Liberal Morons,  Media,  Media Bias

Meet The Press Watch: Washington Post’s Dana Priest Takes a “CHEAP SHOT” at Bill Bennett

Dana Priest and Bill Bennett

Expose The Left: Post’s Dana Priest Attacks Bill Bennett In Response To NY Times’ SWIFT Story (VIDEO)

Dana Priest, who was obviously born without shame, personally attacked Bill Bennett this morning’s edition of Meet the Press. Priest compared the New York Times running the SWIFT story to casino gambling, a problem Bennett used to have.

The video is here: VIDEO – .WMV

Flap is positive that Bennett never admitted to having a “gambling” problem nor that his gambling (mainly high stakes video poker) ever place his family in financial peril.  The Washington Monthly, a lefty journal, outed Bennett for supposed hypocrisy on writing The Book of Virtues and not being virtuous himself.

Flap enjoys casino gambling and as a Catholic, like Bennett, games of chance are not sinful in a religious sense.

It was shameful what Dana Priest did.  Playing video poker with your own money is not the same as “outing” classified secret government counterterrorism information and,in turn, winning a Pulitzer Prize for it.

Flap’s suggestion to Priest is to confine herself to the issues and lay off the disgraceful personal ad hominem attacks.

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