• Bobby Jindal

    Video: Really Bobby Jindal?


    There is something about Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, I just don’t like.

    He grates on me.

    Perhaps, it is because he thinks he is smarter than everyone else?

    In any case, calling the GOP “STUPID” and saying that 2016 Presidential aspirants need their heads examined is a non-starter for me.

    Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) said Monday that Republicans already thinking about the 2016 presidential race need “to get their head examined” because the party is just beginning to recalibrate its messaging in the aftermath of President Obama’s reelection.

    “Anybody on the Republican side even thinking or talking about running for president in 2016, I’ve said, needs to get their head examined,” Jindal told “Fox and Friends.” “And the reason I say that is, we’ve lost two presidential elections in a row, we need to be winning the debate of ideas, then we’ll win elections.”

    Jindal, considered an early front-runner for the Republican nomination, said that the party’s struggles despite polling showing a desire for smaller government was evidence that a reboot was necessary.

    I don’t think Jindal will need to have his head examined, since he is going nowhere, but representing the state of Louisiana.

  • Hillary Clinton,  Mark Steyn,  Michael Ramirez

    Hillary Clinton Lip-Synced More than Beyoncé


    Read all of Mark Steyn’s excellent post on Hillary Clinton and Benghazi.

    A couple of days later, it fell to the 45th president-in-waiting to encapsulate the ethos of the age in one deft sound bite: What difference does it make? Hillary Clinton’s instantly famous riposte at the Benghazi hearings is such a perfect distillation that it surely deserves to be the national motto of the United States. They should put it on Paul Krugman’s trillion-dollar coin, and in the presidential oath: “Do you solemnly swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?” “Sure. What difference, at this point, does it make?” Well, it’s the difference between cool and reality – and, as Hillary’s confident reply appeared to suggest, and the delirious media reception of it confirmed, reality comes a poor second in the Obama era. The presumption of conservatives has always been that, one day, cold, dull reality would pierce the klieg-light sheen of Obama’s glamour. Indeed, that was the premise of Mitt Romney’s reductive presidential campaign. But, just as Beyoncé will always be way cooler than some no-name operatic soprano or a male voice choir, so Obama will always be cooler than a bunch of squaresville yawneroos boring on about jobs and debt and entitlement reform. Hillary’s cocksure sneer to Sen. Johnson of Wisconsin made it explicit. At a basic level, the “difference” is the difference between truth and falsity, but the subtext took it a stage further: no matter what actually happened that night in Benghazi, you poor sad loser Republicans will never succeed in imposing that reality and its consequences on this administration.

  • Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Out At Fox News Channel

    Sarah Palin and fox News

    I was wondering why Sarah was not seen very much after the November elections.

    But, now it is clear.

    Sarah is out at Fox News.

    After a three-year run as a paid contributor to the nation’s highest-rated cable news channel, Sarah Palin and FOX News have cut ties, according to a source close to the former Alaska governor.

    “It’s my understanding that Gov. Palin was offered a contract by FOX, and she decided not to renew the arrangement,” the source close to Palin told RCP. “She remains focused on broadening her message of common-sense conservatism across the country and will be expanding her voice in the national discussion.”

    She will probably be offered another news punditry gig at another network, if she wants it – like CNN or ABC.

    I am wondering if she might just return to Alaska politics and run for the U.S. Senate seat occupied by Democrat Mark Begich?

  • Filibuster,  Harry Reid

    Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell Agree on Senate Filibuster Reform

    Harry Reid Harry Reid Threatens GOP with Nuclear Option On Senate Filibuster Rules

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada)

    ZZZZZ – Harry Reid couldn’t pull the trigger and the Senate is better for it.

    Progressive senators working to dramatically alter Senate rules were defeated on Thursday, with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and his counterpart, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), set to announce a series of compromise reforms on the Senate floor that fall far short of the demands. The language of the deal was obtained by HuffPost and can be read here and here.

    The pressure from the liberal senators, led by Oregon Democrat Jeff Merkley and backed by a major coalition of progressive groups, created the political space for Reid to cut the deal with McConnell, which includes changes to how the Senate operates but leaves a fundamental feature, the silent filibuster, in place.

    OK, the Dems surrendered because the prudent ones know that what goes around, comes around.

  • Harry Reid,  No Budget No Pay

    Video: No Budget, No Pay


    Most Americans would agree to send all of the members of Congress packing, if they did not vote for a budget.

    Why should Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is protecting Democratic Senators, up for 2014 re-electon in Red States get a pass.

    Dingy Harry: Pass a budget and let’s have a discussion with the House to regain fiscal sanity.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day January 24, 2013 – Same Ol

    Day By Day cartoon of January 24 2013Day By Day by Chris Muir

    President Obama and his minions on the LEFT have the propensity of wanting to get their own way politically – no matter what.

    When House Speaker John Boehner says the President wants to annihilate the GOP, he really is not joking.

    President Barack Obama is aiming to “annihilate” the GOP during the president’s second term, House Speaker John Boehner says.  “And given what we heard yesterday about the President’s vision for his second term, it’s pretty clear to me that he knows he can’t do any of that as long as the House is controlled by Republicans,” Boehner (R-Ohio) said at a gathering of the Republican-oriented Ripon Society on Tuesday, a day after President Barack Obama’s second Inaugural address. “So we’re expecting over the next 22 months to be the focus of this Administration as they attempt to annihilate the Republican Party. And let me just tell you, I do believe that is their goal — to just shove us into the dustbin of history.”

    One major problem: The Constitution which was written to oppose despotism and dictatorial powers.

  • Hillary Clinton,  Libya

    Hillary Clinton Fails in Benghazi Senate Hearing

    Hillary Clinton appears in Senate

    Can’t really say this was a good performance by Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, testifying before Congress on the September attacks in Libya that killed four Americans, warned Wednesday that the United States must not retreat from hazardous diplomatic posts overseas.

    “We have come a long way in the past four years, and we cannot afford to retreat now,” Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “When America is absent, especially from unstable environments, there are consequences. Extremism takes root, our interests suffer, and our security at home is threatened.”

    Clinton’s voice broke moments later when she told the committee her commitment to the safety of diplomats is more than professional.

    “It’s personal,” she said, describing the sight of the four returning coffins and the grieving families there to receive them.

    It was an uncharacteristic display of emotion for Clinton, who is usually collected and reserved in public.

    In one of her last duties as America’s top diplomat, Clinton went to Capitol Hill on Wedneday to testify before committees of both houses of Congress and answer questions about the attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya. The attacks killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans and exposed lapses in judgment and security at the State Department.

    Hillary showed the emotion, but did not answer the questions with alacrity. She evaded, and dissed U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, while accepting responsibility for the Benghazi disaster.

    Questions will be more pointed this afternoon in the House.

    I don’t think she will get away so easy.

  • Filibuster,  Harry Reid

    Harry Reid Threatens GOP with Nuclear Option On Senate Filibuster Rules

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada)

    I think this is a bluff by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

    The Nevada Democrat said he would give Republicans another 24 to 36 hours to agree to filibuster reform and then trigger the so-called nuclear option. This controversial tactic would allow him to change the Senate rules with a simple majority vote.

    “I hope within the next 24 to 36 hours we can get something we agree on. If not, we’re going to move forward on what I think needs to be done. The caucus will support me on that,” Reid told reporters.

    Although its use has been threatened in the past to spur the minority party to agree to reforms, the nuclear option has never been used to change the standing rules, say parliamentary experts.

    But, if Dingy Harry really wants to change the United States Senate to be like the House, then so be it. The GOP will benefit as NOTHING in the Senate will be voted on by the GOP controlled House for at least the next two years.

    The Democrats’ and the Obama agenda will be dead as the President drifts onward to total lame duck status.

    Moreover, the GOP Senators will drag their feet even more (Senate business will grind to a halt), as they attempt to get even with the majority.

    A deal will be struck.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day January 22, 2013 – Link This

    Day By Day cartoon January 22, 2013Day By Day by Chris Muir

    President Obama will try to quickly move his LEFTIST/PROGRESSIVE agenda, as he knows that a lame duck administration soon awaits.

    However, the GOP House will NOT play ball and will force Senate Democrats who represent RED states to either side with the GOP or make unpopular votes that may endanger their 2014 re-election.

    The chains that Obama will hold on his own party will be weak indeed.

    The chains of Obama Big Government will take a while to break – but break they will.

  • Barack Obama,  Michael Ramirez

    The Three Stooges of the Obama Administration Via Michael Ramirez


    If the Republicans allow RINO Chuck Hagel to be confirmed, the military will surely decline.

    Even New York Times columnist David Brooks understands what Obama is doing with the Chuck Hagel appointment.

    As the federal government becomes a health care state, there will have to be a generation of defense cuts that overwhelm anything in recent history. Keep in mind how brutal the budget pressure is going to be. According to the Government Accountability Office, if we act on entitlements today, we will still have to cut federal spending by 32 percent and raise taxes by 46 percent over the next 75 years to meet current obligations. If we postpone action for another decade, then we have to cut all non-interest federal spending by 37 percent and raise all taxes by 54 percent.

    As this sort of crunch gradually tightens, Medicare will be the last to go. Spending on things like Head Start, scientific research and defense will go quicker. These spending cuts will transform America’s stature in the world, making us look a lot more like Europe today. This is why Adm. Mike Mullen called the national debt the country’s biggest security threat.

    Chuck Hagel has been nominated to supervise the beginning of this generation-long process of defense cutbacks. If a Democratic president is going to slash defense, he probably wants a Republican at the Pentagon to give him political cover, and he probably wants a decorated war hero to boot.