• Bill Richardson,  Democrats,  Fox News,  John Edwards,  President 2008

    Fox News Watch: Nevada Democrats Whimp Out to NUTROOTS


    Faces of news: Daytime anchor Jane Skinner and Fox News chief Roger Ailes.

    The Nevada Democrat Party wimps out to the pressure from the NUTROOTS and Moveon.org.

    So, the Democrats like John Edwards and Bill Richardson are going to pick and choose the coverage of their candidates? And object if the sponsors or venue do not meet their ideological litmus tests?

    GOP candidates have been dealing with the acknowledged left-wing slant of the major media outlets for years.

    The Fox News response:

    News organizations will want to think twice before getting involved in the Nevada Democratic Caucus which appears to be controlled by radical fringe out-of-state interest groups, not the Nevada Democratic Party. In the past, Moveon.org has said they ‘own’ the Democratic party—while most Democrats don’t agree with that, it’s clearly the case in Nevada.

    The NUTROOTS have won – but the Democrat candidates for President have LOST.


    John Edwards will skip Fox News debate

    Nutroots action alert

    Fox News Derangement Syndrome Alert

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  • Blogosphere,  John Edwards

    John Edwards Watch: Amanda Marcotte Resigns as Edward’s Blogger


    Amanda Marcotte quits as John Edward’s Blogger and blames it on the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

    How about your own big mouth, Amanda?

    MM has ALOT more……


    John Edwards Watch: Edwards Retains UNHINGED Blogger Amanda Marcotte

    John Edwards Watch: UNHINGED Blogger Amanda Marcotte FIRED?

    John Edwards Watch: UNHINGED Blogger Amanda Marcotte and the Edwards Campaign

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  • Blogosphere,  John Edwards

    John Edwards Watch: Edwards Retains UNHINGED Blogger Amanda Marcotte

    Dean Barnett: Leadership, John Edwards Style

    The Edwards campaign has finally spoken! You’ll note that the following statement from the candidate himself neither stands behind the bloggers nor throws them under the bus. It doesn’t say they’re staying, it doesn’t say they’re going. What leadership!

    Edwards Statement:

    The tone and the sentiment of some of Amanda Marcotte’s and Melissa McEwan’s posts personally offended me. It’s not how I talk to people, and it’s not how I expect the people who work for me to talk to people. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that kind of intolerant language will not be permitted from anyone on my campaign, whether it’s intended as satire, humor, or anything else. But I also believe in giving everyone a fair shake. I’ve talked to Amanda and Melissa; they have both assured me that it was never their intention to malign anyone’s faith, and I take them at their word. We’re beginning a great debate about the future of our country, and we can’t let it be hijacked. It will take discipline, focus, and courage to build the America we believe in.

    What strength of character. What a MORON

    Afraid of the LEFT NUTROOTS – for shame.

    If Edwards had any COJONES, he would admit the mistake and fire the BITCH.

    Oh well, like Flap said before, The Wimp’s campaign won’t be around long anyway.

    Allah and Bryan over at Hot Air have lots more.


    Marcotte responds by sucking up to Edwards (guess she needs the gig?):

    Marcotte: “My writings on my personal blog, Pandagon on the issue of religion are generally satirical in nature and always intended strictly as a criticism of public policies and politics… I am sorry if anyone was personally offended by writings meant only as criticisms of public politics.”

    Others Blogging:

    Sister Toldjah » Breaking: Edwards keeps bloggers? (UPDATED)

    The Political Pit Bull

    The Autopsy

    Pajamas Media

    Protein wisdom

    Mary Katharine Ham

    Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler » Blog Archive » And This Coward Wants to be President?

    A Second Hand Conjecture » Mainstreaming Amanda III

    Ace of Spades HQ



    John Edwards Watch: UNHINGED Blogger Amanda Marcotte FIRED?

    John Edwards Watch: UNHINGED Blogger Amanda Marcotte and the Edwards Campaign

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  • Giuliani Notes,  John Edwards,  Rudy Giuliani

    Giuliani Notes: Go Rudy Sign Torments John Edwards


    John Edwards 28,000 square foot compound in North Carolina

    New York Post: GOOD RUDY SIGN


    A Rudy Giuliani fan is tormenting rival White House candidate John Edwards – with a “Go Rudy” sign on his own fence just 100 feet from the Democrat’s palatial and controversial North Carolina compound.

    Edwards’ “home is a monster. It’s way over the top,” said neighbor Monty Johnson, who planted a “Go Rudy Giuliani 2008” sign near Edwards’ driveway.

    Edwards is catching flak for playing to the nation’s poor on the campaign trail – while living large in the most expensive home in all of Orange County, N.C.

    The Post revealed last year that Edwards was putting the finishing touches on a lavish, $4.3 million 28,000-square- foot compound being built outside Chapel Hill.

    The 102 acres of land alone is worth $1.1 million, tax records show.

    “There’s no way that a normal family could ever need a house like that. It’s only going to hurt him. I don’t think he’s going to be able to sell his story that he’s for the poor people,” Johnson added.

    The main house has five bedrooms, 61/2 baths, two garages, a sprawling country kitchen with hardwood floors, and sweeping verandas to soak in the view of the verdant surrounding fields.

    It appears John “Two Americas” Edwards has some FENCE MENDING to do with his neighbor.

    But, Edwards won’t be in the race long in any case.

    How do you spell FIRED Anti-Catholic Blogger?



    The Rudy Giuliani Files

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  • Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton,  Joe Biden,  John Edwards,  President 2008

    Joe Biden Watch: Biden UNBRIDLED


    Matt Drudge is having a field day with Biden’s “CLEAN BLACK” remark – in red below.

    Biden Calls Obama To Clarify

    Joe Biden called Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) to clarify his “clean” comment to the New York Observer, Biden told reporters in a conference call this afternoon. Biden said Obama told him: “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I know exactly what you meant.” Asked to clarify his comments, where he said Obama was “articulate and bright and clean,” Biden said he “really” regretted the word “clean” was taken out of context. Biden: “My mother has an expression clean as a whistle sharp as a tack, that was the context.” As to the effect it might have on the African-American vote, Biden: “I have no doubt that Jesse Jackson and other black leaders … knew exactly what I meant. We have a very, very long relationship. … There will be no misunderstanding.”

    Biden said of the Observer piece: “I believe I was quoted accurately but they weren’t meant to take shots.” As for his Democratic competition, Biden: “I think they’re all great. I think I’m better.”


    NYO: Biden Unbound: Lays Into Clinton, Obama, Edwards

    Loquacious Senator, Democratic Candidate on Hillary: ‘Four of 10 Is the Max You Can Get?’ Edwards ‘Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About’

    Senator Joseph Biden doesn’t think highly of the Iraq policies of some of the other Democrats who are running for President.

    To hear him tell it, Hillary Clinton’s position is calibrated, confusing and “a very bad idea.” John Edwards doesn’t know what he’s talking about and is pushing a recipe for Armageddon in the Middle East. Barack Obama is offering charming but insubstantial fluff. And all of them are playing politics.

    “Let me put it this way,” Mr. Biden said. “You didn’t hear any one of them get in this debate at all until they announced for President.”

    Good ol’ “SLOW” Joe Biden.

    One of the reasons why Senator Biden receives his nickname is not because he is NOT bright or is SLOW but he does the damnest things – like plagiarisng his speeches from a British politician.

    So, let’s restate the quotes:

    Hillary Clinton:

    Her Iraq War position is “calibrated, confusing and a very bad idea.”

    “From the part of Hillary’s proposal, the part that really baffles me is, ‘We’re going to teach the Iraqis a lesson.’ We’re not going to equip them? O.K. Cap our troops and withdraw support from the Iraqis? That’s a real good idea.”

    The result of Mrs. Clinton’s position on Iraq, Mr. Biden says, would be “nothing but disaster.”

    “Everyone in the world knows her,” he said. “Her husband has used every single legitimate tool in his behalf to lock people in, shut people down. Legitimate. And she can’t break out of 30 percent for a choice for Democrats? Where do you want to be? Do you want to be in a place where 100 percent of the Democrats know you? They’ve looked at you for the last three years. And four out of 10 is the max you can get?”


    Barack Obama:

    “Charming but insubstantial fluff.”

    …about Mr. Obama. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    But—and the “but” was clearly inevitable—he doubts whether American voters are going to elect “a one-term, a guy who has served for four years in the Senate,” and added: “I don’t recall hearing a word from Barack about a plan or a tactic.”


    John Edwards:

    “I don’t think John Edwards knows what the heck he is talking about,” Mr. Biden said, when asked about Mr. Edwards’ advocacy of the immediate withdrawal of about 40,000 American troops from Iraq. “John Edwards wants you and all the Democrats to think, ‘I want us out of there,’ but when you come back and you say, ‘O.K., John’”—here, the word “John” became an accusatory, mocking refrain—“‘what about the chaos that will ensue? Do we have any interest, John, left in the region?’ Well, John will have to answer yes or no. If he says yes, what are they? What are those interests, John? How do you protect those interests, John, if you are completely withdrawn? Are you withdrawn from the region, John? Are you withdrawn from Iraq, John? In what period? So all this stuff is like so much Fluffernutter out there. So for me, what I think you have to do is have a strategic notion. And they may have it—they are just smart enough not to enunciate it.”


    Flap supposes there is NO 11th Commandment for the Democrat Party: “Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Democrat.”.

    Wait for the debates – this will be good.

    Oh yes, Flap almost forgot. Slow Joe announced this morning he is seeking the Presidency.

    “After nine months of doing this, there is no exploratory committee _ I’m running,” the Delaware senator told The Associated Press.

    Remember Slow Joe’s previous racist remark?


    Others Blogging:

    Michelle Malkin says he is “TOAST”

    Flopping Aces

    Hugh Hewitt


    Senator Joe Biden Watch: Biden Wows the GOP in South Carolina

    Senator Joe Biden Watch: Biden Defends Remarks

    Joe Biden Watch: Indian-American Slur Sinks Slow Joe

    President 2008 Watch: Senator Joe Biden – “I’m IN”

    President 2008 Watch: Senator Joe Biden – “I’d Rather be at Home Making Love To My Wife While My Children Are Asleep”

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  • Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton,  John Edwards,  President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

    President 2008 Watch: Newsweek Poll – Giuliani and McCain Beating Hillary ET Al?

    Readers: Please Vote in Flap’s January 2008 GOP Presidential Poll



    Jan. 17-18, 2007. Conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International.

    Patrick Ruffini slaps down Newsweek magazine’s latest presidential poll.

    Newsweek’s Results:

    Newsweek shows Hillary leading John McCain by 1 and trailing Rudy Giuliani by 1. John Edwards’ advantage over McCain and Giuliani is 5 and 3 points respectively. Obama leads McCain by 2 and trails Giuliani by 2.

    In polling against Hillary, both leading Republicans capture more of their base than any Democrat does their base, while generally getting more of the independent vote. So, the Party breakdown of registered voters in this poll comes as no surprise:

    Republican 26%

    Democrat 37%

    Independent 33%

    No party/Not interested 2%

    Other party *

    Don’t know 2%

    That’s right, the poll is +11D, and there are suddenly 30% less Republicans than there were last November.

    The Clinton Media machine is at work already. Flap knows it will be a long two years before the presidential election and at this time the internals of polls best be highlighted rather than covered up.

    So, is the Newsweek poll accurate?

    NO WAY

    Ruffini provides the corrected totals (results which by the way are consistent with other national polls):

    How would these results look if the responses were re-weighted to reflect the makeup of the electorate in 2006, an overwhelmingly Democratic year?

    Giuliani 51.8% – Clinton 44.6%
    McCain 50.5% – Clinton 45.2%

    Giuliani 50.6% – Obama 42.5%
    McCain 47.4% – Obama 44.4%

    Giuliani 49.3% – Edwards 45.2%
    McCain 47.2% – Edwards 45.9%

    A little different, wouldn’t you say?


    There should be NO MORE Newsweek spin/manipulation of polling data to help the Clintons or any other candidate. Just report the poll and release the internals readily available online.

    This isn’t the Washington Post and the days of the MSM before the internet. Get real…….

    Stay tuned………

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  • John Edwards,  Rudy Giuliani

    Rudy Giuliani Watch: Giuliani and Edwards Top Latest Iowa Poll


    The latest national Gallup Poll is out:

    Gallup Poll. Jan. 12-14, 2007. N=412 Republicans and Republican leaners nationwide. MoE ± 5.

    Giuliani – 31%

    McCain – 27%

    Gingrich – 10%

    Romney – 7%

    Rudy is pulling away from McCain.

    Romney disappoints


    Zogby International: Iowa Dems favor Edwards, GOP Favors Giuliani, McCain

    Former vice presidential candidate John Edwards starts the new year with a double–digit lead over three impressive rivals a year before Iowans go to caucus to choose their next presidential nominee, a new Zogby telephone poll of likely Iowa Democratic caucus—goers shows.

    Republicans are leaning toward two well–known moderates – Arizona Sen. John McCain and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani – in the race to replace George W. Bush at the top of their presidential ticket, a separate Zogby telephone survey of likely Republican caucus participants shows.

    The poll results:

    GOP: The Republican survey was conducted with 465 likely caucus-goers and was conducted January 15-16. It carries a margin of error of +/- 4.6 percentage points.

    Giuliani – 19 %

    McCain – 17%

    Gingrich – 13%

    Rice – 9%

    Romney – 5%

    Tancredo – 2%

    Hagel – 2%

    Not sure – 22%

    Giuliani leads yet another poll over McCain and Gingrich makes a very respectable showing.

    Romney disappoints

    Democrats: The democratic survey included 596 likely caucus-goers and was conducted January 15-16. The margin of error is +/- 4.1 percentage points.

    Edwards – 27%

    Obama – 17%

    Vilsack – 16%

    Clinton – 16%

    Biden – 3%

    Kerry – 3%

    Not sure – 13%

    Edwards is doing well and Zogby asks if he is the Bobby Kennedy in the race? Edwards did well here in 2004.

    Kerry disappoints

    Hillary has her work cut out for her.

    Zogby on the GOP:

    On the Republican side, the two most talked–about candidates are doing well and will fight it out for the support of moderate Republicans and independents. But our polling in this race also begs the question: Is Newt Gingrich the choice of the conservative wing? This is an impressive showing for him no matter which way you look at it. Should Newt’s support hold, he will complicate the efforts of Giuliani and McCain to move to the right. Condoleezza Rice represents the Bush mantle, but because she is not likely to run, Gingrich also stands to inherit that mantle. An interesting development can also be found in the 2% support for conservative Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado. It means that, if nothing else, he and Newt are going to influence the internal debate in the Republican Party.

    Newt is the choice of conservatives. But, will he run? Or simply play Kingmaker at the GOP Convention?
    A Giuliani Gingrich ticket will be very formidable.


    On the Republican side, nationally, Giuliani and McCain are the only top-tier candidates, with America’s mayor holding a small 21% to 17% lead over McCain. Gingrich won 8%, followed by Rice at 7%, who tied with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney wins 6%, rounding out the second tier of Republican candidates.

    Stay tuned…….



    Rudy Giuliani Watch: Giuliani’s Inner Circle

    Rudy Giuliani Watch: Giuliani – The United States Should NOT Leave Iraq in Chaos

    Rudy Giuliani Watch: Giuliani Hires Former GOP Iowa Congressman Jim Nussle to Advise Presidential Exploratory Committee

    Rudy Giuliani Watch: Soul-Searching, Waiting or Campaigning SMART?

    Rudy Giuliani Watch: Giuliani Tests Delaware Presidential Primary Waters

    Rudy Giuliani Watch: Giuliani Leading in North Carolina Poll

    Rudy Giuliani Watch: Giuliani and Gingrich – GETTING IRAQ TO WORK

    The Rudy Giuliani Files

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  • John Edwards,  President 2008

    John Edwards Watch: Edwards is IN


    John Edwards shovels with student volunteers as he works in the backyard of a house in an area affected by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2006. The former Democratic vice presidential nominee is running for president for a second time, his campaign said Wednesday. Note the microphone attached to Edward’s shirt.
    AP: Edwards shoots for White House again

    Former vice presidential nominee John Edwards said Thursday that he is a candidate for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, promising “a grass roots, ground-up campaign where we ask people to take action.”

    Clad in blue jeans, an open-necked shirt and with his sleeves rolled up, Edwards chose the backyard of a victim of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans’ devastated 9th Ward for his unorthodox announcement.

    “We want people in this campaign to actually take action now, not later, not after the next election,” the former North Carolina senator said, sounding as much like a recruiter as a presidential campaigner.

    “Instead of staying home and complaining, we’re asking Americans to help,” Edwards said. “Most of the good that has been done in New Orleans has been done by faith-based groups, charitable groups and volunteers.”

    Edwards — who is calling for cuts in poverty, global warming and troops in
    Iraq — chose the site to highlight his signature concern of the economic disparity that divides America.

    “I’m here to announce I’m a candidate for president of the United States,” Edwards told NBC’s “Today Show” earlier Thursday, one of three back-to-back interviews by the candidate on morning news shows. “I’ve reached my own conclusion this is the best way to serve my country.”

    John Edwards starts his campaign pandering to a large block of Democrat primary voters – the African American vote.

    Realistically, Edwards has NO chance at the nomination with Hillary and Barack Obama in the race. He will never shed his association with the LOSING John Kerry campaign:


    The only question will be:

    When will Edwards withdraw?


    President 2008 Watch: John Edwards IN and Evan Bayh OUT

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