moves to the courts.

    Stay tuned………

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  • Gay Marriage

    California Proposition 8 – Protect Traditional Marriage Wins 52-48%; Update: Proposition 8 Challenged in Court


    A number of media organizations including the Associated Press and Los Angeles Times have called Yes on Proposition 8 – Protect Traditional Marriage victorious in yesterday’s California election.

    In an election otherwise full of liberal triumphs, the gay rights movement suffered a stunning defeat as California voters approved a ban on same-sex marriages that overrides a recent court decision legalizing them.

    The constitutional amendment _ widely seen as the most momentous of the nation’s 153 ballot measures _ will limit marriage to heterosexual couples, the first time such a vote has taken place in a state where gay unions are legal.

    Gay-rights activists had a rough election elsewhere as well. Ban-gay-marriage amendments were approved in Arizona and Florida, and Arkansas voters approved a measure banning unmarried couples from serving as adoptive or foster parents. Supporters made clear that gays and lesbians were their main target.

    In California, with 95 percent of precincts reporting Wednesday, the ban had 5,125,752 votes, or 52 percent, while there were 4,725,313 votes, or 48 percent, opposed.

    Similar bans had prevailed in 27 states before Tuesday’s elections, but none were in California’s situation _ with about 18,000 gay couples married since a state Supreme Court ruling in May. The state attorney general, Jerry Brown, has said those marriages will remain valid, although legal challenges are possible.

    Spending for and against the amendment reached $74 million, making it the most expensive social-issues campaign in U.S. history and the most expensive campaign this year outside the race for the White House.

    From Ron Prentice, Chairman of ProtectMarriage.com – Yes on 8:

    This is a great day for marriage. The people of California stood up for traditional marriage and reclaimed this great institution. We are gratified that voters chose to protect traditional marriage and to enshrine its importance in the state constitution. We trust that this decision will be respected by all Californians.

    The Yes on Proposition 8 campaign has been the single largest, most powerful grassroots movement in the history of American ballot initiative campaigns. We raised approximately $40 million from over 70,000 individual contributors. We recruited the active support of over 100,000 volunteers who gave tirelessly of their time and energies to our cause. We could not have won without them! These dedicated volunteers have visited millions of homes, made millions of phone calls, distributed over one million yard signs and displayed one million bumper strips. The silent majority is alive and well in California.

    Proposition 8 has always been about restoring the traditional definition of marriage. It doesn’t discriminate or take rights away from anyone. Gay and lesbian domestic partnerships will continue to enjoy the same legal rights as married spouses. Our coalition has no plans to seek any changes in that law.

    While it will take a few weeks to finish counting all the votes, Proposition 8 takes effect at midnight tonight. Just as it was before the Supreme Court’s ruling, only marriage between a man and a woman will be valid or recognized in California, regardless of when or where performed.

    This has been a hard-fought campaign on both sides. Now that the people of California have decided this issue, we hope there can be a healing among all and a continued respect for the diverse views that have been expressed during this campaign.

    The outcome of this race is being closely followed in every state in the nation, and in countries throughout the world. California’s vote in favor of traditional marriage should give the silent majority comfort that they do have a voice and can and should stand up for this precious institution in legislatures throughout the world. Marriage is between a man and a woman.

    Fox News is reporting that the City of San Francisco and a Lesbian couple in Los Angeles will be filing legal challenges to the newly passed California Constitutional amendment.

    Good luck with that but stay tuned.


    The No on 8 campaign has not conceded but other groups are already going to court to block its enactment.

    Civil rights groups moved quickly today to challenge Proposition 8, asking the California Supreme Court to strike down the latest attempt to ban same-sex marriage across the state.

    While refusing to concede that the ballot measure has passed, gay marriage supporters nevertheless filed a petition with the state’s high court in the event the current vote holds and Proposition 8 amends the California constitution to once again outlaw marriage for gay and lesbian couples.

    Backers of the measure claimed victory Tuesday night with the initiative leading by a 52 to 48 percent margin.

    The legal challenge maintains that Proposition 8 is invalid and takes away a “fundamental right” from “just one group — lesbian and gay Californians.” The petition argues that the state constitution cannot be amended if it violates other constitutional rights.

    Flap doubts the California Supreme Court would throw out a vote of the people. But, who knows?

    Can you imagine the repercussions? One would be the likely recall of the Justices of the California Supreme Court.

    Update #2:

    As the vote counting continued this morning, opponents of Prop. 8 filed a lawsuit directly with the state Supreme Court – whose May 15 ruling legalized same-sex marriage – asking the justices to overturn the measure.

    The suit argued that Prop. 8 would change the California Constitution in such fundamental ways – taking important rights away from a minority group – that it amounted to a constitutional revision, which requires approval by the Legislature before being submitted to the voters. The case was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, Lamda Legal and the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

    The same groups asked the court before the election to remove Prop. 8 from the ballot on those grounds. The justices refused, but left the door open for a post-election challenge.

    “A major purpose of the Constitution is to protect minorities from majorities,” said Elizabeth Gill, an ACLU lawyer. “Because changing that principle is a fundamental change to the organizing principles of the Constitution itself, only the Legislature can initiative such revisions.”

    The suit was filed on behalf of six unmarried same-sex couples and the gay rights group Equality California.

    Stay tuned…….


    California Proposition 8 – Protect Traditional Marriage Winning 52-48%

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  • Gay Marriage

    California Proposition 8 – Protect Traditional Marriage Winning 52-48%

    With over 92 per cent of California precincts reporting:


    California Proposition 8 is passing 52-48 per cent

    California election results for Proposition 8 are here and the map is here.

    It looks like California voters are restoring the traditional definition of marriage of a man and woman by changing the California Constitution.

    Yes on 8 proponents declared victory late last night.

    Stay tuned as more results become available.

    Update 8: 20 AM:

    The California Secretary of State’s website has obviously crashed. A link to the Proposition 8 results is here.

    As of 95.8% of precincts reporting:

    • Yes – 5,195,136 – 52.1% 
    • No – 4,779,297  – 47.9%

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  • ABC,  Gay Marriage

    California Catholic Bishop Calls Anti-Proposition 8 Ad “A Blatant Display of Religious Biogtry and Intolerance”

    Courage Campaign’s television ad: “Home Invasion”: Vote NO on Prop 8

    In a disgusting display of intolerance the supporters of California Gay Marriage unleash an attack ad aimed at the LDS (Mormon) Church.

    In what one Catholic bishop called “a blatant display of religious bigotry and intolerance,” a commercial advocating a “no” vote on Proposition 8 depicts Mormon missionaries invading the homes of a lesbian couple.

    The California ballot’s Proposition 8 would restore the legal definition of marriage to being between one man and one woman. Earlier this year, the California Supreme Court imposed same-sex marriage on the state.

    In the 60 second commercial, produced by the Courage Campaign Issues Committee, two missionaries knock on a door and say they are from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They tell the lesbian couple “we are here to take away your rights.”

    They enter the house, take away the women’s rings, and ransack their home looking for their marriage license. Finding it, they tear it up.

    At the close of the commercial, the missionaries walk away, saying “that was too easy, yeah, what should we ban next?”

    “The message behind the commercial is the Mormon Church is literally invading the houses of Californians through their TV sets, spreading lies and taking peoples’ lives away from them,” Rick Jacobs of the anti-Prop. 8 Courage Campaign told CBS Channel 2 KUTV. “The church has been hiding behind its secrecy.”

    Jacobs said the commercial will air today in various parts of California on MSNBC and CNN.

    Watch this ad embedded above. It is WAY over the top in targeting one single religion.

    Bigotted, you betcha.

    The Church of Latter Day Saints responds:

    “The Church has joined a broad-based coalition in defense of traditional marriage.  While we feel this is important to all of society, we have always emphasized that respect be given to those who feel differently on this issue.  It is unfortunate that some who oppose this proposition have not given the Church this same courtesy.”

    The California Catholic Conference condemns:

    The California Catholic Conference on Monday condemned the ad as “bigoted and intolerant.”

    Most Rev. Stephen Blaire, Bishop of Stockton and President of the California Catholic Conference, commented in a press release, calling the ad “a blatant display of religious bigotry and intolerance” and expressing dismay any public media outlet would air it.

    “The YES on 8 campaign is not about discrimination and intolerance; it is about restoring the traditional definition of marriage for the good of society and children,” said Bishop Blaire. “All individuals and groups, whether religious or not, have both a right and a responsibility to participate in a civil debate about this important issue. From the beginning of this campaign the Catholic Conference has stressed the importance of mutual respect and denounces this type of religious bigotry.”

    Face it folks.

    After today’s Proposition 8 election, which will be close, the winning side will have to try to reconcile the societal angst of the losers. The election is about winning hearts and minds not a single electoral event.

    Certainly, this bigottted attempt to seek revenge against one religious group (and a group Flap adds has been persecuted in the United States since the 1800’s) will do NOTHING for any type of reconciliation or understanding.

    The No on 8 Committee should immediately condemn this independent expenditure ad and ask the Courage Campaign to pull it off California airwaves.

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