• Barack Obama,  economics

    Citibank Crashes – American Economy in Free Fall?


    One of America’s largest banks is being bailed out again by the United States government and the economy is in the tank.

    The economy contracted at a staggering 6.2 percent pace at the end of 2008, the worst showing in a quarter-century, as consumers and businesses ratcheted back spending, plunging the country deeper into recession.

    The Commerce Department report released Friday showed the economy sinking much faster than the 3.8 percent annualized drop for the October-December quarter first estimated by the government last month. It also was considerably weaker than the 5.4 percent annualized decline economists expected.

    Looking ahead, economists predict consumers and businesses will keep cutting back spending, making the first six months of this year especially rocky.

    The new report offered grim proof that the economy’s economic tailspin accelerated in the fourth quarter under a slew of negative forces feeding on each other. The economy started off 2008 on feeble footing, picked up a bit of speed in the spring and then contracted at an annualized rate of 0.5 percent in the third quarter.

    And, the equity markets are not responding to the Obama Administration’s ambitious tax and spend “BIG GOVERNMENT” solution.

    Looks like the 2010 election cycle has already started – as a referendum on the Democrat’s/Obama’s failing economic policies.

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    links for 2009-02-27

    • President Obama has laid out the most ambitious and expensive domestic agenda since LBJ, and now all he has to do is figure out how to pay for it. On Tuesday, he left the impression that we need merely end "tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% of Americans," and he promised that households earning less than $250,000 won't see their taxes increased by "one single dime."
      This is going to be some trick. Even the most basic inspection of the IRS income tax statistics shows that raising taxes on the salaries, dividends and capital gains of those making more than $250,000 can't possibly raise enough revenue to fund Mr. Obama's new spending ambitions.
    • A group of liberal bloggers said it is teaming up with organized labor and MoveOn to form a political action committee that will seek to push the Democratic Party farther to the left.

      Soliciting donations from their readers, the bloggers said they are planning to recruit liberal candidates for challenges against more centrist Democrats currently in Congress.

      The formation of the group marks another step in the evolution of the blogosphere, which has proved effective at motivating party activists to give money and time to political campaigns, especially in local races.

      (tags: daily_kos SEIU)
    • Clinton said the GOP is in such a deep hole that their only prayer is to go along with President Obama’s agenda now and try to articulate a reality-based alternative vision over the long term. Here’s a transcript of what Bill said about the Republicans’ only route out of the wilderness:
    • News organizations will be allowed to photograph the homecomings of America's war dead under a new Pentagon policy, defense and congressional officials said Thursday.

      Defense Secretary Robert Gates has decided to allow photos of flag-draped caskets at Dover Air Force Base, Del., if the families of the fallen troops agree, the officials told The Associated Press.

      Gates planned to announce his decision later Thursday, they said. The current ban was put in place in 1991 by President George H.W. Bush.

      Some critics have contended the government was trying to hide the human cost of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

      But a spokeswoman for a military family group said the group was disappointed in the policy change. "This is a complete disregard for the will of America's military families and the need for their privacy during this solemn moment," said Meghan Tisinger, spokeswoman for Families United for Our Troops and Their Mission.

      (tags: barack_obama)
  • Herbert Sandler

    Video: Herbert and Marion Sandler – A World of Trouble

    Scott Pelley reports for 60 Minutes on

    Herbert and Marion Sandler – People who should be shot

    Flap missed this piece, World of Trouble, from a few weeks ago on CBS’ 60 Minutes. Watch the video and weep.

    As the reader contemplates the meltdown of the American economy, worries about their job, nurses their losses in their 401k or other pension fund, remember the origins and two of the greedy who helped precipitate it all – Herbert and Marion Sandler.

    Also, remember that Flap had this post about the Sandler’s prior to the Obama election and linked the association of the Sandler’s and the FAR LEFT and George Soros multiple times here.

    So, when someone asks you what or who caused the economic collapse…………


    Herbert Sandler in the News Business – ProPublica.Org

    The Forbidden SNL Soros/Sandler Skit – Now Edited and Redacted

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  • Bobby Jindal,  Joe Biden

    Say What? Joe Biden – 400 People a Day Losing Their Jobs in Louisiana

    Slow Joe Biden at his best

    Say it ain’t so, Joe. Because you are wrong to the point of another GAFFE.

    Giving the republican response to President Obama’s speech Tuesday night, Governor Bobby Jindal pointed out fundamental differences in how republicans and democrats see the economy.

    “But what I don’t understand from Governor Jindal is what would he do?,” asks Joe Biden while on the Early Show.
    That rhetorical question to Governor Jindal on the Early Show, was followed with this.

    “in Louisiana there’s 400 people a day losing their jobs, what’s he doing?” asks Biden.

    But that claim is wrong, if you look at the numbers from the Louisiana Workforce Commission.

    “In December, Louisiana was the only state in the nation besides the District of Columbia, according to the national press release that added employment over the month,” says Patty Granier with the Louisiana Workforce Commission. According to her, not only is Louisiana not losing jobs. “The state gained 3,700 jobs for the seasonally adjusted employment,” Granier said of the most recent figures.

    You don’t even have to take my word for it, these are number you can check out yourself if you just go to laworks.net, there you can find the latest unemployment statistics, statistics that appear to directly contradict what the vice president said this morning.

    The GAFFE MACHINE that keeps on giving.

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  • Barack Obama

    The Obama Budget: $1 Trillion in New Taxes Over Ten Years – Yes You Can?


    First was the Obama spening and now here come the taxes beginning in 2011 over a course of ten years. Right back to the 1970’s and higher marginal rates with disincentives to work and produce.

    On people making more than $250,000:

    • $338 billion – Bush tax cuts expire
    • $179 billlion – eliminate itemized deduction
    • $118 billion – capital gains tax hike

    Business Tax Increases:

    • $17 billion – Reinstate Superfund taxes
    • $24 billion – tax carried-interest as income
    • $5 billion – codify “economic substance doctrine”
    • $61 billion – repeal LIFO
    • $210 billion – international enforcement, reform deferral, other tax reform
    • $4 billion – information reporting for rental payments
    • $5.3 billion – excise tax on Gulf of Mexico oil and gas
    • $3.4 billion – repeal expensing of tangible drilling costs
    • $62 million – repeal deduction for tertiary injectants
    • $49 million – repeal passive loss exception for working interests in oil and natural gas properties
    • $13 billion – repeal manufacturing tax deduction for oil and natural gas companies
    • $1 billion – increase to 7 years geological and geophysical amortization period for independent producers
    • $882 million – eliminate advanced earned income tax credit

    Hope and change?

    Probably not so much for two income households and businesses – particularly in oil and gas.

    Looks like hope for more taxes in the near future with massively increased government spending in the short run.

    Now, can you say Obama is a typical tax and spend liberal?


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  • Dennis Hollingsworth,  Tony Strickland

    Senator Tony Strickland Named New California State Senate Assistant Minority Leader

    strickland feb 16 b

    State Sen. Roy Ashburn, R-Bakersfield, foreground, shrugs his shoulders as he leaves a conversation with state Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Los Angeles, left, Jeff Denham, R-Merced, behind Ashburn, Tony Strickland, R-Thousand Oaks, and Dennis Hollingsworth, R-Temecula, right, at the Capitol in Sacramento, Calif., Monday, Feb. 16, 2008

    In the GOP Coup that replaced Senator Dave Cogdill as California State Senate Minority Leader, it was little noticed that Flap’s own State Senator, Tony Strickland, ran for and lost the postion to Senator Dennis Hollingsworth. However, Strickland received the runner-up position: Assistant Senate Minority Leader.

    So, what does the job entail?

    As many as four races are on the target list for 2010 — the seats currently held by Republican Jeff Denham, and the ones being vacated by Democrats Dean Florez, Denise Ducheny. Republicans will also target Orange County Democrat Lou Correa.

    The job of raising money and focusing caucus attention on those races will fall largely to the new Assistant Majority Leader, Tony Strickland, who ran against Hollingsworth in the race to replace Cogdill.

    Strickland has his job cut out for him. But, watch Strickland’s integration of new media strategies, demographics and technology to bring these four seats into viable GOP contests.

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  • Barack Obama

    Obama’s First Budget: $1.75 Trillion Deficit – Here Comes the Inflation and Slow Growth


    Government spending is out of control and the Democrats cannot blame Bush for this one.

    President Barack Obama is sending Congress a budget Thursday that projects the government’s deficit for this year will soar to $1.75 trillion, reflecting efforts to pull the nation out of a deep recession and a severe financial crisis.

    A senior administration official told The Associated Press that Obama’s $3 trillion-plus spending blueprint also asks Congress to raise taxes on the wealthy in 2011 and cut Medicare costs to provide health care for the uninsured.

    The president’s first budget also holds out the possibility of spending $250 billion more for additional financial industry rescue efforts on top of the $700 billion that Congress has already authorized, according to this official, who spoke on condition of anonymity before the formal release of the budget.

    Who is going to pay for this government spending? Foreign investors? Our grandchildren? Nobody?

    And, how will this massive amount of government intrusion in the market spur economic growth in private sector jobs? Answer: It won’t.

    The Jimmy Carter years are just around the corner. All we need now is a confrontation with Iran in the Gulf with the  resulting disruption of oil supplies to bring back the gasoline lines.

    Believe Flap – those days are quickly returning.

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Fairness Doctrine

    Day By Day by Chris Muir February 26, 2009 – Home Defense

    day by day 022609

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The way MSNBC and NBC News are glorifying “The One” and dissing any potential GOP rivals, criticism of Obama may be labelled “hate speech”, no?

    The reassuring fact is that since Obamessiah was elected Fox News has been killing MSNBC in the viewer ratings.

    No wonder Democrat Pols are discussing the re-imposition of the Fairness Doctrine.

    Guess you cannot fool the marketplace of ideas, can you?


    The Day By Day Archive

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    links for 2009-02-26

    • Politicians use charisma — call it authentic presence — to cover up their human quirks. Luckily for Jindal, other WH 2012 or 2016 contenders (and remember, Jindal's said he's not running for president in 2012, although, as with our current president, voters don't seem to care wabout these promises), aren't terribly charismatic either, aside from Ex-MA Gov. Mike Huckabee, who has a tenuous relationship to certain parts of the Republican base. The good news for Jindal is that expectations have been lowered a bit, and if you believe him to be serious about not running until at least 2016, not a thing has happened to change his prospects.
      (tags: bobby_jindal)
    • Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), the longest serving Democratic senator, is criticizing President Obama’s appointment of White House “czars” to oversee federal policy, saying these executive positions amount to a power grab by the executive branch.

      In a letter to Obama on Wednesday, Byrd complained about Obama’s decision to create White House offices on health reform, urban affairs policy, and energy and climate change. Byrd said such positions “can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances. At the worst, White House staff have taken direction and control of programmatic areas that are the statutory responsibility of Senate-confirmed officials.”

    • Abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay has worsened sharply since President Barack Obama took office as prison guards "get their kicks in" before the camp is closed, according to a lawyer who represents detainees.

      Abuses began to pick up in December after Obama was elected, human rights lawyer Ahmed Ghappour told Reuters. He cited beatings, the dislocation of limbs, spraying of pepper spray into closed cells, applying pepper spray to toilet paper and over-forcefeeding detainees who are on hunger strike.

    • The state budget crisis that was more or less resolved last week sparked the renewal of an old semantic argument over the meaning of "spending cut," and while this column is not likely to end the argument, it may shed some light on it.

      It began with the Schwarzenegger administration's assertion that the state had a $42 billion budget deficit – the difference between revenue and projected spending – during the remainder of the 2008-09 fiscal year and all of the 2009-10 year.

      While many in the Capitol and in journalism accepted that figure, The Bee and some others opted for $40 billion, because the additional $2 billion represented the desire for a $2 billion emergency reserve.