• Jeff Gorell,  Ventura County Board of Supervisors

    Jeff Gorell for Ventura County Supervisor

    Jeff Gorell and Claudia Bill de la Pena debate the issues at the CLU forum


    I am pleased to recommend Jeff Gorell for Ventura County Supervisor , Area 2 (Oak Park, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo).


    Please vote for him – he has been a friend for many years.


    Why vote for Jeff?


    • Military Veteran: Gorell serves as a United States Navy Reserve Captain. Jeff has served two tours of duty in Afghanistan. While the community and I were enjoying our quality of life here in Ventura County , he put HIS LIFE on the line to protect us.
    • Deputy District Attorney: Jeff worked as a criminal prosecutor in the Ventura County District Attorney’s office. He is tough on crime!
    • Elected California Legislator: Gorell served as my elected California State Assemblyman from 2010 to 2014. He is a proud member of the Ventura County Republican Party.
    • Long-term Resident of Ventura County: Jeff, while still a young man, has been a 20-year resident of Ventura County.


    You can watch the last week’s debate with his opponent here. The discussion starts around 1:30 or so.


    I am asking my neighbors, colleagues, friends, and fellow conservatives to vote for Jeff Gorell for Ventura County Supervisor, by or on November 8th.


  • Claudia Bill-de la Pena,  Jeff Gorell

    Jeff Gorell Calls on Claudia Bill-de la Pena to Return Tobacco Campaign Contributions

    You can watch the Jeff Gorell news conference in the YouTube video above.

    Fireworks are flying in the Ventura County Supervisor’s race in Area 2 (Thousand Oaks, Oak Park, Camarillo).

    Twitter has been ablaze with accusations between Gorell and de la Pena camps. Who is more beholden to special interests or corrupt? Who is most hypocritical about receiving donations?

    Gorell signed two pledges today (No Fossil Fuel contributions and No Tobacco money)  and is returning some small fossil fuel company/executives’ contributions. He is calling upon de la Pena to return over 18 thousand dollars in previously received Big Tobacco monies and to sign the No Tobacco money pledge.

    Stay tuned.


  • Jeff Gorell,  Mike Garcia

    Jeff Gorell and Rep. Mike Garcia Joint Fundraising Event Scheduled for Camarillo

    Jeff Gorell and Mike Garcia Joint event

    Looks like Christian radio

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    , Salem Media Group is not forgetting its Camarillo roots and supporting Ventura County Supervisor candidate, Jeff Gorell, big time.

  • Al Adam,  Bob Engler,  Claudia Bill-de la Pena,  Jeff Gorell,  Kevin McNamee

    Jeff Gorell is Endorsed By More Former City of Thousand Oaks’ Councilmen

    Jeff Gorell for Supervisor

    It was released earlier today that Jeff Gorell has been endorsed by SIX-TIME City of Thousand Oaks Mayor Andy Fox. In a direct repudiation of Gorell’s opponent, Claudia Bill-de la Pena , a current member of the Thousand Oaks City Council, other current and former Councilmen have endorsed Gorell:

    • Current Councilman Al Adam
    • Current Councilman Kevin McNamee
    • Former Councilman Joel Price
    • Former Mayor and Councilman Dennis Gillette

    Two others, who are Democrats, although I believe, Joel Price, is also a Democrat, have declared themselves neutral in the race.

    • Mayor and Councilman Bob Engler – running for re-election
    • Assemblywoman and former Mayor/Councilwoman Jacqui Irwin – running for re-election

    Flap asks why?

    Three of your CURRENT colleagues on the Council are either supporting your opponent or are neutral?

    Something is amiss here or maybe it is simply that Gorell’s opponent doesn’t work well with others?

  • Andy Fox,  Claudia Bill-de la Pena,  Jeff Gorell,  Ventura County Board of Supervisors

    Andy Fox Endorses Jeff Gorell for Ventura County Supervisor

    Former long-time Mayor and Councilman for Thousand Oaks, Andy Fox has endorsed Jeff Gorell for Ventura County Supervisor.

    While this is not a surprise, it is notable since Fox served for many years with Gorell’s opponent, Thousand Oaks City Councilwoman Claudia Bill-de la Pena, on the council.

    One would think that serving so many years in a working relationship with someone, you, as an ex-pol, would simply sit out the election. Not so with Fox.

    There must be a host of reasons.

    I’ll let Andy speak to them himself.

    This is a significant pick-up endorsement for Gorell.

  • California Citizens Redistricting Commission,  Elton Gallegly,  Jeff Gorell,  Tony Strickland

    California Citizen’s Redistricting Committee Latest Draft Visualization for Ventura County Includes Moorpark But Excludes Simi Valley?

    Visualization from Redistricting Partners

    Apparently so.

    Not a good series of maps
    for long term GOP Representative Elton Gallegly since it appears his home in Simi Valley is outside the district.

    The earlier first draft Congressional map had Simi Valley and Moorpark outside the district. It looks like the California Citizen’s Committee has decided on a compromise with allowing Moorpark in and placing Simi Valley into a primarily Los Angeles County District.

    Here is the Demographic breakdown of the new Ventura County Congressional District:

    The newly drawn Congressional District is not the final one and the Commission has until August to draw final maps. There will be likely challenges after the Commission finishes its work. But, for now, Representative Gallegly would either have to move a few miles to Moorpark or Thousand Oaks or retire. He could off course, stay where he is and run in the new West San Fernando Valley/Santa Clarita Valley District which is now represented by long time GOP Rep. Buck McKeon.

    Should Gallegly retire, two incumbent GOP POLS would reside in the district: California State Senator Tony Strickland and California Assemblyman Jeff Gorell.

    This is, of course, what will happen if the map is not redrawn again in its final adoption by the Commission.

  • Jeff Gorell,  Taxes,  Tea Party,  Ventura County Tea Party

    Over 1,000 Boisterous Protesters Attend Ventura County California Tax Day Tea Party

    Over 1,000 people gathered at noon and protested during Ventura County Tax Day Tea Party at the Ventura Government Center.

    Here is Catherine Saillant’s, a reporter with the Los Angeles times, piece about the protest.

    In Ventura, more than 1,000 people gathered under blue skies to vent wide-ranging concerns, from over-taxation and government spending to condemnation of a recent Homeland Security report tracking a rise in violence among right-wing groups.

    Holding signs such as “Abolish the Federal Reserve,” and “We are Obummed Out, Stop Spending, No More Taxes,” the crowd was in a celebratory mood, loudly applauding each speaker and cheering as a small plane droned overhead pulling a banner that said “I’m Tea’d Off!!”

    In an interesting note: I had not seen Catherine since 1994 or so when she used to interview me when I was an active participant in Ventura County GOP politics as an officeholder and candidate. I always found her to be a fair and balanced reporter.

    The Photos:

    Tea Party April 15 2009 051

    There were two groups of Tea Party attendees – one at the government center listening to speakers and the second on Victoria Avenue carrying their signs and soliciting honks from the passing motorists.

    Tea Party April 15 2009 064
    Tea Party April 15 2009 060
    Tea Party April 15 2009 081
    Tea Party April 15 2009 076
    Tea Party April 15 2009 018
    Tea Party April 15 2009 091
    Tea Party April 15 2009 080
    Tea Party April 15 2009 100

    California Republican Assembly Candidate Jeff Gorell talking with Camarillo, California GOP City Councilman Mike Morgan

    Tea Party April 15 2009 109
    Jeff Gorell addressing the Tea Party Protest throng
    Tea Party April 15 2009 111
    Flap’s Twitter friend @erickbrockway
    Tea Party April 15 2009 057
    Twitter friend @pir8gold sporting her #TCOT Top Conservatives on Twitter T- Shirt
    Tea Party April 15 2009 023

    All of Flap’s photos from the event are here.  All are subject to the Creative Commons License on Flickr, all rights reserved.

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  • Jeff Gorell,  Tea Party,  Ventura County Tea Party

    Video: California Republican Assembly Candidate Jeff Gorell Speaks at Tax Day Tea Party

    Jeff Gorell, a Republican candidate for California Assemblywoman Audra Strickland’s seat in 2010 (Strickland is term limited out) speaks at Tea Party protest today

    One of the few politicians who adddressed the hundreds who gathered at the Ventura County Government Center this afternoon was Jeff Gorell, the consensus Republican pick for California’s 37 Assembly District.

    The Jeff Gorell for Assembly 2010 Facebook group is here.

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  • Audra Strickland,  Jeff Gorell

    Jeff Gorell Endorsed by California Assemblywoman Audra Strickland

    Jeff Gorell has announced today the endorsement of California Assemblywoman Audra Strickland to succeed her (Audra is term-limited out) in Flap’s home Assembly District (CA-37) in the Thousand Oaks, California area.

    From the press release:

    The campaign for Jeff Gorell, candidate for State Assembly in 2010, announced today that he has been endorsed by incumbent Assemblywoman Audra Strickland (R-Moorpark). The 37th Assembly District lawmaker is precluded from running for re-election due to Proposition 140, California’s term limits law, and she has made public her early and strong support for Jeff Gorell to succeed her in office.

    “It’s an honor to have the support of Assemblywoman Strickland,” said Jeff Gorell, a former Ventura County Deputy DA and local attorney. “As our next Assemblyman, I will work to reform California’s government and build upon her efforts to hold the line on government spending and new taxes. Like Audra, I will be a strong ally of public safety on all fronts, and will fight against the proposed Camarillo prison hospital. “

    “Despite the challenges in Sacramento today, I continue to have great optimism and inspiration to make positive change for our community” said Gorell. “It’s an honor to have the early support of Assemblywoman Audra Strickland and so many respected state and local leaders. It would be one of life’s greatest honors to represent this community – my neighbors – in the State Legislature.”

    This is a very early start for Republican Gorell. Obviously, he wishes to preclude a “CONTESTED” GOP primary election in June 2010 in this “safe” Republican district.

    Audra Strickland and likely her husband, California State Senator Tony Strickland’s, endorsement is huge – especially from a fundraising stand point.

    Looks like a clear GOP field for Gorell.

    The Jeff Gorell for Assembly 2020 Facebook group is here.

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