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    links for 2009-09-10

    • A rally against government-run healthcare, coinciding with the “9-12 March on Washington” in Washington, D.C., will be held Saturday on the corner of Lynn and Hillcrest. Bill Rice will attend. Organizers of the local march are encouraging people to either bring an American flag or signs that state their concerns about government-run healthcare and out-of-control spending without accountability. The rally will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2525 Moorpark Road. For more information, call 262-2477 or e-mail teapartythousandoaks@yahoo.com
    • In his speech tonight, the president introduced a new number in the health care debate. Remember all those statements from Democrats, including Barack Obama himself, that 47 million Americans are without health insurance? That's no longer the operative number. "There are now more than thirty million American citizens who cannot get coverage," the president said in tonight's speech.

      But on August 10, at a town hall meeting, Obama referred to the "46, 47 million people without health insurance in our country…" And on July 23, he said, "This is not just about the 47 million Americans who don't have any health insurance at all…"

      (tags: Obamacare)
    • One of the talking points I have seen in numerous comments posted around the blogosphere is that Obama was correct because Section 246 of the House Bill excludes illegals from receiving Individual Affordability Credits. That is true, and one of the few exceptions under the Bill. But it is the exception which proves the rule. As the CRS found, illegal aliens can participate in most of the critical aspects of the government health system including the health care exchanges. Added: It also would be interesting to see how long the exclusion of illegal aliens from getting the credits lasted, since as the CRS notes, illegal aliens are subject to the health care mandate; one can anticipate the argument that if the House Bill requires illegals to have qualified health insurance, some accomodation needs to be made for those who cannot afford it.
      (tags: Obamacare)
    • It's been a long time since James Carville said the most famous thing he ever said: It's the economy, stupid. That famous phrase was in fact part of a sign hung in the Clinton campaign headquarters in 1992. There was a sense among the electorate in the fall of 1992, not entirely accurate, that the economy was foundering under George H.W. Bush. Bush lost control of the public's perception of the economy, and then he lost the presidency.

      Why with unemployment heading above 10% was Barack Obama on TV last night draining a dwindling reservoir of presidential capital on health care? Redesigning the 17% of the economy that is health care appears to be the siren song of Democratic presidencies. Mr. Obama's crew has famously said it wouldn't make the mistakes the Clintons made on health care. How calling forth both houses of Congress in prime time to join him in betting the ranch on health care qualifies as smarter politics than the Clintons is a mystery.

    • Team Obama is essentially asking congressional Democrats to take a huge gamble. The White House is arguing that ramming through a controversial bill is safer for Democrats than not passing anything. This is based on the false premise that the death of HillaryCare is what doomed Democrats in 1994. Mr. Obama told a reporter in July that the defeat of HillaryCare "Helped [Republicans] regain the House." Former President Bill Clinton echoed that thought recently by saying "doing nothing" today is "the worst thing we can do for the Democrats."

      Actually, attempting to pass HillaryCare is what brought down the party. Voters rejected a massively complicated, hugely expensive government takeover of health care and the Democrats who pushed it.

    • Media figures have falsely claimed that Democrats' audible disapproval of President Bush's misleading claim in his February 2 State of the Union address that Social Security will be "exhausted and bankrupt" in 2042 was "unprecedented." In fact, Republicans routinely booed and hissed during President Clinton's State of the Union addresses.
    • A rally against government-run healthcare, coinciding with the “9-12 March on Washington” in Washington, D.C., will be held Saturday on the corner of Lynn and Hillcrest.

      Bill Rice will attend.
      Organizers of the local march are encouraging people to either bring an American flag or signs that state their concerns about government-run healthcare and out-of-control spending without accountability.

      The rally will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2525 Moorpark Road.

      For more information, call 262-2477 or e-mail teapartythousandoaks@yahoo.com

      (tags: Obamacare)
  • Black Panthers,  Eric Holder

    New Inquiry Into Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case

    “Security Patrols” Stationed at polling places in Philadelphia

    Remember the FLAP.

    Now, there is a new inquiry.

    The Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility has begun an official inquiry into the dismissal in May of a civil complaint against the New Black Panther Party and two of its members who disrupted a Philadelphia polling place during the November general elections.

    The inquiry is disclosed in an Aug. 28 letter to Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee who first raised questions about the dismissal in May and asked unsuccessfully that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. make available the head of the department’s Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division for a closed-door briefing on the decision.

    In the letter, Mary Patrice Brown, acting OPR counsel, told the veteran congressman from Texas that the office had “initiated an inquiry into the matter” and that it would “contact you with the results of our inquiry once it is completed.” A copy of the letter was obtained by The Washington Times.

    With Eric Holder as Attorney General I am not holding my breath. This outrageous conduct by the Black Panthers is being swept under the rug.

    Fancy that……

    I thought enforcement of the law was above and beyond partisan politics.

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  • Barack Obama

    Assessing President Obama’s Speech to Schoolkids

    Neal McCluskey, Associate Director of the Cato Institutes Center for Educational Freedom and author of Feds in the Classroom, evaluates the troubling content of President Obamas speech to school students. McCluskey and Cato Vice President Gene Healy, author of The Cult of the Presidency, also dissect the manner in which the president is being presented to schoolchildren.

    The Presiden’t speech was all about “the One” and what HE could provide.


    This President is campaigning all of the time to his disparate consituencies while providing little subtance in his governance.

    American voters are growing wise to the Alinsky tactics and tired of the constant campaign. They demand results.

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Obamacare

    Day By Day by Chris Muir September 10, 2009 – Shake It Off

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Flap’s former patient did lose his finger tip over the debate on Obamacare but highlights the Saul Alinksy tactics of the LEFT and MoveOn.org.

    The MOB from the RIGHT will NO longer tolerate the thug-like tactics of the LEFT.

    Look for more violent protest confrontations, especially when Senior Citizens finally realize Obama has sold them and Medicare down the river.


    The Day By Day Archive

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