• Clint Eastwood,  Day By Day

    Day By Day September 1, 2012 – Gran Mal

    Day By Day Cartoon

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, Clint Eastwood knew exactly what he was doing at the Republican National Convention. I, especially like Mark Steyn’s assessment of the performance.

    Like William F. Gavin, I hugely enjoyed Clint Eastwood’s turn last night, but I’m not sure I agree that it was “unintentionally hilarious” and that “he forgot his lines, lost his way.” Clint is a brilliant actor, and a superb director of other actors (and I don’t just mean a quarter-century ago: In the last five years, he’s directed eight films). He’s also, as Mr. Gavin observed, a terrific jazz improviser at the piano — and, in film and music documentaries, an extremely articulate interviewee. So I wouldn’t assume that the general tenor of his performance wasn’t exactly as he intended. The hair was a clue: No Hollywood icon goes out on stage like that unless he means to.

    John Hayward writes:

    “The intended recipient was not Mitt Romney, the convention delegates, or even Republican voters, but rather wavering independents. Clint was there to tell them it’s OK to find Obama, his ugly campaign operation, and his increasingly shrill band of die-hard defenders ridiculous. It’s OK to laugh at them.”

    Without a doubt, Eastwood provided “cover” for Mitt Romney. It is OK to vote against President Obama – not even everyone from Hollywood is supporting him this time around.

    Now, let’s see who the Democrats use to attempt to “trump” Dity Harry.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  President 2012

    Day By Day August 23, 2012 – Additions

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The honeymoon with President Obama and the Lame Stream Media has been over for a while, but the persistent bias in coverage persists. Obama simply avoids the White House press corps and gives soft, puff piece interviews for the more pop-culture, grocery store rags.

    Obama no longer has the compelling “Hope and Change” mantra of 2008. The President has lost his MOJO.

    The Newsweek cover is funny, but who reads Newsweek or Time Magazine anymore? It reaches and influences nobody.

     The Morning Flap: August 20, 2012Today’s social media world has changed politics and Presidential campaigns. No more hiding from the “press” or a President hiding in the Rose Garden, behind their favorite print columnists.

    The POLS will either have to ENGAGE the voters or perish.

  • Day By Day,  Sarah Palin

    Day By Day August 19, 2012 – No Lie

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, the report on a new Poltico book is that the Obama White House has already marginalized DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

    Many of Obama’s advisers have quietly begun questioning whether they should have picked Wasserman Schultz, an outspoken Florida congresswoman, as his DNC chairwoman. She has clashed with Chicago over her choice of staff and air-time on national TV shows — and they think she comes across as too partisan over the airwaves.

    Obama’s brain trust secretly commissioned pollster David Binder to conduct an internal focus study of the popularity of top Obama campaign surrogates. Number one was former press secretary Robert Gibbs, followed by Cutter. Traveling press secretary Jen Psaki, who was added to a second study, was third. Axelrod, Plouffe and current White House press secretary Jay Carney were bunched in the middle. Wasserman Schultz ranked at the bottom.

    As far as Sarah Palin – I don’t think anyone will be able to muzzle or marginalize her impact.

    Today, the Washington media frenzy is all about some ridiculous/incredulous remarks from Rep. Todd Akin who is also the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate from Missouri. I wish we can tune him out and I somehow think he will be gone from politics by the end of the day.

    Or, at least should be….

  • Day By Day

    Day By Day August 15, 2012 – Voice

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, remember what the late and great President Ronald Reagan said about the government:

    The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’

    Remember when government was “of” the people and “for” the people?

    Now, it is government and regulation for the sake of government – because “WE” know better for you!

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day August 14, 2012 – Vegetables

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, should President Obama win re-election (which is more probable, since beating an incumbent President is always difficult), he would be the lamest of lame ducks ever in American history. Since the GOP control of the House will NOT flip this election cycle and the Senate will be almost evenly split, there will be NO further movement on ANY of Obama’s policy agendas.

    But, will stagnation be good for America?

    GOP reforms may have to wait, but election prospects look FAR better than in January 2009, when Obama was inaugurated.