• Barack Obama,  Bill Clinton,  Day By Day

    Day By Day April 21, 2010 – Zip It

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Former President Bill Clinton invoking the Oklahoma City bombings in describing Tea Party protests is pure Saul Alinsky tactical diversion.

    Congressional Democrat and national union leaders know they are losing the war on ideas and there is a sea-change coming at the November midterm elections. They want to minimize the damage and hence they send out Bill Clinton to call every Tea Party protester terrorists.

    But, Americans will NOT be fooled liked they were during the George W Bush years with the derisive tactics.

    It is not a question as whether Democrats lose their large majority in the Congress. It is by how much they lose and if they are relegated to minority status in the House and Senate.

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    • Boxer's campaign announced today that President Barack Obama will travel to the Bay Area next month to attend a joint fundraising event for Boxer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

      Obama attended a fundraiser for Boxer in Los Angeles last night.

      "The jet fumes of Air Force One haven't even cleared, and already Barbara Boxer is begging for an encore," Republican National Committee spokesman Jahan Wilcox said via e-mail. "Obviously the internals in the Boxer campaign indicate that she is going to have the fight of her political career."
      And, undoubtedly more gay protests for Obama.

      Barbara Boxer's polling numbers must really be in the dumpster.

    • Republican U.S. Senate candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina held a conference call with reporters a short while ago to trash-talk President Barack Obama’s visit to California today to raise money for incumbent U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., but not all of her facts stand up to scrutiny.
      And, neither does Josh Richman's phony news story here including squoting Obama's Organizing for America. Richman's paper has already endorsed Tom Campbell and will 100 per cent endorse Boxer in the general election.
      This piece is a pathetic piece of advocacy pseudo-journalism.
      The California economy is in turmoil and Obama, plus Boxer have done nothing but make matters worse. Quoting facts about George W. Bush notwithstanding.

      Sheesh – what a crap story.

    • President Obama is “swooping” into Los Angeles today to try to save Senator Barbara Boxer–the same way he saved Gov. John Corzine in New Jersey and would-be Senator Martha Coakley in Massachusetts!

      The President will undoubtedly raise a few more million dollars for Boxer from the Hollywood Left. But Boxer doesn’t need more money. She needs more spine—spine to stand up to the big unions that are helping drive California into disaster.

      What Obama and Boxer don’t seem to realize is that they—like Corzine and Coakley–are on the wrong end a taxpayer rebellion. For decades, Californians paid high taxes but got good services in return: good schools and roads, an excellent university system. But now, after favor after favor to the unions from their pliant political pawns, we have bloated payrolls, unfireable teachers who are the highest-paid in the nation, state workers who retire at 55 and make more money not working than when they were working.
      Boxer is in deep trouble.

    • After a long day of work in Washington and a long transcontinental flight to Los Angeles, President Obama told a crowd of Democratic donors in Los Angeles Monday night that he was "fired up!"

      Turns out so were some of the crowd members.

      The president's 29-minute speech was interrupted several times by gay protesters impatient with the lack of progress in repealing the military's "Don't Ask-Don't Tell" policy regarding gays.

      Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have both often urged patience on gay-lesbian and transgender advocates, promising to repeal the policy in time. But tonight the protesters would have no more talk of patience, rejecting the president's repeated promise that he would repeal the policy and at one point breaking out into the trademark Obama chant of "Yes We Can!"
      Well, Obama has done nothing for the gay community but pander.

    • "With sufficient foreign assistance, Iran could probably develop and test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the United States by 2015," said the April report, a copy of which was obtained by Reuters.

      A classified version was also submitted to Congress.

      The timing of advances in Iran's long-range missile technology is being closely watched in Washington, which accuses Tehran of pursuing nuclear weapons and is pushing for a new round of sanctions. Iran denies the charges and says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.
      North Korea, China and Russia will oblige. Yet Obama is cutting back missile defense and making arms deals with the Russians.
      A dangerous course of action.

  • Chuck DeVore,  Josh Trevino,  Leisa Brug Kline

    CA-Sen: Chuck DeVore Misused California Public Funds for US Senate Campaign?

    Joshua Trevino (L), Communications Director for U.S. Senate candidate Chuck DeVore

    The answer may be yes if the facts in the below embedded complaint are indeed true.

    And, then there is an issue with the reporting of any in-kind contributions for the DeVore Senate Campaign to the Federal Elections Commission. These issues are explored in the embedded complaint to the FEC below:

    FEC Complaint Chuck Devore

    I, frankly, do NOT care what Joshua Trevino and Leisa Brug Kline do in their time away from State of California employment. And, I do not care that they love California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore so much that they wish to volunteer their time to get him elected to the United States Senate.

    But, I DO care if my taxpayer dollars are being used to underwrite his campaign.

    The investigation will continue, the election will come and go with DeVore not winning and there may even be a small penalty attached to this conduct.

    For now, the main issue though is the poor judgment of Chuck DeVore.

    Trevino and Kline should have taken a leave of absence from their State of California jobs when they began staffing DeVore’s campaign for U.S. Senate. If they were worried about salaried employment, DeVore should have paid them out of his campaign collections (he certainly has raised enough to pay them a decent salary). But, he didn’t.


    Who knows?

    Was DeVore being cheap? 

    Or was DeVore just arrogantly naive or clueless of the appearances/repercussions?

    In any case, the issue of impropriety has been raised and will be considered by the voters in June.

  • Carly Fiorina,  Chuck DeVore,  Tom Campbell

    Update: CA-Sen: Hewlett Packard Says Carly Fiorina Being Unfairly Criticized in Russian Bribes Flap


    I have to comment about this crap rehash piece from Seema Mehta at the Los Angeles Times. Seema, do some research. This story was in the news 4 days ago and you have added nothing different than some lame accusations from Fiorina’s rival Chuck DeVore. Although the investigation is ongoing there is absolutely no reason to believe this involves Fiorina or the Senate race.

    But, leave it to the Los Angeles Times to trash a candidate they do not favor. What a shocker.

    Former Hewlett-Packard CEO and California U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina addressing a San Diego National Tax Day Tea Party Protest in San Diego yesterday

    What Hewlett-Packard is saying is that U.S. Senate opponents of Fiorina, Tom Campbell and Chuck DeVore are full of shit in their criticism.

    Hewlett-Packard Co., facing a European bribery probe over a 2003 computer contract, said former Chief Executive Officer Carly Fiorina is being unfairly criticized for being in charge during that time.

    To suggest that Carly Fiorina, or any other senior executive in Palo Alto then or now, was knowledgeable of these alleged activities is wrong and not supported by the facts, David Shane, a company spokesman, said in an interview. The facts have clearly demonstrated that the criminal investigation is focused on alleged activities that took place seven years ago in Germany and Russia by regional employees.

    Prosecutors in Germany are investigating possible corruption linked to the Palo Alto, California-based companys 35 million-euro ($47.3 million) sale of computers to Russia when Fiorina was CEO. They are examining whether Hewlett-Packard paid bribes to win the contract, Wolfgang Klein, a spokesman at Saxonys Chief Prosecutors Office, said this week.

    Hewlett-Packard, the worlds biggest maker of personal computers, hired law firm Linklaters LLP in December 2009 to help with its internal investigation, Shane said. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is assisting Linklaters. The company said the computer contract in question was signed and approved seven years ago.

    But, you know, you have to expect this type of campaign crap from Campbell who is smarting from his exposed association with convicted Islamic terrorists  and Chuck DeVore who has so little money in the bank for his campaign that he has reached desperation time for anyone to notice him.

    So, this is real a non-story in this race except for the whining from Tom Campbell and Chuck DeVore who both cannot seem to understand the facts of the investigation.

    And, these guys want to be United States Senators?

  • Day By Day,  SEIU

    Day By Day April 20, 2010 – Keep It Union

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, more like KEEP IT LEFT and the LEFT’S attack on the Tea Party movement.

    A seemingly grassroots organization that’s mounted an online campaign to counter the tea party movement is actually the front end of an elaborate scheme that funnels funds — including sizable labor union contributions — through the offices of a prominent Democratic party lawyer.

    A Web site popped up in January dedicated to preventing the tea party’s “radical” and “dangerous” ideas from “gaining legislative traction,” targeting GOP candidates in Illinois for the firing squad.

    “This movement is a fad,” proclaims TheTeaPartyIsOver.org, which was established by the American Public Policy Center (APPC), a D.C.-based campaign shop that few people have ever heard of.

    But a close look reveals the APPC’s place in a complex network of money flowing from the mountainous coffers of the country’s biggest labor unions into political slush funds for Democratic activists.

    Somehow I think the internet, blogs and Twitter will be the undoing of the Saul Alinsky folks and their faux astro-turf operation.

    Sunlight is a great disinfectant.

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    links for 2010-04-19

    • Three possibilities: The blogger, Kavon Nikrad, made the whole thing up; Nikrad told the truth and Team Mitt is lying its butt off to do damage control; or Nikrad misunderstood that when Romney answered “no,” he was responding to the part of the question about pre-existing exclusions, not the mandate. That would make sense politically — the exemption for pre-existing conditions is the most popular part of ObamaCare and the mandate, arguably, is the least popular — but, per Philip Klein, the two really are a package deal.
      Flip Flopper Mitt Romney had better qualify his remarks directly and quickly.
    • After leaving the California Democratic Party convention here Sunday, gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown stopped by the city's oldest African American church. Coincidentally, the message the pastor preached at the First African Methodist Episcopal Church: "Yesterday's victory does not guarantee victory today."

      The symbolism is apt for Democrats and the 72-year-old Brown as he seeks to return to the governor's office he occupied from 1975 to 1983. A little more than a year and a half since the excitement generated by President Obama's presidential victory, Democrats in the nation's most populous state spent the past three days searching for something to stir enthusiasm for their 2010 campaigns.
      Voters are tired of Jerry Brown and the unions that control the Democrat Party

      (tags: Jerry_Brown)
    • Convention Report: This weekend was the state Democratic Party convention–the one where they wouldn't let me speak. I went anyway. I wrote the most provocative leaflet I could (I'll post it soon) but people persisted in being nice, and many seemed to read it. Even a few guys in union jackets. I had some heated arguments. About a dozen people dramatically handed the leaflet back. Only a couple of people walked away saying they were disgusted. All good. Several conventiongoers said what Democrats of child-rearing age often say–roughly, "I disagree with everything in here except the part about the teachers' unions. They're awful." You have to wonder if these unions' leaders know just how despised they are.
      Mickey Kaus is challenging Sen Barbara Boxer in the Democrat Primary election for US Senate
    • A massive volcanic plume covering most of Europe forced President Obama to cancel a Sunday trip to Poland to attend the funeral of the nation's president. But the last-minute change left an opening in his schedule, so the president headed to the links for a round of golf instead.

      On a cool but sun-drenched Sunday, the president and three golfing companions went to Andrews Air Force Base to play 18 holes. It is the 32nd time Mr. Obama has played golf since taking office Jan. 20, 2009, according to CBS Radio's Mark Knoller.
      More than Bush in 8 years

      (tags: barack_obama)
    • Nearly a year later, Mr. Obama has yet to set foot in an American mosque. And he still has not met with Muslim and Arab-American leaders. But less publicly, his administration has reached out to this politically isolated constituency in a sustained and widening effort that has left even skeptics surprised.

      Muslim and Arab-American advocates have participated in policy discussions and received briefings from top White House aides and other officials on health care legislation, foreign policy, the economy, immigration and national security. They have met privately with a senior White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to discuss civil liberties concerns and counterterrorism strategy.

  • Tom Campbell

    CA-Sen: American Future Fund Unloads on Tom Campbell

    The ad illustrates Tom Campbells record while serving the state as a congressman, California Director of Finance, and his public positions as a law professor and media commentator. Campbell has consistently supported tax increases and the wasteful spending that comes with it.

    Another conservative independent expenditure group has decided to go negative on Tom Campbell.

    A new attack ad is on the airwaves in the Republican U.S. Senate primary — and the funding didn’t come from California.

    The Iowa-based American Future Fund launched a 30-second ad blasting former Rep. Tom Campbell for refusing to sign an anti-tax pledge. A spokesman for the AFF said the group is spending $1 million to run the ads for one week on stations across California.

    Campbell has supported state tax increases in the past, but has said he never supported any effort to raise federal income taxes.

    The American Future Fund is not required to disclose the sources of its funding. The group has run radio ads against the new federal healthcare legislation. In 2008, the group ran television ads in support of Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minnesota).

    My bet the funding for this ad which definitely supports Carly Fiorina is from her contacts at the National Republican Senatorial Committee. But, nonetheless, we may never know who paid but one million dollars of an ad buy is hitting California and Tom Campbell.

    And, Campbell does not have the campaign funds to respond.

  • Day By Day,  SEIU

    Day By Day April 19, 2010 – Vacation Days

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    What does the American public expect from the President and the Obama Administration?

    The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) bought and paid for the Presidency and the Democrats massive Congressional majority and they want pay back. Obama is one of them – a community organizer – remember?

    The SEIU and other unions want to regain their membership numbers in the private economy like they had in the 1930’s – 50’s but this time through government mandate. Union membership has steadily eroded through the last decades as American private business shunned the unions to better control costs and be competitive.

    Government employment, including education has been the last refuge of the LEFT-leaning unions. Now, they want to expand and make YOU join. And, of course, pay your membership dues and invest your pension with the union bosses.

    No great mystery here. But will American voters tolerate the power grab?

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