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Ron Brownstein: Disclosure or Conflict of Interest? – LA Times Ethics Guidelines – Do they MEAN Anything?

Ron Brownstein in his Washington Outlook column today has Clinton’s Pact With Centrist Council Offers Risk and Reward.

Read it all here.

But, Hugh Hewitt criticizes the Los Angeles Times and Brownstein for not disclosing that Brownstein’s new wife works for Senator John McCain, also a Presidential contender like Hillary Clinton.

The Los Angeles Times’ Ronald Brownstein writes on the 2008 presidential race today. He does not disclose that his wife is a senior aid to John McCain. Which candidate does McCain favor getting the Democratic nod? My guess is that it has to be Hillary as that will significantly boost the Beltway chatter about McCain’s cross-party appeal.

Indeed, it seems odd that this article does not mention the DLC’s role in blunting a potential McCain or Rudy challenge from “the center.” You have to wonder if Brownstein is holding back on references to McCain because of the problem his wife’s employment poses.

Flap previously opined:

Flap doesn’t care how well Brownstein writes. He has a conflict of interest and should step down from his current beat – or the Los Angeles Times should reassign him.

Now, Los Angeles Times Editor, John Carroll is out. But, recently adopted ethical guidelines remain:

Activities of family members may create conflicts of interest. The Times recognizes that it has no authority to restrict the activities of spouses, companions or close relativesof Times staff members who do not themselves work for the newspaper. However, the paper may restrict a staff member’s assignment based on the activities of a family member or loved one. Staff members are responsible for informing a supervisor
whenever a companion’s or close relative’s activities, investments or affiliations couldcreate a conflict.

Hugh Hewitt continues:

The Times recently pledged transparency in conflict-of-interest matters. I guess that means if you declare a conflict once in print, every reader for all time is presumed to know and not care about it. BTW: To my knowledge, the paper has still not detailed Mrs. Brownstein’s job or salary, or how funds paid her by Senator McCain are not part of Ron Brownstein’s direct financial interest that would preclude him from covering McCain or related stories, like today’s on Hillary: “[S]taff members may not cover individuals or institutions with which they have a financial relationship.”

My guess is that before long Mrs. Brownstein will resign from McCain’s staff because objective voices within the paper will see the iceburg the paper has already hit. Brownstein’s a fine writer, but his pieces should be in the opinion section, and his conflict fully noted every time asuch a piece runs.

Flap agrees and if Mrs. Brownstein does not depart soon then Ron Brownstein’s pieces should henceforth run with a disclosure of his family conflict and he eventually should be reassigned to another beat.

Dean Baquet are you listening or will you scrap the new ethics guidelines?

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