Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Obamacare

Day By Day by Chris Muir August 26, 2009 – They Have a License

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Yes, Chris, the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats have a license to steal from future generations – especially by racking up massive record-breaking federal deficits. How do you spell hyper-inflation and low economic growth?

And, who does that hurt?

The senior citizens, who have dutifully paid their taxes and now find their fixed incomes worth less because the currency buys less.

To think the Democrats ACTUALLY think they will pay for Obamacare?

They cannot balance or manage the economy now.


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One Comment

  • Martin Karo

    Actually, it’s worse than that. Obama is stealing from the elderly, AND from the children, to pay for today’s spree for his generation. It’s obscene.