Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Media,  Media Bias

Day By Day by Chris Muir November 24, 2008 – Leave It To The Professionals

Day By Day 112408

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Barack Obama this weekend released another You Tube video –  this time announcing his economic recovery plan. Obama is talking over the fawning MSM that MIGHT wake up and ask him “REAL” questions.

With Team Obama’s e-mail network of over ten million supporters, six to eight million cell phone numbers (from the text message announcement of Joe Biden as Vice President) and three million supporters on Facebook, Barack can talk over the press and go directly to his base.

And, why not?

Obama has the best of both worlds.

How will the GOP respond?

So far with crickets……..


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  • George McCumiskey

    Better everyone should stop nit picking at each other and follow John McCain’s wise advise and work together to make this new presidency a success. Or the dems and r’s can go down the tubes together. and I don’t mean the you tubes either. Things are a mess dudes, let’s work on that.