• Joe Biden,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Watch: Palin Helps GOP and Herself at Vice Presidential Debate


    Sarah Palin speaking at GOP post Vice Presidential debate event in St Louis

    So, who won the VP debate?

    Depends upon how you measure. One early poll gives the nod to Joe Biden but Frank Luntz’s focus group of undecided voters gives an overwhelming win to Sarah Palin.

    The proof in the pudding will be the tracking polls within a few days but the conventional wisdom is Sarah Palin helped John McCain and especially herself as a future candidate with a stellar performance tonight.

    Here is the video of the Frank Luntz focus group:

    Flap will have more in the morning but was extremely pleased with Sarah Palin’s performance this evening.

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  • Joe Biden,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin to Go After Joe Biden?

    biden and palin

    Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden will share the same Washington University (St Louis) stage in a vice presidential debate at 9 PM Eastern

    Will Sarah Palin go on the attack against Joe Biden?

    The Politico says yes and reveals the Palin  playbook.

    This is all CW stuff but two interesting facts on the run up to tonight’s debate.

    • Sarah Palin’s parents will be in the St Louis audience
    • Palin will be sporting a bandage on her right hand from falling while jogging on Monday.

    Flap will be covering the debate and micro-blogging via Twitter in the right sidebar ————>

    Or you can follow Flap on Twitter directly.

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  • Joe Biden

    Video: New Footage Exposes Joe Biden’s LIE Saying He was SHOT AT in Iraq

    In December 2005, Joe Biden traveled to Iraq, spending a night in Baghdad’s Green Zone.

    Why is Joe Biden getting a “PASS” on his Iraq War LIES? Hillary Clinton didn’t, now did she?

    When Hillary Clinton told a tall tale about “landing under sniper fire” in Bosnia, she was accused of “inflating her war experience” by rival Democrat Barack Obama’s campaign.

    But the campaign has been silent about Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden, telling his own questionable story about being “shot at” in Iraq.

    “Let’s start telling the truth,” Biden said during a presidential primary debate sponsored by YouTube last year. “Number one, you take all the troops out – you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die.”

    But when questioned about the episode afterward by the Hill newspaper, Biden backpedaled from his claim of being “shot at” and instead allowed: “I was near where a shot landed.”

    The senior senator from Delaware went on to say that some sort of projectile “landed” outside a building in the Green Zone where he and another senator had spent the night during a visit in December 2005. The lawmakers were shaving in the morning when they felt the building shake, Biden said.

    “No one got up and ran from the room-it wasn’t that kind of thing,” he told the Hill. “It’s not like I had someone holding a gun to my head.”

    The fact is the MSM has given Joe Biden a PASS and along with his continuing PLAGIARISM should be at issue in tomorrow night’s Vice Presidential debates.

    But, will it be asked by a moderator, Gwen Ifill who is already in the tank for Barack Obama?

    And, Joe how about telling us about your helicopter that was forced down in Afghanistan, won’t you?

    Stay tuned…….

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  • Joe Biden,  Sarah Palin

    Say Good Bye Gwen Ifill


    Say Good Night Gracie.

    What a disgrace that the Commission on Presidential debates did NOT vett Gwen Ifill as the moderator of the Thursday Vice Presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. Or did they decide this is NOT a conflict of interest?

    Michelle has more.

    Ask the Commission on Presidential Debates if she will acknowledge her conflict of interest: 202-872-1020.

    And here’s the e-mail address of Janet H. Brown, Executive Director of the Debates Commission: jb@debates.org

    If you think Ifill is NOT biased watch this video and remove all doubt.

    Gwen Ifill comments on Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican national convention

    Gwen Ifill should be replaced post-haste as tomorrow night’s debate. Blame it on her ankle or a “conflict of interest” but remove her.

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  • Joe Biden,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Watch: Another Age Swipe at Joe Biden


    Hugh Hewitt interviewed Sarah Palin this afternoon on his radio show. The transcript is here.

    Jim Geraghty has a review.

    The replay of the interview will be at 5 PM Pacific Daylight Time

    A transcript of the Sarah Palin interview on CBS’ “Evening News with Katie Couric” is here.

    Watch CBS Videos Online

    Sarah Palin explains a facetious comment she made about Joe Biden’s years in the Senate.

    Sarah Palin in an interview with CBS’s Katie Couric repeats an apparent age swipe at her rival Senator Slow Joe Biden.

    Gov. Palin at Monday’s event in Columbus, OH:   I do look forward to Thursday night and debating Senator Joe Biden. We are going to talk about those new ideas, new energy for America. I’m looking forward to meet him too. I’ve never met him before. But, I’ve been hearing about his senate speeches since I was in like 2nd grade.

    Katie Couric: You made a funny comment, you’ve said you have been listening to Joe Biden’s speeches since you were in second grade.

    Gov. Palin: It’s been since like ‘72, yah.

    Katie Couric: You have a 72-year-old running mate, is that kind of a risky thing to say, insinuating that Joe Biden’s been around awhile?

    Gov. Palin: Oh no, it’s nothing negative at all. He’s got a lot of experience and just stating the fact there, that we’ve been hearing his speeches for all these years. So he’s got a tremendous amount of experience and, you know, I’m the new energy, the new face, the new ideas and he’s got the experience based on many many years in the Senate and voters are gonna have a choice there of what it is that they want in these next four years.

    Alaska Governor is a fresh face and has been working in a world far different than any of the other candidates for President or Vice President. She offers a different perspective on life, family and politics.

    Joe Biden who plagiarized his way through law school and his first run for the Presidency has been in public office far longer than even John McCain. Biden has been a Democrat politician his entire career.

    American voters will decide if they want the experience of John McCain and the fresh perspective of Sarah Palin or the same old Democratic politics with Obama-Biden.

    The choice cannot be more clear.

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  • Joe Biden,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Nude Painting – Draws Sexist Treatment in Chicago Tribune and Joe Biden Reaction

    Bruce Elliott, whose wife owns the Old Town Ale House, painted this nude portrait of Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. He said his daughter, who does a good impression of the Alaska governor, served as model. (Kuni Takahashi, Chicago Tribune / September 29, 2008)

    Good Grief! The Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome continues with this obviously sexist piece at the left-wing homer newspaper for Barack Obama.

    Does anyone think treatment like this of say, Hillary Clinton, would appear in ANY newspaper?

    UH, NO……

    Here was Joe Biden’s reaction when asked about the nude portrait:

    Joe Biden surprise

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  • Joe Biden

    Joe Biden Watch: FDR on Television

    Joe Biden talking to CBS’s Katie Couric

    Oh really! FDR got on TV did he? After the Stock Market crash of 1929?

    Flap seems to recall that FDR got on the radio after he was elected three years later in what are called “Fireside Chats.”

    Slow Joe Biden GAFFES again and to think he is the “experienced” pol on the Democrat ticket.

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  • Barack Obama,  John Bolton

    Joe Biden Watch: Obama Attack Ad “Still” – “Terrible” – Slow Joe Can Rest Easy

    Barack Obama attack ad – “Still” details why John McCain would just be another out of touch president offering more of the same. On the air…

    The MORONIC AD ONLY aired 6 times and in the Washington DC area.

    Slow Joe Biden can rest easy.

    Team Barry sure knows how to burn through their campaign cash, now don’t they?

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