• Dean Barnett

    Dean Barnett – RIP

    Dean Barnett

    Dean Barnett on Right (Sox Blog, Weekly Standard) and Eric Egland -Candidate for Congress

    Photo courtesy of Gateway Pundit

    Flap is sad.

    Dean Barnett of Hugh Hewitt’s blog, the Sox Blog, and the Weekly Standard has passed away.

    Bill Kristol and the Weekly Standard has more here but the website has crashed from the traffic. Check it out later.

    Flap never met Dean but enjoyed his co-hosting of the Hugh Hewitt radio show and his writings. Truly a sad day in the right blogosphere.

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  • Audra Strickland

    Audra Strickland Watch: Ferial Masry – A Politician Out of Touch

    Flap gets campaign mail for the California Assembly race pitting incumbent GOP Assemblywoman Audra Strickland and Democrat challenger, high school teacher Ferial Masry.

    Ferial Masry 1
    Back side
    Ferial Masry 2

    Click on images for larger view

    Flap will be voting for Audra Strickland on November 4 and urges his colleagues, readers and friends in the California 37th Assembly District to re-elect her.

    As for Ferial Masry, she looks more like Taxin’ Jackson each day – a typical lockstep tax, spend and redistribute Democrat.


    California Assemblywoman Audra Strickland and her husband Tony, the former Assemblyman and current California State Senate candidate, Camarillo, California September 2008, Photo by Flap

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  • Gay Marriage

    Pastor Rick Warren Endorses California Proposition 8 to Protect Traditional Marriage

    Watch Yes on California Proposition 8’s latest TV ad to learn the truth about teaching gay marriage in public schools if Proposition 8 fails

    Pastor Rick Warren, the founder and senior Pastor of Saddleback Church and author of the New York Times bestselling “The Purpose Driven Life” has announced his support of Proposition 8, California’s Protect Marriage Act

    Warren, founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church, affirmed his support of the proposition, which would restore the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman, in his News and Views email which is distributed to church members.

    “For 5,000 years, every culture and every religion – not just Christianity – has defined marriage as a contract between men and women,” Warren wrote. “There is no reason to change the universal, historical definition of marriage to appease 2% of our population.”

    “The courts threw out the will of the people,” Warren said in his online video, in reference to the State Supreme Court’s decision in May to overturn Proposition 22, approved by 61 percent of voters in 2000 to declare marriage between a man and a woman.  “I never support a candidate but on moral issues I come out very clear.”

    Warren is considered one of the most respected and influential pastors in America and his support of Proposition 8 is unequivocal. He was named one of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World and 15 World Leaders Who Matter Most and was called one of America’s Top 25 Leaders by U.S. News and World Report. 

    The California religious community has been nearly unanimous in their support for traditional marriage and are putting their money, and volunteers where their mouth is. They will turn out their folks to vote.

    Stay tuned…..

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  • Dentistry

    Dentists are NOT Doctors

    dentistry timeline header

    DOCTOR John Crippen must have been seeing too many patients as of late and is cranky, tired or a little of both as he goes off and offends UK dentists and the profession of dentistry in his latest post: It’s Official: Dentists Are Not Doctors.

    It was well over ten years since the General Dental Council decided to allow its members to use the title “doctor”. This followed a long campaign by “Dr” Douglas Pike, who drills teeth somewhere in Suffolk:

    Dr Douglas Pike – the General Dental Council’s decision to permit use of the title is effective immediately – said that his sole aim was to bring Britain into “harmony” with the rest of the world. Dr Pike, who practises in Sudbury, Suffolk, said: “We are primary healthcare workers just like GPs. We prescribe drugs, take biopsies and X-rays, and our training is very similar.”
    The Independent

    Mr Pike was of course talking bollocks. Dentists are dentists. No more. No less. They are no more doctors than the chiropractors and other practitioners of mystic alternative arts that masquerade as medicine.

    Flap remembers his first dental class at the University of Southern California School of Dentistry with Dr. Clifton O. Dummett, D.D.S. welcoming us to the profession of dentistry. “Welcome Doctors.” The good professor then went on to our inaugural lecture about some of the history of dentistry and why dentists are known as doctor.

    For indeed, Flap’s degree earned after four years of post baccaleureate university work at the school of dentistry is a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree (DDS).

    And, American dentistry has awarded such degrees since 1840.

    1840—Horace Hayden and Chapin Harris establish the world’s first dental school, the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and originate the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. (The school merges with the University of Maryland School of Dentistry in 1923).

    Perhaps Dr. Crippen is reflecting on some old long held bias against the dental profession, UK dentistry is practiced barbarically or maybe he had a root canal treatment fail yesterday but with all of the major advances in dentistry from public health to implant surgery he is simply uninformed and wrong.

    Actually, it is embarassing.

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  • Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin HANGED in West Hollywood

    A mannequin hanging from a home in West Hollywood has been outfitted to look like Governor Sarah Palin.

    The tolerant Gay LEFT community on display in West Hollywood, California.

    Sarah Palin is not considered to be a friend of the gay community, but the Republican vice presidential candidate seems to be looming over the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival.

    First, a rumor got started that city officials were going to ban Sarah Palin drag queens at its upcoming costumed street party, which draws some 500,000 people annually.

    The rumor turned out to be false, but tonight comes word that a mannequin has been outfitted to look like Palin — with glasses, a beehive wig and a red business suit — and is hanging from a noose outside a WeHo residence.

    The display also depicts a devilish John McCain emerging from flames.

    Real class……..



    Can you imagine if they hanged Barack Obama in effigy?

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  • Barack Obama,  Sarah Palin

    Barack Obama and The Redistribution of Wealth Media Shame


    First, listen to Barack Obama in this 2001 audio. Obama was speaking as a law professor and Illinois State Senator about redistributive change through the courts.

    In a 2001 Chicago Public Radio Interview
    Obama is discussing the best way to bring about a Redistribution of Wealth

    Then, read Bill Whittle’s piece in the NRO about the Three Circles of Shame.

    I happen to know the person who found this audio. It is an individual person, with no more resources than a desire to know everything that he or she can about who might be the next president of the United States and the most powerful man in the world.

    I know that this person does not have teams of highly paid professionals, does not work out of a corner office in a skyscraper in New York, does not have access to all of the subtle and hidden conduits of information … who possesses no network television stations, owns no satellite time, does not receive billions in advertising dollars, and has a staff of exactly one.

    I do not blame Barack Obama for believing in wealth distribution. That’s his right as an American. I do blame him for lying about what he believes. But his entire life has been applying for the next job at the expense of the current one. He’s at the end of the line now.

    I do, however, blame the press for allowing an individual citizen to do the work that they employ standing armies of so-called professionals for. I know they are capable of this kind of investigative journalism: It only took them a day or two to damage Sarah Palin with wild accusations about her baby’s paternity and less time than that to destroy a man who happened to be playing ball when the Messiah decided to roll up looking for a few more votes on the way to the inevitable coronation.

    We no longer have an independent, fair, investigative press. That is abundantly clear to everyone — even the press. It is just another of the facts that they refuse to report, because it does not suit them.

    Remember this, America: The press did not break this story. A single citizen, on the Internet did. 

    There is a special hell for you “journalists” out there, a hell made specifically for you narcissists and elitists who think you have the right to determine which information is passed on to the electorate and which is not.

    American voters have a right to know for whom they are voting when they pull the lever for Barack Obama next Tuesday. 

    Why after all of these months is this information about Obama’s past just NOW filtering into the political arena while there are continuing stories about Sarah Palin’s wardrobe?

    Which is the larger shame?

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  • Del.icio.us Links

    links for 2008-10-27

    • The Obama campaign whined about WFTV being "unprofessional" when it dared to dish out some tough questions to Vice President hopeful, Joe Biden.

      The Obama spokesperson issued this statement about the interview:

      "There's nothing wrong with tough questions, but reporters have the very important job of sharing the truth with the public — not misleading the American people with false information. Senator Biden handled the interview well; however, the anchor was completely unprofessional. Senator Biden's wife is not running for elected office, and there are many other stations in the Orlando television market that would gladly conduct a respectful and factual interview with her."
      "This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election."
      Don't like to answer hard questiond now do they?

    • John McCain on Sunday warned Americans against the increasingly likely prospect of a Democratic takeover of Washington’s two main branches of government next week, but insisted that opinion polls indicating a strong victory for Barack Obama were misleading.

      Mr McCain – who is trailing his rival by an average of seven to eight percentage points with eight days to go – would pull off the biggest electoral upset since 1948, when Harry S Truman beat Thomas Dewey, were he to win next week.
      The Bradley effect could be in play.

      (tags: mccain)
    • Clearly, they waited this long to address the issue in hopes it would blow over. Palin said she wanted to do so at the rally to avoid "the filter of the media" — always a good line for a GOP crowd — but even in friendly interviews this week she didn't offer up much of an explanation. Further, there was no mention until McCain let it slip on "Meet the Press" today that a third of the clothing was given back after the convention.

      Now, nine days out, comes the defense, ensuring that the story will stay alive for at least one more news cycle.
      Sarah Palin has been relying on the inept McCain campaign to spin things for her. This is an attempt to recover some ground for her later politicla career.
      John McCain is a flawed Presidential candidate for many reasons but there is really no excuse for his poor campaign managment.

    • Sarah Palin is the rogue elephant in the GOP war room.

      The maverick mom is distancing herself from John McCain and blowing off the advice of senior Republican aides, convinced they're damaging her reputation and ruining the campaign.

      Things have gotten so tense between Palin and her traveling staff, an insider said, that she's overruling their advice – which was evident last week when she ignored GOP aides piling into waiting cars at a Colorado event and strolled over to the press corps for an impromptu talk.
      Can you blame Sarah Palin? She has been mishandled badly and is the future of the GOP along with Bobby Jindahl.

      (tags: sarah_palin)
    • "Unfortunately, I think John McCain might be added to that long list of Arizonans who ran for president but were never elected," Kyl said, listing Republican Barry Goldwater, Udall and Democrat Bruce Babbitt. "Maybe, we'll be able to say Arizona's the only state where your child can't grow up to be president. Let's hope that doesn't happen," the Republican added.
      "If it's not John McCain, it'll be another Arizonan someday," said Kyl.
      Kyl has always been a realist
    • A draft US Army intelligence report has identified the popular micro-blogging service Twitter, Global Positioning System maps and voice-changing software as potential terrorist tools.

      The report by the 304th Military Intelligence Battalion, posted on the website of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), examines a number of mobile and web technologies and their potential uses by militants.

      The posting of the report on the FAS site was reported Friday by Wired magazine contributing editor Noah Shachtman on his national security blog "Danger Room" at wired.com.

      The report is not based on clandestine reporting but drawn from open source intelligence known as OSINT.
      Food for Twitter thought….
      Nefarious instant communication….

      (tags: twitter)
  • Day By Day

    Day By Day by Chris Muir October 25 and 26, 2008 – Bailout? A Double Dose

    day by day 102508

    day by day 102608
    Day By Day by Chris Muir October 26, 2008

    The MSM and the conservative elite media like Peggy Noonan at the Wall Street Journal and Kathleen Parker at the Washington Post syndicate have agreed to go along to get along as their average readers abandon them.

    With the LEFTWARD tilt to media, the right blogosphere grows in readership and influence. Look at the growth in right talk radio which had its start under the Presidency of Bill Clinton.

    An Obama Presidency who the MSM has facilitated will accelerate their own demise. Self-destruction or suicide.

    Go figure.


    In blogging matters, Flap has had a nice weekend off with friends in the big OC and Los Angeles Marathon training.

    Regular blogging,including responding to reader comments will restart Monday morning.


    The Day By Day Archive

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  • Del.icio.us Links

    links for 2008-10-26

    • Four Republicans close to Palin said she has decided increasingly to disregard the advice of the former Bush aides tasked to handle her, creating occasionally tense situations as she travels the country with them. Those Palin supporters, inside the campaign and out, said Palin blames her handlers for a botched rollout and a tarnished public image — even as others in McCain's camp blame the pick of the relatively inexperienced Alaska governor, and her public performance, for McCain's decline.

      "She's lost confidence in most of the people on the plane," said a senior Republican who speaks to Palin, referring to her campaign jet. He said Palin had begun to "go rogue" in some of her public pronouncements and decisions.

      "I think she'd like to go more rogue," he said.
      Palin should have ignored these folks at the first go….

      (tags: sarah_palin)