John McCain,  President 2008

Why John McCain CANNOT Be the GOP Nominee Part Five – But It Cannot Be Romney Either


John McCain is TOO OLD to be elected President. He is MY father’s generation and it is time for MY and CURRENT generation to lead America forward. He has served his country well but does he have a vision for the future?

Sadly, NO.

There is more about McCain:

But, Mitt Romney is an even WORSE candidate. A flip-flopper extraordinaire Romney has changed his positions on issues like Flap changes socks. He will say anything and everything to get himself elected. He is too slick and to sneaky to ever be entrusted with the Presidency. He is also a LIAR which we have seen over and over in this campaign.

Neither McCain nor Romney are conservatives. Center-right maybe on some issues but less conservatives than Giuliani or Huckabee.

Rudy Giuliani is the best candidate and the most conservative. On social issues he is a libertarian and moderate but on all of the rest he is rock-solid conservative. He also has the most conservative track record of all of the candidates.

But, if Rudy fails in Florida and then Super Tuesday, Flap may have to sit this election out.

It may be time to consider kicking the ball to the Democrats and for the conservative movement to try again and regroup in a few years.


  • Dean

    My wife is for Rudy, I am for Huckabee. I agree McCain is too liberal and Romney gives me the creeps and is at best unreliable. I would vote for Rudy if he gets the nomination. It looks like he may come in 3rd or even 4th in Florida. That would not bode well for super Tuesday. If the “slide” downwards continues Rudy may face the possibility of withdrawal ala Fred. If he does, would he endorse? Certainly not McCain. It would have to be Huckabee. They seem to get along together, in fact I could see a position for Rudy in a Huckabee ticket, VP most likely. If not that, Homeland Security? Hey, I really hate to see Rudy go, but it sure looks bad from here. I sure would like to see some friendly communication with the Huckabee camp.

  • Flap

    It all depends on Tuesday’s election in Florida.

    Speculation starts once the votes are counted.

    The GOP race may not be decided until April. Time will tell.

  • Greg A

    Report from the Rudy campaign indicates that their internal polls are showing him much stronger than the polls-for-hire. I’m looking forward to a lot of stammering pundits shuffling through their worthless polls on Tuesday night.

    Flap, I’m with you on Romney. The way I’ve put it is that he’s the Stepford Candidate, a plastic Ken doll, and a political chameleon who ran to the left of Ted Kennedy in Mass. when he ran for the Senate, and when he woke up one day and decided he wanted to buy the presidency, he’s discovered, amazingly, that he was actually pro-life. Romney will pander to whatever audience he’s speaking to, whether nervous autoworkers in Michigan, to Scientologists in Florida (he told a reporter in FL back in April of last year that his favorite book is Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard — Clearwater, FL, is the international headquarters of Scientology). I’ve also seen hints of a viscious SOB under that plastic exterior of his. My vote will definitely not go to Romney.

    Rudy has run the most substantive campaign, the most positive campaign, the most optimistic campaign, who is the most conservative on the broadest range of issue (fiscal policy, the economy, health care reform, government reform, education reform, national security), is the most accomplished conservative of the field….And yet Republicans appear willing to kick him to the curb, if we’re to believe the sloppy polling that has been done so far this year, and the biased bloviating of pundits on Faux News Channel. Shame on the GOP if it doesn’t nominate this man.

  • Greg A

    Both McCain and Romney are running hard for the coveted GOP nomination. Everyone knows that the GOP brand is toxic this election. Running as a conventional Republican won’t be worth spit. We need a candidate who transcends the usual partisan appeal, who’s appeal is his personal reputation; someone who can reach out to the vast middle-ground of independents. The “base” of the GOP isn’t going to elect the next president. They’ve become largely strident and narrow in their perspective. This could be a “change” election, which 1) will rid our political culture of the Clintons once and for all; 2) revitalize conservatism around its classical principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and the expansion of liberty; and thereby 3) remake the GOP into a contender on the national scene again. Does anyone seriously think Mitt Romney or John McCain can accomplish that? Rudy’s the only one who can, and will, if given the opportunity.

    Absent Rudy, the only thing that can revitalize conservatism and the GOP is a cleansing defeat. I could live with a cleansing defeat if it were to anyone other than Hillary. I cannot stomach to see the Clintons’ with their bloated narcissitic personality disorders back in the Oval Office. But that’s what we’ll get with Willard, and most like McCain.

  • Naruto

    Romney is a no-go for me as well..

    I vote for the Senate And House seats, and either write in Rudy’s name or leave it blank in Mitt is nominated, i couldn’t in good conscience vote for him, to do so would make me a hypocrite because to me he’s John Kerry without the fake medals.

  • Brian

    There you go again with those dangerous Canadian drugs. Can you explain why YOU are against allowing Americans to buy drugs in Canada? have you been to Canada? It seems pretty orderly to me.

  • Flap

    Did you read the last link from the last post?

    No, you didn’t. Nor did you answer my comment either

    It explains the situation very well.

    Did you read the report from Giuliani Partners?

    Probably not…….

    Why ask questions when the answers are already provided?

    Kind of lame if you ask me.

    So, why ask questions when the answers are provided?

    Oh, yes and I have been to Canada quite a few times. Beautiful country.

  • Brian

    No, I didn’t open the download from the lobbyist arm of the drug companies that Rudy was working for.

    I still haven’t heard what you think. Do you agree with them?