Barack Obama,  Day By Day

Day By Day by Chris Muir October 22, 2008 – Default Mode

Day By Day 102208

Day By Day by Chris Muir

The arrogance and the hubris may start to fade when the LEFT tires of “The One” when Barack Obama actually has to govern.

Flap remembers the same exuberance when John Kennedy beat Richard Nixon in 1960. By the middle of Kennedy’s term, the Kennedy/Camelot adoring press was becoming overtly critical as Kennedy turned right to appeal to more centrist voters. Voters he needed to attract to win re-election.

A re-election campaign that was never to happen.


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  • Ling

    That’s about right. The left will be in for a big dissapointment once they find that Obama is not really in anybody’s camp. He just wants to win. Period. On the other hand, it’ll be a lot of fun to watch Nancy Pelosi squirm to explain it to her base.

  • Flap

    Nancy Pelosi’s base in the San Francisco Bay area is so left wing that they will be disgruntled very quickly with Obama.

    Should the polls hold up Obama will have the Democrat majorities that is required to push his agenda – whatever that is.

    The Democrats will be able to run but not hide and when they fail to perform in two years they will lose seats in the Congress and Obama will start to squirm just like JFK.