Barack Obama,  Herman Cain,  Polling,  President 2012

President 2012 Poll Watch: Obama 39% Vs. Cain 34%

According to the latest Rasmussen Poll.

Herman Cain did well in last week’s GOP debate and won a decisive straw poll victory in Florida, but his numbers in a general election match-up against President Obama are little changed.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds that Obama earns 39% support while Cain attracts 34%. In that match-up, 14% prefer some other candidate, and 14% are undecided

A month ago,  the president led Cain by seven percentage points. In March  Obama held an 18 point advantage over the businessman and talk show host.

Data released earlier today shows that voters nationwide are evenly divided as to whether or not Cain is qualified to be president  — 30% say yes, 33% no, and 37% are not sure. Republicans, by a 49% to 17% margin believe he is qualified while most Democrats disagree. Among Republicans, Cain’s numbers on this question are similar to Rick Perry’s but not as strong as Mitt Romney’s.

Yet, these are fairly decent numbers from someone who is virtually unknown to the electorate.

Here is a summary of Rasmussen head to head polling:

Not a bad polling result from someone who just last week was considering withdrawal form the Presidential race.

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