• Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day August 22, 2010 – Warning Signs

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Yes, Chris, we have the Obama “Hope and Change” borrow needlessly against the future signs here in California – right on the U.S. 101. A needless bridge overpass is being constructed with federal money.

    You know the bridge overpass should have been constructed years ago and the cost exacted from the developers who made millions in the housing tracts adjacent to the on and off ramps. But, the land at this time was in Los Angeles County hands and some well-placed campaign contributions probably blocked the exaction.

    Interesting though the sign at the base does not have a large, BOLD disclaimer: Made in China – since this is where the funds are coming from.


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  • Jerry Brown,  Jodie Evans

    CA-Gov: Jodie Evans of Code Pink – Another Left Wing Radical for Jerry Brown

    Cindy Sheehan, Jodie Evans, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Medea Benjamin, January 28, 2006

    Well, Jodie Evans of Code Pink infamy is associating herself with another FAR LEFT radical and this time it is California Attorney General and former Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown.

    You might call him Governor Moonbeam, but I prefer Governor Double Dip, and there’s nothing harmlessly moonbeamy and charmingly hippie dippie about his doing business with Jode Evans, co-founder of the obnoxious anti-American group Code Pink and someone with a well-documented history of supporting terrorists and those countries that would do America harm.

    You remember Jodie Evans and how she was booted out of the 2004 Republican National Committee. Here is the photo:

    Jodie Evans being arrested at the Republican National Committee, September 2, 2004

    Yes, the Code PINKOS have been an egregious bunch and frankly I don’t know why Jerry Brown would want to be so visibly associated with them. But, associated he is.

    The Code Pink Marxists taunted wounded soldiers at Walter Reed, they traveled to Iraq to support Saddam Hussein before the war, they sent thousands of dollars to support Al-Qaeda in Fallujah, they’ve traveled to Afghanistan to meet with the Taliban, they’ve met the leaders of the Iranian regime…

    They’ve met with Chavez at socialist conferences.

    And, telling a Gold Star Mom that her son deserved to die In Iraq is about the icing on the cake.

    I still clearly remember the day that I was summoned home by my oldest son Kristofer to find the Navy officers and chaplain waiting inside my home to tell me the most painful and agonizing words I would ever hear, “We are sorry to inform you that your son Marc Alan Lee was killed in action.”

    August 2nd, 2006 forever changed my life. I don’t breathe the same, I don’t think the same, I don’t act the same, I don’t live the same. Everything I do since that day is much deeper and with greater passion. I cherish every moment that I breath, every person in my life, every hug and the precious gift of life. Since that day I have dedicated my life to honoring and supporting our troops, their families and especially the families of the fallen.

    I have always been a patriot and understood that our men and women serving have paid for my freedoms but since the day Marc willingly sacrificed his life, I understand in a much deeper way the cost and sacrifice that our brave warriors and their families make. “Freedom isn’t free” is a reality not just a patriotic slogan…

    In 2008 they barricaded the recruiting office in Berkeley with the blessing of the Berkeley City Council. We at Move America Forward had all we could stomach when we heard them tell the Marines they were unwelcome, unwanted intruders, not in Iraq or Afghanistan but on American soil in Berkeley, California. Americans from across the nation joined us in Berkeley to counter-protest these anti-war hippies. Numerous times they told me they support the troops but not the war, yet over and over when I asked if they had sent care packages, phone cards, written letters, or helped the families left behind in anyway, they conveniently couldn’t remember anything they had done. Yet they had a successful fundraiser to send $600,000.00 to our enemies in Iraq? Yet Jodie Evans and her Code Pink degenerates taunted me and made light of my son’s sacrifice telling me, “Your son deserved to die in Iraq if he was stupid enough to go over there.” It took every ounce of reserve in my body to not level these idiots to the ground. These same people who call terrorists “freedom fighters” says that my son, who gave up his life for their freedoms, deserved death.

    Now Jodie Evans is at her fundraising efforts again, this time to support Jerry Brown for Governor of California. California is at the top of the list for military bases and boasts one of the largest populations of Veterans, yet Jerry Brown a past governor of the state and candidate for the office again, is willing to take thousands of dollars from one of the largest anti-war groups in America. What a slap in the face to all of our brave warriors who have fought and sacrificed so much for our freedoms.

    Yep, there will be a protest over at Jodie Evan’s house during the fundraiser which is going on now at the time of the posting. I doubt it will make the nightly local news but sure there will be some clips on YouTube by tomorrow.

    Now, Jerry Brown is a FAR LEFT POL, always has been and always will be. He associates himself with radical LEFTYS who associate with the enemies of America.

    California voters should remember this in November.

    Somehow, I do not think Republican Meg Whitman will be letting this go.


    Jodie Evans of Code Pink – Another Left Wing Radical for Barack Obama

    Barack Obama Watch: Bundler and Code Pink Co-Founder Jodie Evans Meets with Ahmadinejad

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Ground Zero Mosque,  Nancy Pelosi

    Day By Day August 21, 2010 – Grease

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Talk about a disconnect with reality, Speaker Pelosi, look at the latest on the Ground Zero Mosque.

    Steve Emerson has unearthed 13 hours of audio tape of Imam Rauf. Emerson and his team of investigators has spent the past four weeks going through the newly found material. Rauf  is a “radical extremist cleric who cloaks himself in sheep’s clothing.”

    Among the shocking revelations Emerson’s team will reveal next week — they found Rauf:

    •     Defending wahhabism – a puritanical version of Islam that governs Saudi Arabia
    •     Calling for the elimination of Israel by claiming a one-nation state, meaning no more Jewish State.
    •     Defending Bin Laden’s violence
    •     Demonstrating that there is a lot more to this man than merely a cleric.

    And, this is the cleric that the PRESIDENT supports for religious freedom and who Speaker Pelosi wants to investigate opponents thereof?

    Ridiculous, no?

    Why didn’t John McCain make an issue of Obama’s former Pastor Jeremiah Wright during the 2008 campaign and spared America this embarassment?


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  • Democrats,  George W. Bush

    Democrats Pull George W. Bush Campaign Ad

    DNC Television Ad: “Big Choices”

    Guess the Democratic National Committee forgot the internet has a memory as they pull this morning’s George W. Bush campaign ad.

    The Democratic National Committee released an advertisement, posted on the DNC’s “Rapid Response” YouTube Channel, mocking George W. Bush.  The ad was laughable, and much derided.

    Here is how it appeared in my post earlier today, Extremely Effective DNC Ad:

    Alas, there will be a take down notice so enjoy the derision of the Democrats while it lasts.


    Democrats Channel George W. Bush in Latest Campaign Ad

  • Del.icio.us Links

    links for 2010-08-20

    • On the heels of a new poll suggesting that nearly one in five Americans incorrectly believes that President Obama is a Muslim, one of the nation's most prominent evangelical leaders has weighed in with a seemingly lukewarm endorsement of the president's Christian faith.
      Well, he was and then he attended church with the renowned Jeremiah GD America Wright.


    • Amanda Terkel, one of the lead writers at Think Progress, is exasperated that the "right-wing" has convinced the "media" that Obama's religion is open to question (emphasis mine)…

      What we have here really is a failure to communicate. The image-keepers at Think Progress and at the White House do not seem to understand that Obama's failure to connect has nothing to do with bible-thumping on C-SPAN or not.

      No one really knows who Obama is, because almost everything we know about Obama prior to his entering public life comes from Obama alone.

      Obama has so carefully controlled his image that he has achieved the opposite effect.
      Well, since Jeremiah Wright is no longer his Pastor…….

      (tags: barack_obama)
    • Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina cited the continuing rise in first-time jobless claims as evidence that the Obama administration's economic policies were not working as she renewed her call Thursday for making the Bush-era tax cuts permanent.

      In a campaign event in Riverside, Fiorina also called for slowing the rate of government spending — in part through a federal hiring freeze, although her spokesperson later said the freeze would exempt the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, CIA, FBI and other agencies that collectively account for well over half of the payroll of the executive departments.

    • Black Republicans tell John Avlon that Sarah Palin's tweet in defense of Dr. Laura was ridiculous and indefensible—and that she may be "no longer fit to lead."

      Sarah Palin’s post-VP nominee career has so far benefitted from bomb-throwing. The process follows a tight script—a crude, semi-calculated comment is shot into the middle of a political debate via Facebook or Twitter. It gains national attention. Liberals are outraged. Conservatives rush to her defense. Sarah Palin dominates a news cycle and becomes more beloved by her base.

      But by unnecessarily rushing to the defense of Dr. Laura Schlessinger—after she dropped the N-bomb 11 times and told the caller “don’t marry outside of your race”—Sarah Palin might finally have gone too far and picked a fight she cannot win.
      Yeah Yeah everyone is a racist.


      (tags: sarah_palin)
    • Iranian and Russian nuclear technicians made final preparations to start up Iran's first reactor on Saturday after years of delays, an operation that will mark a milestone in what Tehran considers its right to produce nuclear energy.

      Nationwide celebrations are planned for the fuel loading at the Bushehr facility in southern Iran, while Russia pledges to safeguard the plant and prevent spent nuclear fuel from being shifted to a possible weapons program.

      "The startup operations will be a big success for Iran," conservative lawmaker Javad Karimi said in Tehran. "It also shows Iran's resolve and capability in pursuing its nuclear activities."
      And, the USA watches idly by……

  • Democrats,  George W. Bush

    Democrats Channel George W. Bush in Latest Campaign Ad

    DNC Television Ad: “Big Choices

    The Democratic National Committee (DNC) channels President George W. Bush in their latest television ad.

    Democrats again used former President George W. Bush as a foe in their latest TV ad campaign, driving home the point Republicans would restore policies that helped create the economic downturn.

    The Democratic National Committee (DNC) released a new cable ad Friday that harped on their campaign message that the November midterm elections will be a choice between Democratic policies that will bring the country out of the recession versus Republican policies that helped created it.

    No Republican is used in the ad aside from Bush — who is shown saying “you can fool me but you can’t get fooled again.”

    Looks like an excuse to me from a losing political party.


    The Dems took down the ad later in the day. Go here to see it before the take down notice.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Ground Zero Mosque,  Rudy Giuliani

    Day By Day August 20, 2010 – Like Totally

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Like totally insane in the membrane are New York City Mayor Bloomberg and the rest of the Ground Zero Mosque appeasers.

    Rudy Giuliani said it best yesterday.

    Rudy Giuliani ripped the head of the proposed mosque near Ground Zero on Thursday for “selling sensitivity” but not showing any to still-grieving 9/11 families.

    Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is “creating this vicious, sort of angry battle that’s going on” by insisting on building downtown, the former mayor said on NBC’s “Today” show.

    If Rauf is truly serious about healing, Giuliani said, then he wouldn’t push for a project that will cause relatives of the Sept. 11 attack victims “tremendous pain.”

    “All you’re doing is creating more division, more anger, more hatred,” he said. “I know some people who are crying over this.”

    Giuliani, who was mayor during the 9/11 attacks, has already come out against the proposed center, putting him at odds with Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama – both of whom have said the developer has a right to build the facility on the property.

    As far as Obama is concerned – well, he did it to himself. Isn’t he a Muslim anyway?


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