• AARP,  American Medical Association,  Day By Day,  Obamacare

    Day By Day November 6, 2009 – Thirst for Representation

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The American Association of Retired Persons – AARP has been a LEFT-WING spewing organization for many years. Although I am eligible I have NOT joined and NEVER will. They do NOT represent me on American health care or anything else.

    The American Medical Association is a strange endorser of Obamacare. Perhaps the physicans that do belong to the AMA (and their membership has been eroding lately and NOT every MD belongs) are either big government, public health types or they are just scared as to not be a part of a reform solution. I do know that many physicans that are my age WILL retire if the government takes over the remainder of private medicine. How will Obama and Pelosi deal with a lack of trained professionals?

    With last Tuesday’s election results in Virginia and New Jersey, I continue to hold that Obamacare with a public option has a slim chance of passing into law. The GOP will NOT support it in the Senate (even Senator Olympia Snowe) and neither will a few Democrats like Senator Joe Lieberman. The Democrat majority will not be able to invoke cloture (prevent a filibuster). Now, reconcilation may be a different matter – but very risky politically in an upcoming midterm congressional election year.

    Exit question: Will Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid push Obamacare through at the political risk of their members?

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  • American Medical Association,  Barack Obama,  Obamacare,  Polling

    Poll Watch: Americans Split on Public Sector Health Care


    The latest Rasmussen Poll has Americans evenly split on Obamacare’s public sector health care reform.

    Forty-one percent (41%) of American adults believe it would be a good idea to set up a government health insurance company to compete with private health insurance companies. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that an identical number (41%) disagree.

    President Obama is now aggressively campaigning to build support for creating such public-sector competition. Later today, he is expected to give a major address to the American Medical Association that outlines his health care reform goals including the creation of a government-run health insurance company.

    Just 32% of Americans believe that the addition of a public sector insurance option would reduce the cost of health care. Forty percent (40%) say it would not.

    Sixty-three percent (63%) say it’s likely that a government insurance company would lose money and require taxpayer subsidies. Just 20% say that’s not likely.

    Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans believe private insurance companies will provide better service and more choice than the government option. Thirty-four percent (34%) hold the opposite view.

    The question:

    Would it be a good idea to set up a government health insurance company to compete with private health insurance companies?

    • Yes – 41%
    • No – 41%
    • Not Sure – 18%

    It will be a difficult sell to Congress by the Obama Administration with the public not wholeheartedly buying into this radical health care shift from the private sector.

    Blue Dog Democrats with heavy lobbying by American physicians and hospitals will stop this public sector option of Obamcare. The President will try to spin his program tooday by addressing the AMA. But, good luck with that.

    Stay tuned…..

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