• Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  George W. Bush

    Day By Day October 25, 2009 – Tolerances

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Yes, Chris Halloween is coming up next Saturday, Obama is President and isn’t it scarey?

    Speaking about tolerances, did you know today President Obama finished his 24th round of golf since being in the White House. This was accomplished in less than a year.

    Does anyone realize before President Bush quit playing golf (because America was at war and he deemed it inappropriate) it took 2 years and 10 months for him to play 24 rounds? This was from CBS White House Correspondent Mark Knoller’s twitter stream – @markknoller.

    Wonder if Obama will obtain any tolerance in the matter? You know because of the continuing war in Afghanistan and the 130K troops continuing to be deployed in Iraq.

    Just askin…..?


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  • Barack Obama,  Chris Dodd,  Day By Day

    Day By Day October 24, 2009 – Call It

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The Country-Wide and Senator Chris Dodd scandal are symptoms of a “culture of corruption” that infects the Democratic Party. Now, that the Democrats have super-majorities in the Congress, the scandals are only magnified – as more banks fail.

    Indeed, Senator Chris Dodd may be sent packing from Washington in 2010, despite President Obama’s fundraising for him but the damage to our financial institutions will continue to sink the economy for many years.

    Where was the four estate press?

    Where were the Republicans?

    Talk about malfeasance or would you call it misfeasance?


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    Flapsblog.com Links for October 23, 2009

    Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is getting closer to announcing whether she’ll run for the U.S. Senate in California. Fiorina, a Republican, will give a Nov. 6 address to the Tri-Valley Business Council, a group of business leaders in the eastern San Francisco Bay area. Beth Miller, a spokeswoman for Fiorina, confirmed the nature of the announcement on Friday but would not say whether Fiorina will officially enter the race. Miller says she didn’t want to “ruin the surprise.” Fiorina has been flirting with a bid for months and created a “Carly for California” Web portal, primarily for potential donors. If she jumps in, she would face state lawmaker Chuck DeVore in the Republican primary. The winner would challenge three-term Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer in the general election next year.

    At the beginning of the summer, most observers expected Republicans to win all three of the big elections on Nov. 3. Two weeks out, it suddenly looks very possible that Republicans will win only one: the Virginia governor’s race. The other two will be lost—not to superior Democratic organizing and messaging, but to the GOP’s own divisions. By all rights, the special election in New York’s 23rd Congressional District should be a Republican cakewalk. Stretching across the hunting and fishing towns along the Great Lakes and Canadian border, the district contains Fort Drum, base of the 10th Mountain division, and re-elected its Republican congressman in the disaster years of 2006 and 2008 by margins of 60-plus percent. Yet polls show the Republican candidate in serious trouble. State Republican Party leaders prevented an open primary race and instead engineered the nomination of one of their own, moderate, pro-choice Assemblywoman Deirdre Scozzafava.

    1. While these initial SM-3’s can’t down Russian ICBMs, ummmm, they also can’t down Iranian ICBMs. McKittrick’s broken record time: the original Euro BMD plan was designed to defend the eastern seaboard of the US against ICBMs launched from the Middle East. Obama’s new plan does not have this capability. But… but… it will, assert the new plan backers, those next generation SM-3’s will be able to defend the US against ICBMs! Really? Interesting, because 2. Which do you think the Russians would be more concerned about, ten (ten!) highly-visible, immobile & siloed GBI’s in Poland or several hundred SM-3 Block IIB interceptors parked in mobile launchers on land and at sea in and around Europe? Interceptors specifically tasked with countering massive raid size ICBM attacks?

    The Tri-Valley Business Council sent out an email blast today inviting folks to listen to former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina make a “very important” announcement in Pleasanton on Nov. 6. Will this be her official official entry into the 2010 California senatorial race and a showdown with U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.? (Why Pleasanton? I have no idea. Not that there is anything wrong with Pleasanton.) Her Web site is already asking for contributions, so it sounds as though the real decision has already been made. I guess we’ll have to wait and find out. The event starts at 9:30 a.m. at Goal Line Productions. RSVP required. Contact Matthew Del Carlo at msdelcarlo@sent.com.

  • Carly Fiorina,  Hoover Institution

    A Conversation With Carly Fiorina at the Web 2.0 Summit – Fiorina Meeting With Stanford University Hoover Institution Scholars Today

    Carly Fiorina (Carly Fiorina Enterprises) with John Battelle (Federated Media Enterprises), Sponsored by SAP

    There have been some sniping excerpts of this conversation in the press and on Twitter the past few days so I thought I would post the entire talk and put everything in context.

    Also, from the rumor mill.

    Carly was on the Stanford University campus today at the Hoover Institution (you know, the renown conservative think tank) discussing issues and being briefed by a few Hoover Fellows on the issues of “health care reform” and “Cap and Trade and Carbon Taxes.”

    As I recall, Fiorina is an alumna from Stanford University, the University of Maryland and MIT.

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  • Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina,  Chuck DeVore

    California GOP Assemblyman Chuck DeVore Falls Flat in California U.S. Senate Fundraising

    The official filing  for the ending third quarter (September 30, 2009) is now posted over at the Federal Elections Commission although the National Journal had a summary earlier.

    You can generate your own DeVore FEC report in PDF format here.

    All Flap knows is that California United States Senator Barbara Boxer is licking her chops at the prospect of EVER running against a Republican candidate with so little monetary support. After all, DeVore has been campaigning for almost a year (as soon as he won re-election to the California Assembly and is term limited out from running for re-election) and has a “NET” cash on hand of $56K compared to Boxer’s $6.35 million.

    Now, Flap wants to know why Assemblyman DeVore is fibbing to the San Francisco Chronicle when he is stating he has “a gross” of about $600,000 in the bank. Uh No.

    Chuck, despite your tweets from you and your paid flacks, like Joshua Trevino, you ain’t even close to $600K. You are closer to $60K and would be even closer to $60K if you hadn’t donated funds to Senate candidates Pat Toomey and Marco Rubio and the National Conservative Campaign fund.

    Is there any wonder why DeVore claims that he is being dissed by the national GOP and the NRSC (national Republican Senatorial Committee)?

    DeVore simply does NOT have the support for his candidacy and in a year of candidacy has NOT been successful in fundraising.

    Should Carly Fiorina not run in this race (which I believe she will), look for someone else to jump in at the last minute.

    DeVore just falls flat.

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day October 23, 2009 – The Long View

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The obsequiousness of the MSM to President Obama is as obvious aas it is pathetic. American voters are turning away from these untrustworthy news sources – even Fox News (as their ratings soar).

    So, let NBC News talk up the President. It certainly has done nothing for his polling numbers: Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years.

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    links for 2009-10-22

    • Former Republican vice-presidential nominee and Alaska governor Sarah Palin has endorsed Doug Hoffman, the fast-rising Conservative Party of New York nominee for the congressional seat of former Rep. John McHugh in upstate New York. Palin confirmed her decision to endorse and make a maximum contribution to Hoffman in a message to The Weekly Standard:
      "The people of the 23rd Congressional District of New York are ready to shake things up, and Doug Hoffman is coming on strong as Election Day approaches! He needs our help now.
    • Yesterday saw some rare good news on the health-care front, with the stealth Democratic plan to move $247 billion in ObamaCare costs off the books collapsing in the Senate on a procedural vote of 47 to 53. Maybe there's more anxiety among Democrats about a huge permanent increase in government health spending than the White House is willing to let on.

      A dozen Democrats (plus independent Joe Lieberman) voted against Majority Leader Harry Reid's gambit, which would have superseded automatic cuts in Medicare payments to doctors scheduled for 21% next year and higher after that. Democrats had included this fix as part of "comprehensive" reform but that pushed costs too high, while President Obama is insisting on a bill that doesn't increase the deficit on paper.

      (tags: Obamacare AMA)
    • Here's a curious turn in the White House vs. Fox News fight.

      On Monday, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow were among several people who attended an off-the-record briefing with Pres. Obama at the White House. Sources tell us other attendees at the two-and-a-half hour chat included Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, Gwen Ifill of PBS and Gloria Borger of CNN. Perhaps not surprisingly, no one from Fox News was in the room.
      Update: The White House has sent TVNewser the complete list of those who attended the off-the-record briefing Monday: Eugene Robinson, E.J. Dionne, Ron Brownstein, John Dickerson, Rachel Maddow, Frank Rich, Jerry Seib, Maureen Dowd, Keith Olbermann, Bob Herbert, Gloria Borger, and Gwen Ifill. Several members of the staff also attended.

  • Bill Owens,  Dede Scozzafava,  Doug Hoffman,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Endorses Conservative Doug Hoffman in New York 23 Congressional Race

    Doug Hoffman Campaign ad: 2 Peas in a Liberal Pod

    Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican Nominee for Vice President and Republican Alaska Governor has endorsed Conservative Party Doug Hoffman over the Republican Dede Scozzafava in the special election for New York’s 23rd congressional district.

    Here is Palin’s statement:

    The people of the 23rd Congressional District of New York are ready to shake things up, and Doug Hoffman is coming on strong as Election Day approaches! He needs our help now.

    The votes of every member of Congress affect every American, so it’s important for all of us to pay attention to this important Congressional campaign in upstate New York. I am very pleased to announce my support for Doug Hoffman in his fight to be the next Representative from New York’s 23rd Congressional district. It’s my honor to endorse Doug and to do what I can to help him win, including having my political action committee, SarahPAC, donate to his campaign the maximum contribution allowed by law.

    Our nation is at a crossroads, and this is once again a “time for choosing.”

    The federal government borrows, spends, and prints too much money, while our national debt hits a record high. Government is growing while the private sector is shrinking, and unemployment is on the rise. Doug Hoffman is committed to ending the reckless spending in Washington, D.C. and the massive increase in the size and scope of the federal government. He is also fully committed to supporting our men and women in uniform as they seek to honorably complete their missions overseas.

    And best of all, Doug Hoffman has not been anointed by any political machine.

    Doug Hoffman stands for the principles that all Republicans should share: smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense, and a commitment to individual liberty.

    Political parties must stand for something. When Republicans were in the wilderness in the late 1970s, Ronald Reagan knew that the doctrine of “blurring the lines” between parties was not an appropriate way to win elections. Unfortunately, the Republican Party today has decided to choose a candidate who more than blurs the lines, and there is no real difference between the Democrat and the Republican in this race. This is why Doug Hoffman is running on the Conservative Party’s ticket.

    Republicans and conservatives around the country are sending an important message to the Republican establishment in their outstanding grassroots support for Doug Hoffman: no more politics as usual.

    You can help Doug by visiting his official website below and joining me in supporting his campaign:

    – Sarah Palin

    So, Sarah Palin goes rogue and endorses a non-Republican candidate for Congress – just like she said she would. Now, this will shake up the race but by splitting the GOP vote will Palin actually be enabling the Democrat, Bill Owens?

    And, will she be blamed if and when Dede and Hoffman lose?

    Stay tuned…..


    Just wondering if Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty will weigh in with endorsements of Doug Hoffman?

    This just in: Tim Pawlenty has according to Matt Lewis on Twitter has demurred and has said he has not been following the race.

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  • Dede Scozzafava,  Newt Gingrich

    Day By Day October 22, 2009 – Bewitched!

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    But, doesn’t Newt Gingrich have a point, especially with regard to splitting the Republican Party and local choices of candidates?

    Listen to Gingrich and you decide.

    The Wilkow Majority: Newt explains his support of Scozzafava

    An ideological party or one which includes candidates with differing opinions and wins elections?

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    links for 2009-10-21

    • Early in the interview, DeVore was asked if he had always planned to run for Senate, to which he replied:

      I’ve never had a desire to be anything.

      Inspirational stuff, really.

      The best line of the entire interview, however, was the next sentence:

      Offices are tools from which you do things with.

      Also, too.

      (tags: Chuck_DeVore)
    • The table below compares the White House's February 2009 projection of the number of jobs that would be created by the 2009 stimulus law (through the end of 2010) with the actual change in state payroll employment through September 2009 (the latest figures available). According to the data, 49 States and the District of Columbia have lost jobs since stimulus was enacted. Only North Dakota has seen net job creation following the February 2009 stimulus. While President Obama claimed the result of his stimulus bill would be the creation of 3.5 million jobs, the Nation has already lost a total of 2.7 million – a difference of 6.2 million jobs.
    • October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and as one of millions of breast cancer survivors across the country, I wanted to take a few moments to share some thoughts with the BlogHer community regarding my experiences battling the disease andmore importantlywhat I learned along the way.
    • In Gallup Daily tracking that spans Barack Obama's third quarter in office (July 20 through Oct. 19), the president averaged a 53% job approval rating. That is down sharply from his prior quarterly averages, which were both above 60%.
    • Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) accused the White House on Wednesday of "street-brawling" with opponents, and said the West Wing's strategy of freezing out opponents amounts to a latter-day "enemies list," a reference to an infamous practice of President Richard Nixon.

      "An 'enemies list' only denigrates the Presidency and the Republic itself," Alexander said on the Senate floor. "These are unusually difficult times, with plenty of forces encouraging us to disagree. Lets not start calling people out and compiling an enemies list. Lets push the street-brawling out of the White House and work together on the truly presidential issues: creating jobs, reducing health care costs, reducing the debt, creating clean energy."

    • Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has told colleagues that he was given bad information by the American Medical Association (AMA), which will result in a significant setback to Democrats healthcare reform strategy.

      Democrats are not expected to have the votes to pass a 10-year freeze of scheduled cuts to doctors' Medicare payments, according to sources in both parties. Reid had offered to pass the "doctors' fix" in return for support from the doctors on President Barack Obama's broader healthcare initiative, which is slated for the Senate floor later this year.

    • Carly Fiorina, a likely Republican candidate for Senate in California, made public on Tuesday what her GOP primary opponent Chuck DeVore has long claimed: that the national party is supporting her bid to take out Sen. Barbara Boxer next year.

      "The chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee has encouraged me to enter the race, reaffirming my belief that Chuck DeVore can not beat Barbara Boxer," Fiorina said Tuesday, according to SanDiegoNewsRoom.com.
      NRSC is denying the endorsement though.

    • SDNR: If and when Carly Fiorina officially enters the race, how will your campaign change?

      CD: It won’t change a dang thing. I look forward to her being in the race. It will put the spotlight on the race and it will give my campaign more name ID. She’s going to bring more interest into this race that would otherwise be a cakewalk for me in the primary. If I can’t beat Carly Fiorina, there’s no way in hell I can beat Barbara Boxer—she’ll be a great tune-up.

      SDNR: Were your plans always to run for the Senate?

      CD: I’ve never had a desire to be anything. Offices are tools from which you do things with. It just appeared to me that the intellectual vigor of my party had been spent under George W. Bush. There was just no enthusiasm there.

    • The following are derived from FEC filings for the 2010 cycle ending 9/30/09.
      California BOXER (D) 1,645,191 688,696 176,586 0 6,351,426
      DeVore (R) 382,680 309,673 10,300 88,314 144,733
      Note the last figures of Cash on Hand Boxer 6.3 M vs DeVore 144K. Not even close