• David Shuster,  Karl Rove,  Twitter

    Karl Rove Vs. David Shuster in Twitter Flame War – “Wait Until the Book – You’re In There”

    David Shuster on MSNBC’s 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

    Twitter has arrived and @karlrove knows how to hype his upcoming book.

    Maybe MSNBC’s and Shuster’s TV ratings will improve when Rove goes on his show?

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  • Barack Obama,  Guantanamo Bay,  Karl Rove

    Poll Watch: Obama’s Decision to Close GITMO Met With Mixed Reviews by American Voters


    Terrorist Detention Facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

    President Barack Obama’s decision to close GITMO has met with mixed reviews by American voters.

    U.S. voters are closely divided over whether the government should close the terrorist prison camp at Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba.

    Forty-four percent (44%) agree with President Obama’s decision to close the camp within the next year, while 42% disagree in a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure which is the best course to follow.

    Sixty-eight percent (68%) of voters, however, still say safety is more important to them than fairness in determining where the terrorist suspects should be imprisoned. Just 19% put more emphasis on fairness, while 13% are not sure which is more important. These numbers are virtually unchanged from the findings in November.

    Sixty-nine percent (69%) say the suspected terrorists at Guantanamo should not be given all the rights of U.S. citizens. Only 16% disagree, and 15% are not sure.

    Just 26% say the suspected terrorists should be tried in U.S. courts. Fifty-nine percent (59%) support the Bush Administration position that they should be tried by military tribunals. Sixteen percent (16%) are undecided.

    Again, the responses to both these questions are almost identical to those in a survey last July.

    Looks like Karl Rove’s comments the other day are not too far off the mark.

    The “campaign architect,” as he is commonly called, built a case against President Barack Obama’s order to close Guantanamo, an overseas CIA detention center where terrorists and other “enemy combatants” are held. Obama’s order could enable terrorists to be tried in U.S. courts, to be given undeserved rights afforded American citizens and could cause damaging long-term effects, Rove said.

    “One year from now, Gitmo won’t be closed,” Rove said. “If it is, there will be an uproar in the U.S. about where to put these people.”

    In one of President Barack Obama’s first acts as President, it looks like a change of Bush Administration policy that does NOT enjoy the overwhelming support of the American people. Well, Obama has left himself a year to decide how to close GITMO.

    The closing of Guantanamo Bay = symbolism over substance.

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  • John Conyers,  Karl Rove

    Karl Rove Subpoenaed By House Democrats – What About a Frog-March?


    The LEFT never did see the above – Karl Rove Frog-Marched out of the White House

    Left Wing democrats never realized their dream while Karl Rove worked in The White House for President Bush. But, with Bush out of office, they are making up for lost time.

    House Democrats renewed their effort to force former White House aide Karl Rove to testify in a probe into Justice Department controversies, presenting a challenge to President Barack Obama, who will have to decide whether to defend his predecessor’s legal arguments.

    Michigan Rep. John Conyers, Democratic chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, on Monday issued a subpoena to Mr. Rove, seeking his appearance at a deposition Feb. 2. Mr. Conyers wants the former aide to President George W. Bush to answer questions on the Justice Department’s firings of U.S. attorneys in 2006, among other matters.

    For more than a year, the Bush administration blocked congressional demands for testimony from Mr. Rove and other Bush aides. The White House’s assertion of executive privilege prompted the aides to refuse even to show up for a hearing. A judge last year, in a limited ruling, said the privilege didn’t protect the aides from having to appear, even if they refused to answer questions.

    “Change has come to Washington, and I hope Karl Rove is ready for it,” Mr. Conyers said. “After two years of stonewalling, it’s time for him to talk.”

    Will Obama let this proceed?

    For a while but the President knows: What goes around, comes around. After Obama leaves office, it might be his own staff that are subpoenaed by a Congressional committee.

    President’s jealously guard their “executive privilege” and Obama would be smart to have Nancy Pelosi smack Conyers down.

    And, no frog-march for Rove.

    Stay tuned……

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  • Day By Day,  George W. Bush,  Karl Rove,  Sarah Palin

    Day By Day by Chris Muir January 8, 2009 – Now We’re Talking!

    Day By Day 010809

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Interesting that NBC News continues to BASH President Bush by highlighting his wife Laura’s unveiling of new Presidential China and interviewing their new neighbors over traffic concerns in their new Dallas neighborhood.

    When will the LEFT Drive-By media swing full-time away from Bush and Karl Rove to fixate on Sarah Palin?

    Give them a few months for Bush BDS withdrawal.


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