• Barack Obama,  John McCain

    Barack Obama, Robin Hood and Joe the Plumber


    Well, McCain DID channel Joe the plumber tonight. Remember Joe Wurzelbacher on Sunday. Here is the video and video commentary with a follow-up interview to help your memory.


    But, will John McCain benefit from calling out Obama on class warfare and tax redistribution?

    Stay tuned……..


    Here is the video of Obama and McCain discussing Joe the plumber:

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  • Barack Obama,  Jeremiah Wright,  John McCain

    The ACORN Squirrels Are Cute But What About Jeremiah Wright?


    The GOP has deployed Squirrels for tonight’s debate

    ACORN, William Ayers and squirrels aren’t going to cut it if John McCain wants to win the Presidency. Now, Jeremiah Wright and the racism/anti-semitism preached in Obama’s African American church is an issue that can be exploited.

    But, McCain won’t do it.

    Flap bets Sarah Palin is wondering why she signed onto the Titanic.


    Flap agrees with this – mention them ALL – over and over again.

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  • Barack Obama,  John McCain,  Media Bias

    Media Shocker: Barack Obama Issues Talking Points to Media Prior to Tonight’s Debate


    Matt Drudge has the poop.

    What a shock!

    The media being helped by the Obama campaign.

    Press Secretary Sean Smith issued the directive in an email from Pennsylvania, 12 hours before the debate.

    The memo oddly mirrors much of the main press analysis and theme of the current campaign:

    ——– Original Message ——–
    Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 09:37:27 -0500
    From: Sean Smith [s***mith@barackobama.com]
    To: Sean Smith [s***mith@barackobama.com]

    * This is John McCain’s last chance to turn this race around and somehow convince the American people that his erratic response to this economic crisis doesn’t disqualify him from being President.

    * Just this weekend the weekend, John McCain vowed to “whip Obama’s you-know-what” at the debate, and he’s indicated that he’ll be bringing up Bill Ayers to try to distract voters.

    * So we know that Senator McCain will come ready to attack Barack Obama and bring his dishonorable campaign tactics to the debate stage.

    Obama continues to lead on the economic crisis with a rescue plan for Main Street.

    * Over the course of the campaign, Barack Obama has laid out a set of policies that will grow our middle class and strengthen our economy.

    * But he knows we face an immediate economic emergency that requires urgent action – on top of the plans he’s already laid out – to help workers and families and communities struggling right now.

    * That’s why Barack Obama is introducing a comprehensive four-part Rescue Plan for the Middle Class – to immediately to stabilize our financial system, provide relief to families and communities, and help struggling homeowners.

    * This is a plan that can and should be implemented immediately.

    * Obama has shown steady leadership during this crisis and offered concrete solutions to move the country forward – and his Rescue Plan for the Middle Class builds on the plans to strengthen the economy and rebuild the middle class that he’s laid out over the course of this campaign.

    * Already in this campaign, he’s unveiled plans to give 95 percent of workers and their families a tax cut, eliminate income taxes for seniors making under $50,000, bring down the cost of health care for families and businesses; and create millions of new jobs by investing in the renewable energy sources.

    * John McCain has been erratic and unsteady since this crisis began – staggering from position to position and trying to change the subject away from the economy by launching false character attacks.

    What a surprise! The MSM is in the tank for “The One.”

    Stop the presses.

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  • Barack Obama,  John McCain

    Rick Davis and Steve Schmidt Are You Listening? Reprise


    Flap is NOT reassured with Steve Schmidt’s comments today.

    John McCain’s chief strategist Steve Schmidt said Monday that the campaign is “well within striking distance” of Barack Obama.

    “We are running in a very difficult political environment, that’s not a secret to anybody that’s out there,” Schmidt said during an interview on National Public Radio. “I believe in this race we are approximately six points behind. There’s a lot of the media right now that is writing Senator McCain off for the third or fourth time this year. That means we have ‘em just where we want ‘em in this race.”

    “We have an ability to close that distance in the final weeks of the campaign and we’ll be working hard to do that,” Schmidt added. “We feel good about the possibilities of winning the race.”

    Schmidt blamed the financial crisis for the campaign’s current state, pointing out that before the crisis McCain was running ahead of Obama.

    “We understand that the day of the beginning of the financial crisis we were ahead in this race. With the financial crisis we have fallen slightly behind in the race and we have some ground to make up,” Schmidt said.

    It has been the economy for over three weeks now and Team McCain continues to struggle with a coherent message while Obama really has said nothing.

    The ONLY historical note that is optimistic for the McCain-Palin ticket is that Obama has had trouble closing out
    his campaign against Hillary Clinton. In fact, he LIMPED into the nomination.

    So, Steve, get Mac on a consistent, coherent economic message – and run with it.

    You are running out of time – IT IS NOW OR NEVER.


    This doesn’t help.

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  • John McCain

    John McCain Continues to Throw in the White Towel of Surrender

    This video is from the other day when John McCain first decided to throw in the white towel and give up the Presidential race. After listening to his speech at Virginia Beach just now, Flap doesn’t believe McCain has the “fire in the belly” to win this race.

    A same really because after portraying Barack Obama as a “celebrity” and a good GOP convention, Mac has let the economy sink him. McCain had the opportunity to lead and he has fumbled the ball.

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  • John McCain

    Did John McCain Just Throw in the White Towel?

    John McCain at a campaign rally, October 10, 2008

    Did McCain just surrender the race for the Presidency?

    After weeks of running negative ads and in the last week linking Barack Obama with the domestic bomber/terrorist, William Ayers, out of the McCain brain comes:

    • “I want everyone to be respectful. And let’s make sure we are, because that’s the way politics is done in America.” 
    • Tells one supporter who says he’s scared of an Obama presidency: “I have to tell you, he is a decent person, a person that you do not have to be scared [of] as president of the United States.”
    • After a woman calls Obama “an Arab terrorist” McCain interrupts to say: “No, ma’am. He is a decent family man with whom I happen to have some disagreements.”

    Flap goes back to the primary election and why he did NOT support McCain. McCain has a great narrative history of service to America but he has proven to be too inexperienced on the economy and frankly is showing his age.

    My friends, unless world events dramatically change, this campaign is OVER.


    Charles Krauthammer says McCain ONLY has himself to blame for the bad timing on Obama’s associations.

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