• John McCain

    Message to Rick Davis – Why McCain is Tanking in the Polls

    Campaign Race

    McCain campaign manger Rick Davis sitting

    Wonder why Team McCain is talking about William Ayers and NOT the economy?

    Listen to Rick Davis, McCain campaign manager:

    Campaign shouldn’t become “CNBC News Show on the Stock Market.”

    “It doesn’t mean we don’t care and aren’t trying to do something about it, it’s just I’m not exactly sure what you’d say everyday.”

    One of the criticisms of John McCain is that he does not understand the American financial system or economics. If his campaign manager cannot understand the reason his candidate is tanking in the polls is due to the fact that American voters are worried about the economy and see NO REASON to vote for McCain, then Davis should concede the campaign tomorrow and get on with the Obama transition. McCain is running a Herbert Hoover type “do-nothing” campaign while the stock market and world financial markets collapse. He is fiddling about William Ayers while America’s economy is burning.

    Senator McCain had better shake up his staff QUICKLY and get on with REAL IDEAS about helping America’s economy – that is if he wants to win.


    Allah over at Hot Air
    says Ace and Geraghty agree. Well, they do after reading the latest Fox News Poll.

    We are all correct. But, will Rick Davis and McCain get the message?

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  • Barack Obama,  John McCain,  William Ayers

    John McCain Watch: Obama – Not Being Honest With the American People

    The latest McCain TV Ad: “Ambition”

    John McCain today in Wisconsin remarks continues to attack Barack Obama on his honesty.

    This is the agenda I have set before my fellow citizens. And the same standards of clarity and candor must now be applied to my opponent. We have all heard what he has said, but it is less clear what he has done or what he will do.

    Rather than answer his critics, Senator Obama will try to distract you from noticing that he never answers the serious and legitimate questions he has been asked. He has even questioned my truthfulness. And let me reply in the plainest terms I know. I don’t need lessons about telling the truth to American people. And were I ever to need any improvement in that regard, I probably wouldn’t seek advice from a Chicago politician.

    The Script for “Ambition:”

    ANNCR: Obama’s blind ambition.

    When convenient, he worked with terrorist Bill Ayers.

    When discovered, he lied.

    Obama. Blind ambition. Bad judgment.

    Congressional liberals fought for risky sub-prime loans.

    Congressional liberals fought against more regulation.

    Then, the housing market collapsed costing you billions.

    In crisis, we need leadership, not bad judgment.

    JOHN MCCAIN: I’m John McCain and I approve this message.

    Team McCain is sticking to the attacks of Obama and pounding the Ayers theme while beginning to pressure Obama on the economic front, particularly the details of Obama’s economic recovery plan. The American people will have to decide within a few weeks whether they can trust Obama.

    Ultimately, the trust issue will decide the Presidential race.

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  • John McCain,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Watch: The Obligatory I Didn’t Do It


    Photoshop Courtesy of The Page

    Last night Team McCain issued their own acquittal of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in the Troopergate Flap as a pre-emptive strike against today’s release of a possible embarassing state ethics report.

    Sen. John McCain’s running mate is the subject of a legislative investigation into whether she abused her power as governor by firing her public safety commissioner. The commissioner, Walter Monegan, says he was dismissed in July for resisting pressure from Palin’s husband, Todd Palin, and numerous top aides to fire state trooper Mike Wooten, Palin’s former brother-in-law.

    Lawmakers are expected to release their own findings Friday. Campaign officials have yet to see that report — the result of an investigation that began before she was tapped as McCain’s running mate — but said the investigation has falsely portrayed a legitimate policy dispute between a governor and her commissioner as something inappropriate.

    “The following document will prove Walt Monegan’s dismissal was a result of his insubordination and budgetary clashes with Governor Palin and her administration,” campaign officials wrote. “Trooper Wooten is a separate issue.”

    The Executive Summary of the McCain-Palin campaigns analysis is here.

    Beginning in October 2007, Governor Sarah Palin and members of her administration repeatedly clashed with Department of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, a member of her cabinet, over budgetary issues and department direction. On July 11, 2008, after multiple efforts to reach a consensus had failed, Governor Palin offered Mr. Monegan a new position as head of the Alaska Alcohol Control Board. Mr. Monegan declined the offer and was dismissed as a result.

    In the following months, this straightforward personnel decision would be muddied with innuendo, rumor and partisan politics. The facts, however, have not changed: Mr. Monegan, who under the Alaska state constitution serves as an at-will appointee at the pleasure of the Governor, chose to ignore the direction, principles and policies of the Palin Administration. Unable to understand and accept the administration’s policies, to comply with established interagency processes, or to execute goals, Mr. Monegan failed to effectively perform his duties as a member of the cabinet and head of the Department of Public Safety (DPS).

    The following analysis will further outline and highlight the multiple acts of insubordination and repeated budget clashes that led to Monegan’s dismissal. The report will also discuss the questionable origins of the Legislative Inquiry and why Governor and Todd Palin were right to express their concerns over Trooper Mike Wooten.

    Governor Palin’s reform agenda. Governor Palin came into office in 2006 on a platform of reform, budget discipline and agency oversight. Governor Palin directed her agencies to embrace this policy and work with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to cut costs while still meeting important department goals.

    Monegan’s failure to understand and accept administration policy. Mr. Monegan proved unable to follow the policies of the Palin administration and pressed his own agenda without regard for the formal budgeting process.  Emails show a pattern of Mr. Monegan refusing to take administration direction and ignoring attempts by members of Governor Palin’s staff to reach a working consensus on budgetary issues.

    Monegan’s failure to comply with established interagency processes. Mr. Monegan worked outside and around the administration, lobbied for funding that was not approved and ignored policy goals that the DPS was expected to meet.

    Monegan’s failure to meet Administration goals.  Mr. Monegan’s dismissal was based on his repeated refusal to execute the Palin Administration’s vision on budgetary matters and the direction of the Department of Public Safety.

    In the months following Mr. Monegan’s dismissal, theories behind his dismissal have arisen, including one pushed by a longtime critic of Governor Palin. On July 16, Andrew Halcro, a former state representative defeated by Governor Palin in the 2006 gubernatorial election and author of a vehemently anti-Palin blog, met Trooper Mike Wooten for drinks at a three-and-a-half hour meeting at the Sheraton Hotel bar in Anchorage. (Governor Palin’s sister had been the third of Wooten’s four wives.) Later that evening, on his blog, Halcro originated the notion that Monegan was reassigned due to his refusal to fire Wooten because of Wooten’s rogue behavior, which is chronicled below. Halcro was the first person to suggest this theory. The following document will prove Walt Monegan’s dismissal was a result of his insubordination and budgetary clashes with Governor Palin and her administration.  Trooper Wooten is a separate issue.

    It is worth noting, however, that the Palins had good reason to raise concerns about Trooper Mike Wooten. Trooper Wooten has a long history of unstable and erratic behavior, including drinking beer in his squad car, killing moose illegally, using a taser on his 10-year-old stepson and threatening to kill a member of the Palin family. These events are not mere allegations, nor are they limited to the Palin family; in 2006, a formal review by the director of the Alaska State Troopers formally concluded that Wooten had engaged in these acts of misconduct, imposed punishment, and stated that a civilian found to have committed the same acts would have received criminal sanctions.  Understandably concerned about a pattern of behavior demonstrated by someone entrusted with the responsibilities of law enforcement, the Palin family reported the behavior to the appropriate authorities, and continued to express concern about Wooten’s continued patrol assignment of their neighborhood and claims of being above the law due to his trooper status.

    Todd Palin and Monnegan

    Walt Monegan, center, the former public safety commissioner, and his special assistant, Kim Peterson, both said they received phone calls from Todd Palin, right, about Mr. Wooten’s behavior. Photo courtesy of the New York Times

    Here is a New York Times background piece and note the analysis is not as kind.

    Stay tuned for the release of the official investigatory report later in the day. But, with the Asia/European stock markets in a meltdown again today and McCain-Palin tanking in the polls as a result of the economic crisis this entire matter may prove to be of little consequence – except for Sarah Palin’s political future after this race.

    But, stay tuned…….


    Sarah Palin Watch: Alaska Supreme Court Clears The Way for Troopergate Report

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  • Barack Obama,  John McCain,  Sarah Palin,  Tony Rezko,  William Ayers,  William Daley

    Barack Obama Watch: The Chicago Way and Shady Politics

    A new Republican National Committee Independent Expenditure Ad hits Barack Obama on his “CHICAGO” political connetctions: Tony Rezko, William Daley and William Ayers.

    The Script:

    ANNCR:         The Chicago Way. Shady politics.

    That’s Barack Obama’s training.

    His teachers?

    Tony Rezko convicted of corruption, money laundering, aiding and abetting bribery.

    Rezko got Obama in on a shady land deal.

    William Daley. Heir to the Chicago machine. A top Obama advisor.

    And William Ayers. Leader of a terrorist group that bombed the US Capitol.

    Obama’s first campaign was launched at a gathering at Mr. Ayers’s home.

    There’s more you need to know.

    The Republican National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

    John McCain and Sarah Palin need to pound the battleground states with this message and the Obama-Fannie Mae, Congressional Democrat subprime loan financial crisis.

    All negative – all of the time NOW!

    The next focus of attack – The Obama – ACORN connection

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  • Barack Obama,  Barney Frank,  Fannie Mae,  George Soros,  John McCain,  Nancy Pelosi

    John McCain Should Use SNL Video to Bash Congressional Democrats and Bush Over Subprime Loan/Fannie Mae Crisis

    +++++Update: Video was here and is now no longer available +++++

    Saturday Night Live on Washington approving the financial bailout package

    SNL left out the part about Chris Dodd and Barack Obama’s complicity. But, with John McCain finally taking up the issue, there will be more.

    Watch all of the skit and you will wonder why McCain has been so late to the dance.

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  • Barack Obama,  Fannie Mae,  John McCain

    John McCain Finally Blasts Obama and Democrats Over Fannie Mae Financial Crisis

    National Republican Congressional Committee Ad: What Just Happened? on the financial meltdown caused by the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

    Flap said yesterday that Team McCain needed to attack the Democrats and Barack Obama on the financial crisis, precipitated by the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, for their roll in the financial meltdown.

    Finally, John McCain will get tough and address the issue.

    Our current economic crisis is a good case in point. What was his actual record in the years before the great economic crisis of our lifetimes?

    This crisis started in our housing market in the form of subprime loans that were pushed on people who could not afford them. Bad mortgages were being backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and it was only a matter of time before a contagion of unsustainable debt began to spread. This corruption was encouraged by Democrats in Congress, and abetted by Senator Obama.

    Senator Obama has accused me of opposing regulation to avert this crisis. I guess he believes if a lie is big enough and repeated often enough it will be believed. But the truth is I was the one who called at the time for tighter restrictions on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that could have helped prevent this crisis from happening in the first place.

    Senator Obama was silent on the regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and his Democratic allies in Congress opposed every effort to rein them in. As recently as September of last year he said that subprime loans had been, quote, “a good idea.” Well, Senator Obama, that “good idea” has now plunged this country into the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

    To hear him talk now, you’d think he’d always opposed the dangerous practices at these institutions. But there is absolutely nothing in his record to suggest he did. He was surely familiar with the people who were creating this problem. The executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have advised him, and he has taken their money for his campaign. He has received more money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac than any other senator in history, with the exception of the chairman of the committee overseeing them.

    Did he ever talk to the executives at Fannie and Freddie about these reckless loans? Did he ever discuss with them the stronger oversight I proposed? If Senator Obama is such a champion of financial regulation, why didn’t he support these regulations that could have prevented this crisis in the first place? He won’t tell you, but you deserve an answer.

    Obama’s bump up in the poll is the direct result of the faltering economy. American voters are pissed off at politicians and scared of losing their life savings.

    John McCain and Sarah Palin must push the MAIN cause of the financial crisis: Barack Obama and the Congressional Democrats. They must explain John McCain’s role in attempting to avert the meltdown which was thwarted the Democrats.

    No more free ride for “The One.”

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  • Barack Obama,  Jeremiah Wright,  John McCain,  Sarah Palin,  William Ayers

    Sarah Palin Watch: Putting Jeremiah Wright in Play?

    wrignt and obama

    Glenn McCoy on Reverend Jeremiah Wright

    The Presidential campaign is coming home to roost and Sarah Palin wants to put Barack Obama’s former spiritual advisor, Jeremiah Wright, “in play.”

    Palin also made clear that she was eager for the McCain-Palin campaign to be more aggressive in helping the American people understand “who the real Barack Obama is.” Part of who Obama is, she said, has to do with his past associations, such as with the former bomber Bill Ayers. Palin had raised the topic of Ayers Saturday on the campaign trail, and she maintained to me that Obama, who’s minimized his relationship with Ayers, “hasn’t been wholly truthful” about this.

    I pointed out that Obama surely had a closer connection to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright than to Ayers — and so, I asked, if Ayers is a legitimate issue, what about Reverend Wright?

    She didn’t hesitate: “To tell you the truth, Bill, I don’t know why that association isn’t discussed more, because those were appalling things that that pastor had said about our great country, and to have sat in the pews for 20 years and listened to that — with, I don’t know, a sense of condoning it, I guess, because he didn’t get up and leave — to me, that does say something about character. But, you know, I guess that would be a John McCain call on whether he wants to bring that up.”

    Team McCain must attack Barack Obama on all fronts including Jeremiah Wright and why Obama sat in those pews all of those years wile saying NOTHING.

    Unleash Palin to attack the Obama-Wright-Ayers connection and McCain should attack Obama on Fannie Mae, Jim Johnson and Franklin Raines.

    Stay tuned……

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  • Barack Obama,  Jodie Evans,  John McCain

    Barak Obama is “DANGEROUS”

    In this latest Team McCain television ad, voters are reminded of Barack Obama’s comments about American strategy in Afghanistan.

    The Script:

    ANNCR: Who is Barack Obama? He says our troops in Afghanistan are

    BARACK OBAMA: “… just air-raiding villages and killing civilians.”

    ANNCR: How dishonorable.

    Congressional liberals voted repeatedly to cut off funding to our active troops. Increasing the risk on their lives. How dangerous.

    Obama and Congressional liberals. Too risky for America.

    The latest McCain campaign strategy has been attacking Barack Obama’s character and his past statements plus affiliations. Will this tactic carry over on a personal level at tomorrow night’s debate?

    Ed calls Obama the “CODE PINK CANDIDATE” because of his association with Code Pink Co-founder and Obama fundraising bundler Jodie Evans. Will this be the next ad?

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  • Barack Obama,  John McCain

    McCain-Palin Giving Up on Michigan: Beginning of the End?

    Obama in Michigan October 2 2008
    US Democratic presidential candidate Illinois Senator Barack Obama arrives at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Obama said Thursday the deregulatory zeal endorsed by his Republican rival John McCain had driven the economy to the brink of disaster, as he urged the full Congress to pass a rescue plan

    Apparently Team McCain is pulling out of Michigan and will concede the state to Barack Obama. Remembering that John Kerry won Michigan in 2004 by 3.4 % and Al Gore in 2000 by 5.2%

    The latest battleground state polls show McCain-Palin cratering in support.

    Is this the beginning of the end?


    Economic turmoil and McCain’s failure to address the concerns of the American people with regards to the economy have caused this downward spiral. The American electorate are not happy and will punish President Bush and the GOP, as they did in 2006.

    Team McCain can turn things around but it will take a dedicated effort and some help.

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  • Barack Obama,  Joe Biden,  John McCain,  Sarah Palin

    Flap Editorial: Replace Gwen Ifill

    gwen Ifill moderator
    U.S. vice presidential debate moderator Gwen Ifill sits in a wheelchair after injuring her ankle as she takes part in a walk through at the debate site in St. Louis, Missouri October 1, 2008. The debate between Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE) and Republican vice presidential candidate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is scheduled for October 2

    Despite John McCain’s weak sauce “Life is not fair” comment, Gwen Ifill should be replaced as tonight’s moderator.

    Ifill has a FINANCIAL conflict of interest and what is most disturbing is that she did not see fit to disclose her book deal to the Commission on Presidential Debates.

    Ifill said Wednesday that she hasn’t even written her chapter on Obama for the book “The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama,” which is to be published by Doubleday on Jan. 20, 2009, the day a new president is inaugurated.

    “I’ve got a pretty long track record covering politics and news, so I’m not particularly worried that one-day blog chatter is going to destroy my reputation,” Ifill said. “The proof is in the pudding. They can watch the debate tomorrow night and make their own decisions about whether or not I’ve done my job.”

    Dump her….