Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Sarah Palin

Day By Day February 8, 2010 – Obama’s Crib

Day By Day by Chris Muir

I was actually surprised when Sarah Palin delivered her address to the National Tea Party Convention this past Saturday evening in that she did not use a teleprompter. She gave such a great and seemless speech two summers ago at the Republican National Convention in Minnesota via teleprompter. Did she discard the mechanical device to contrast herself from Obama?

And, now the LEFT is carping about Palin writing a few notes on her hand during the  Q & A.

While I agree the Left’s freak out over Palin’s hand note is getting silly, people should at least be honest in addressing the issue at hand, if you will. Quote below from Founding Bloggers. The notes had nothing to do with her speech. They were for the Q & A, which is when she actually referred to them. She read the damned speech, doh!

Chris, should there be a teleprompter falure for the President, Obama is sunk and impromptu (non-scripted) Q & A debate sessions with Hillary Clinton as the foil were not pretty. How about his nationally televised news conferences? Plodding at best.

Why is everyone comparing Sarah Palin, a media pundit now, to the President anyway?

One wonders if the race for the Presidency in 2010 has already started.

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