• Bill Maher,  Day By Day,  Rush Limbaugh

    Day By Day March 15, 2012 – Drive-By Theater

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, projection is correct, especially when the RIGHT exposes the HYPOCRISY of the LEFT.

    Have you seen the latest in this regard – re: Bill Maher Vs. Rush Limbaugh Vs. Sandra Fluke?

    Bill Maher, who has attracted fresh criticism for past comments about Sarah Palin in the aftermath of Rush Limbaugh calling a law student a “slut,” said in an interview that comparing his use of the “c word” to the radio host’s controversial remarks is “ridiculous.”

    “To compare that to Rush is ridiculous – he went after a civilian about very specific behavior, that was a lie, speaking for a party that has systematically gone after women’s rights all year, on the public airwaves,” Maher told Jake Tapper of ABC News. “I used a rude word about a public figure who gives as good as she gets, who’s called people ‘terrorist’ and ‘unAmerican.’ Sarah Barracuda.”

    Maher added, “The First Amendment was specifically designed for citizens to insult politicians. Libel laws were written to protect law students speaking out on political issues from getting called whores by Oxycontin addicts.”

    There you go…

  • David Axelrod,  Day By Day

    Day By Day March 14, 2012 – My Kung Fu is Strong

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, it has been very quiet on the name-calling, hypocrisy-laden LEFT after the Limbaugh-Fluke flap, no?

    The White House has drawn back and notice that President Obama’s political guru, David Axelrod cancelled an appearance on the Bill Maher HBO show.

    Feeling pressure in the wake of the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke controversy, Bill Maher recently said he could say disgusting things about Sarah Palin and other women because he’s on HBO and doesn’t have sponsors.

    Apparently the White House doesn’t completely agree, for according to Politico, David Axelrod, one of Obama’s right-hand men, has cancelled an upcoming appearance on Maher’s Real Time:

    David Axelrod will not be appearing as a guest on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” despite reports last week that he was scheduled to do the show in the next few weeks.

    “He’s not scheduled to go on at this time,” said Ben LaBolt, the press secretary for President Obama’s reelection campaign.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Mitt Romney,  President 2012

    Day By Day March 11, 2012 – Off Course

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, are you saying that Mitt Romney is NOT the answer to defeating the ‘Statist” GOP Establishment or President Obama’s LEFT ideology and leadership.

    Well, you are correct.

    Let us hope that Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich can both stop a Romney win in the GOP primary races.

    I say let the delegates elected and chosen to the Republican Convention make the decision in August.

    California Presidential primary election here we come!

  • Day By Day,  Rush Limbaugh,  Sarah Palin

    Day By Day March 9, 2012 – Rush

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The hypocritical LEFT will regret going after Rush Limbaugh with their secondary, targeted boycott.

    For one, the LEFT uses name calling and Alinsky demeaning tactics far more than the RIGHT.

    And, the RIGHT will now be empowered to show the hypocrisy over and over again. A little daylight works wonders. Right, Bill Maher and Ed Shultz?

    The Rush Limbaugh take down will fail as well.

    The LEFT media always has the Sarah Palin bashing Game Change premiering on HBO this weekend. Talk about misogyny.

  • Barack Obama,  Bill Maher,  Day By Day,  Rush Limbaugh

    Day By Day March 8, 2012 – Material Women

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The entire Limbaugh – Fluke Flap may indeed come back and bite the President and Democrats in Congress in the ass.

    Rush Limbaugh may lose some talk show radio sponsors and may gain others. Financially, Rush and the Premiere Radio Network will be fine.

    However, American voters are now wondering why the Obama Administration is at war with the Catholic Church and may even ask what is in the ObamaCare Law (passed in the Congress with not one Republican vote) which has not fully taken effect.

    The RIGHT will also be energized to “daylight” the hypocritical LEFT, like media personalities Bill Maher and Ed Shultz, and their propensity towards misogynist comments towards conservative women, like Sarah Palin and Laura Ingraham.

    President Obama has had a problem in the past with independent women voters. The White House maybe wishes the genie did not come out of this Rush Limbaugh bottle.

  • Day By Day

    Day By Day March 6, 2012 – Costs

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, do I not have the “RIGHT” to information?

    It then follows that the government should guarantee me a new iPad 3 to facilitate that end.

    You know, to make healthy food choices and obtain the directions to the polls to vote.

    Free contraception and free dentistry for children indeed…..

  • Day By Day,  Rush Limbaugh

    Day By Day March 5, 2012 – Star Wars

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Carbonite certainly has the “right” to purchase advertising on any radio program or venue. However, their political proclivities have certainly become evident with their cancelling of ads on Rush Limbaugh’s Show .

    David Friend, the CEO of Carbonite, an online data backup provider, said in a statement on the company’s Facebook page that he hoped his and other advertisers’ decision to pull their ads from Limbaugh’s show “will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse.”

    I, as a consumer, also have the “right” to do business with anyone I wish and Carbonite will not even be considered by me. I recommend the same treatment for Carbonite by all conservatives.

    Pro Flowers is another advertiser who has pulled their ads from the Rush Limbaugh Show. I note they also advertise a fair amount on other conservative talk radio shows, including Salem Communications.

    So, will they pull those ads when they do not agree with the commentator? Or a guest?

    I will no longer do business with this company either.

    Quicken Loans, Sleep Train Mattresses, Sleep Number, LegalZoom, Carbonite and Citrix have also said they will pull their advertisements from Limbaugh’s program.