• Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day by Chris Muir February 8, 2009 – And There Was the Word…And It Was No Good

    day by day 020809

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The Demcorat/Obama Economic Stimulus Bill, S.1., (as reconciled with HR.!) will likely be on the President’s desk by the end of this next week. Obama will have scored a major legislative victory with very little GOP support. In other words, the Democrat President will OWN this massive amount of government spending.

    If the economy does not rapidly improve, there will be NO political cover for the Democrats in 2010.


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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  economics

    Day By Day by Chris Muir February 7, 2009 – Getting in Dutch

    Day By Day 020709

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    President Obama and Congressional Democrats have seemingly won a legislative victory when two or three GOP moderates sold out their party and agreed to PORKULUS or S.1, the Economic Stimulus bill.

    The bill in the Senate has been cut from $920 billion to $820 billion but once the Senate passes the bill, it must be reconciled with the House passed version, H.R. 1. And House Democrats are not happy about the Senate cuts.

    The GOP has ONLY two or three members (Senators Susan Colins, Arlen Specter and Olympia Snowe) who support the bill. Most Republicans are strongly opposed to the compromised bill and ridicule it as too expensive and an ineffective stimulus to the economy.

    U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), issued the following statement tonight after the announcement of a compromise on the Senate stimulus bill.

    “While I appreciate the efforts of my colleagues to bring down the price tag of this bill, the fact is we still face a trillion dollar spending bill. Making it worse, the bill is 93% spending and only 7% stimulation. Over the past few days I have fought to include more in the way of real stimulus through higher percentage of infrastructure and defense spending, while working to cut much of the typical government waste often found in a bill of this size. Yet Democrats have blocked these efforts.

    “The good news tonight is that the American people are catching on to the fact that this is the largest spending bill in history and are becoming more and more vocal in their opposition. My offices in Oklahoma and Washington DC have been flooded with emails, phone calls and faxes overwhelmingly opposed to this trillion dollar legislation. They can rest assured that my vote remains an unwavering ‘no.'”

    There is no guarantee that the GOP Senators will support the conferenced bill, should House Democrats not agree to Senate imposed cuts.

    Stay tuned……..

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  • Barack Obama,  economics

    PORKULUS: Tentative Deal With Gang of Two or Three GOP Senators Reached?


    The U.S. Senate remains in session considering amendments to S.1. at 11:15 PM EST

    Nobody has seen the final bill. Two GOP Senators Arlen Specter and Susan Collins have sold out the Republican Party and now will prevent a filibuster of the bill.

    A final vote is expected sometime this weekend. A cloture vote is now expected on Monday.

    Stay tuned for updates.


    A tentative deal reached?

    Amid stunning new job losses and yet another bank failure, key senators and the White House reached tentative agreement Friday night on an economic stimulus measure at the heart of President Barack Obama’s recovery plan. Two officials said the emerging agreement was for a bill with a $780 billion price tag, but there was no immediate confirmation.

    The Senate is in recess until 7 PM EST.

    Stay tuned…..

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  • Barack Obama,  economics

    PORKULUS: A Deal or Not with GOP Senators to Pass the Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus Bill?


    Deal or No Deal?

    Unknown but specualtion is running rampant.

    Byron York of National Review says possibly.

    Just got off the phone with an influential Republican senator.  I asked how things stood with the stimulus, and he answered instantly, “They’ve cut a deal with three of our guys.  They’re delaying us from offering amendments.  I suspect that as soon as they’ve got it written, they will offer it as an amendment, vote on it, and that will be it.”  He didn’t have details on what the deal might be, but most Republicans seem to suspect it will involve relatively small cuts — and very little change in the price tag of the bill from the House version — that will be touted as a major bipartisan compromise.  My senator suspects — hopes? — that no more than four Republicans will vote for the bill.

    Jay Newton-Small over at Time’s Swampland says possibly.

    The debate this morning, according to members of the Gang of 18, is about size and scope. The group is meeting in Senate Minority Majority Leader Harry Reid’s office as I type this. Ben Nelson, whom I profiled this morning, and Claire McCaskill both expressed optimism heading into the meeting. As did Reid on the Senate floor this morning, “I’m cautiously optimistic,” he said, though he went on to threaten a weekend “test vote” if an agreement is not hammered out today – a marked retreat from his boast yesterday on the floor that he had the 60 votes and he wouldn’t necessarily wait forever for the Gang of 18 to come to an agreement.

    “Composition and size are still sticking points at this point, but I think we’re getting there on both of them,” McCaskill told reporters in front of Reid’s offices.

    “The hope is we will still be able to pick up two more Republicans and if we’re able to do that then I think we’ll have sufficient numbers to get a vote,” Nelson told reporters. Nelson said they have some Republican support though they are still short a few votes of the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster, meaning they may well have lost some moderate Dems since Democrats control 58 seats.

    Maine Senator Susan Collins, who has been the lead Republican negotiator, was less optimistic. “We don’t have a deal,” she barked at press this morning. “We’re still working on it. I can’t talk right now.”

    Stay tuned and watch Flap’s Twitter feed in the right sidebar for up to the minute information or Follow Flap on Twitter here.

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  • Barack Obama,  economics

    PORKULUS: Just Say NO – Melt The Phones


    Just “Say No” to the Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus Bill, S.1. Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is now saying he has a two GOP Senators to avoid a filibuster and pass S.1 this afternoon.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters Thursday that he has enough votes to pass a more than $900 billion stimulus bill out of the Senate.

    Reid said he believes at least two Republicans of “good will” would support the Democratic-crafted package.

    “Do we have the votes? I believe we do,” said Reid, who expects a final vote on the package will be held on Thursday.

    It appears the stimulus would attract only a few GOP votes, however, and Senate Democratic leaders distanced themselves from earlier hopes that the economic recovery could draw more Republican support.

    Michelle Malkin has the list of suspected GOP Senators who have gone squishy and might support this pork-laden monster which is a Generational Theft Act.

    • Collins (202) 224-2523
    • Snowe (202) 224-5344
    • Specter (202) 224-4254
    • Voinovich (202) 224-3353 (Says he will not support bill in current form?)

    Call them, melt the phones and tell them to vote NO on S.1.

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  • Barack Obama,  economics

    PORKULUS 50 Outrages: Look What is in the Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus Bill

    Look what is in the stimulus bill

    National Review has the sad but true poop on PORKULUS – the Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus bill, S.1.


    1. $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts

    2. $380 million in the Senate bill for the Women, Infants and Children program

    3. $300 million for grants to combat violence against women

    4. $2 billion for federal child care block grants

    5. $6 billion for university building projects

    6. $15 billion for boosting Pell Grant college scholarships

    7. $4 billion for job-training programs, including $1.2 billion to provide “youth” summer jobs for people up to the age of 24

    8. $1 billion for community development block grants

    9. $4.2 billion for “neighborhood stabilization activities”

    10. $650 million for digital TV coupons, including $90 million to educate “vulnerable populations”


    11. $15 billion for business-loss carry-backs

    12. $145 billion for “Making Work Pay” tax credits

    13. $83 billion for the earned income credit


    14. $150 million for the Smithsonian

    15. $34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters

    16. $500 million for improvement projects for National Institutes of Health facilities

    17. $44 million for repairs to Department of Agriculture headquarters

    18. $350 million for Agriculture Department computers

    19. $88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building next year

    20. $448 million for constructing a new Homeland Security Department headquarters

    21. $600 million to convert federal auto fleet to hybrids

    22. $450 million for National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    23. $600 million for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    24. $1 billion for the Census Bureau


    25. $89 billion for Medicaid

    26. $30 billion for COBRA insurance extension

    27. $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits

    28. $20 billion for food stamps


    29. $4.5 billion for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    30. $850 million for Amtrak

    31. $87 million for a polar icebreaking ship

    32. $1.7 billion for the National Park System

    33. $55 million for Historic Preservation Fund

    34. $7.6 billion for “rural community advancement programs”

    35. $150 million for agricultural commodity purchases

    36. $150 million for “producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish”


    37. $2 billion for renewable energy research

    38. $2 billion for a “clean-coal” power plant in Illinois

    39. $6.2 billion shall be for the Weatherization Assistance Program

    40. $3.5 billion shall be for energy efficiency and conservation block grants

    41. $3.4 billion shall be for the State Energy Program

    42. $200 million shall be for state and local electric-transport projects

    43. $300 million shall be for energy-efficient appliance rebate programs

    44. $400 million for hybrid cars for state and local governments

    45. $1 billion for the manufacturing of advanced batteries

    46. $1.5 billion for green technology loan guarantees

    47. $8 billion for innovative technology loan guarantee program

    48. $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects

    49. $4.5 billion for electricity grid


    50. $79 billion for State Fiscal Stabilization Fund

    Think this is enough of an outrage?

    The entire bill should be scraped and reconstructed with items that actually WILL stimulate the economy.

    How about a payroll tax cut to start?

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  • Barack Obama,  economics

    The Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus Bill Stimulates What? ITSELF

    Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal: What is Congress Stimulating?

    Daniel Henninger has a piece in today’s Wall Street Journal calling the Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus bill, S.1 a BOMB.

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says, “Everybody agrees that there ought to be a stimulus package. The question is: How big and what do we spend it on?”

    Sen. McConnell should reconsider. He knows that the Bush-GOP spending spree cost them control of Congress in 2006. Thus, “How big?” is not the question his party’s constituents (or horrified independents) want answered. This is a chance for the GOP to climb down from its big-government dunce chair. Until that reversal is achieved, there is no hope for this party.

    I think that behind the bill’s sinking public support is the sense that it won’t work and its cost is dangerous. The bill’s design, an embarrassment to Rube Goldberg, is flawed. Even were one to grant the Keynesians their argument, this is a very mushy, weak-form stimulus.

    Rather than try to “reform” it, which won’t happen, Sen. McConnell should ask President Obama to pull it and start over. One guesses that privately the president’s economic team would thank the senator. If he won’t pull it, the Senate Republicans should walk away from it. This bill is a bomb. It may wreck more than it saves.

    Indeed the Senate GOP should walk away from PORKULUS like the House.

    Let Obama and the Congressional Democrats eat this pork-laden CRAP Sandwich.

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  • Barack Obama,  economics,  GOP

    Video: The $1 Trillion PORKULUS Failure

    CNN asks a Temple University mathematics professor how much $1 trillion actually is. The story notes Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is correct when he says that if you spent $1 million per day starting in the year 0, you still would not have spent $1 trillion by 2009.

    The Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus Bill (S.1) or PORKULUS is a $1 Trillion beomouth. How much is a $Trillion?

    Watch the video above.

    What a BOONDOGGLE and a colossal failure.

    The Congress whould scrape the entire bill and instead immediately consider what the Republican Study Committe has already recommended for families:

    • Five Percent Across the Board Income Tax Cut
    • Increase the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $5,000
    • Make the Lower 15% Rate on Capital Gains and Dividends Permanent
    • Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax on Individuals
    • Permanently Repeal Distributions on Retirement Accounts
    • Make All Withdrawals from IRA’s Tax and Penalty Free During 2009
    • Increase by 50% the Tax Deduction on Student Loans and the Tax Deducation on Qualified Higher Education Expenses

    For business:

    • Full, Immediate Expensing
    • Significant Reduction in Top Corporate Income Tax Rate (from 35% to 25%)
    • End the Capital Gains Tax on Inflation
    • Simplify the Capital Gains Rate Structure
    • Make the R and D Tax Credit Permanent
    • Extend the Carryback Period for Net Operating losses to Seven Years

    Should Senate Republicans fail to limit the PORKULUS, they should simply let the Democrats and President Obama eat the bill with few, if any GOP votes.

    When the economy continues to fail, the blame will fall on the obvious.

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  • Barack Obama,  economics

    Poll Watch: Support for Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus Erodes to 37 Per Cent – Plurality Now Opposes


    The latest poll on HR.1 or S.1, the Democrat/Obama economic stimulus bill says a pluarlity of American voters now oppose the bill.

    Support for the economic recovery plan working its way through Congress has fallen again this week. For the first time, a plurality of voters nationwide oppose the $800-billion-plus plan.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 37% favor the legislation, 43% are opposed, and 20% are not sure.

    Two weeks ago, 45% supported the plan. Last week, 42% supported it.

    Opposition has grown from 34% two weeks ago to 39% last week and 43% today.

    Despite the declining support, 78 per cent of those polled believe the economic stimulus bill will become law within President Obama’s first 100 days in office. This includes 36 per cent that say it is very likely the bill will beome law.

    The Democrats and Obama have the votes to pass the bill. They only need two GOP votes in the U.S. Senate to avoid a filibuster. But, the Democrats want more – they want political cover from the GOP.

    And, they probalby won’t get it.

    The House Republicans voted unanaimously against the bill and Flap doubts there will be little support from Republican Senators. There will be enough to avoid a filibuster but not the political cover that Obama desires.

    So, what does this mean?

    The Democrats and the president will get their PORKULUS or pork-laden stimulus bill with no GOP support. When the law fails to stimulate the economy and job losses continue, the GOP will beat Obama and the Democrats over the head with their poorly planned law.

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