• Barack Obama,  Polling

    Obama’s Approval Sinks to Lowest Level of His Presidency – 51 Per Cent Disapprove


    President Obama continues to sink in the polls.

    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12. That’s the lowest rating yet recorded for President Obama.

    Overall, 48% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. That is the lowest level of total approval yet recorded for this President. Fifty-one percent (51%) now disapprove. A plurality of voters now believe the President views American society as unfair and discriminatory.

    Chickens are coming home to roost for Barack Obama as his honeymoon with the American people expires. Americans expect results and Obama has NOT performed. Speeches, teleprompters and tax and spend don’t cut it.

    Of course, neither have the Democrats in Congress who have huge majorities in the House and Senate.

    Winds of change are in the air.

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  • Barack Obama,  Black Panthers,  Thomas Perrelli

    WTF? Who in the Obama Administration Let the Black Panthers Off?

    “Security Patrols” Stationed at polling places in Philadelphia

    You remember the FLAP, right?

    Well, this is now answered in this revealing piece in the Washington Times.

    Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli, the No. 3 official in the Obama Justice Department, was consulted and ultimately approved a decision in May to reverse course and drop a civil complaint accusing three members of the New Black Panther Party of intimidating voters in Philadelphia during November’s election, according to interviews.

    The department’s career lawyers in the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division who pursued the complaint for five months had recommended that Justice seek sanctions against the party and three of its members after the government had already won a default judgment in federal court against the men.

    Front-line lawyers were in the final stages of completing that work when they were unexpectedly told by their superiors in late April to seek a delay after a meeting between political appointees and career supervisors, according to federal records and interviews.

    The delay was ordered by then-acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King after she discussed with Mr. Perrelli concerns about the case during one of their regular review meetings, according to the interviews.

    Ms. King, a career senior executive service official, had been named by President Obama in January to temporarily fill the vacant political position of assistant attorney general for civil rights while a permanent choice could be made.

    And, who is Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli?

    A Democrat Party HACK that raised over $500,000 for Obama. What a shock.

    Mr. Perrelli, a prominent private practice attorney, served previously as a counsel to Attorney General Janet Reno in the Clinton administration and was an Obama supporter who raised more than $500,000 for the Democrat candidate in the 2008 elections. He authorized a delay to give department officials more time to decide what to do, said officials familiar with the case but not authorized to discuss it publicly. He eventually approved the decision to drop charges against three of the four defendants, they said.

    There needs to be a Congressional investigation of this matter since the Justice Department has been stonewalling this issue. But, will the Democrat majority allow hearings on this racially charged flap?

    Stay tuned…..


    WTF? Obama Justice Department Political Appointees Overrule Career Lawyers in Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case

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  • Day By Day,  Obamacare

    Day By Day by Chris Muir July 30, 2009 – Market Forces – Oh Yeah

    day by day 073009

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, the markets are likely to recover since Obamacare is more than likely DEAD. Well, at least DEAD in its current form.

    My take is that the Congress will make some changes to make Obama’s health care reforms revenue neutral (with accounting tricks, assumptions and a few new taxes) and then discover in order to get the legislation passed……

    They will need to sweeten the deal with more PORK.

    Then, the entire reform package will come crashing down like a house of cards.

    The midterm Congressional elections may be sweet indeed for the GOP.


    The Day By Day Archive

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    links for 2009-07-29

    • Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano urged Americans on Wednesday to join a "collective fight against terrorism" that combines the efforts of individuals, companies and local, state and foreign governments.

      Answering critics who have accused the Obama administration of downplaying the risk of terrorist attacks, Napolitano said the threat has not abated and outlined an approach that emphasizes burden-sharing as federal spending and political support for post-Sept. 11 security measures wane.

      "I am sometimes asked if I think complacency is a threat. I believe the short answer is 'yes,' " Napolitano said, speaking to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York before visiting the World Trade Center site destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

      "But I think a better question is this: Has the U.S. government done everything it can to educate and engage the American people? The answer is 'no,' " she said.
      I thought after Bush there was no more war on terror?

    • The U.S. Treasury sold $39 billion in five-year debt Wednesday in an auction that drew poor demand, raising worries over the cost of financing the government's burgeoning budget deficit.
    • The so-called generic ballot question was also very close. Asked whether they would support a Democrat or a Republican for Congress in 2010 if the election were held today, 42 percent said they would choose a Democrat and 43 percent a Republican, a difference well within the poll's margin of error (plus or minus 3.4 percentage points for each number in each question).
    • Forty-four percent of Americans believe a new healthcare reform law would improve medical care in the U.S., contrasted with 26% who say it would improve their personal medical care. Forty-seven percent of Americans believe reform will expand access to healthcare in the U.S., while 21% say it will expand their own access to healthcare.
    • In recent months, former Bush speechwriter and NewMajority.com editor David Frum has taken on conservative talkers like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh — the latter who became the subject of a Newsweek cover story.

      And yesterday, Frum described talk show host Mark Levin's book, "Liberty and Tyranny," as "suffused with this message of doom" under the headline: "Stop Whining!"

      That didn't go over well with Levin, who blasted Frum on the air today as a "complete and utter fraud" and boasted about selling more copies of their latest books (900,000 to 5,000).

      "You sit there with that permanent smirk on your face and contribute nothing," Levin said.

    • The White House may only have one of its top officials to blame for its difficulty in passing healthcare, one liberal California Democrat asserted Tuesday.

      Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) blamed now-White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's work as head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), during which he worked to recruit many centrist candidates, resulting in landslide Democratic victories, for difficulties facing House leaders trying to pass reform legislation.

      "That may be difficult for Rahm Emanuel, because remember, he recruited most of them," Waters said during an interview on MSNBC when asked if the White House could lean on centrist, Blue Dog Democrats to pass reform legislation.

      "Now the chickens have come home to roost," she added.

    • Facing the first real rough patch of his presidency, President Obama and his supporters are once again resorting to a tried-and-true tactic: attacking George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

      In his White House press conference last week, Mr. Obama referred to the Bush era at least nine times, three times lamenting that he "inherited" a $1.3 trillion debt that has set back his administration's efforts to fix the economy.

      With the former president lying low in Dallas, largely focused on crafting his memoirs, Mr. Obama has increasingly attempted to exploit Mr. Bush when discussing the weak economy, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the difficulty closing the military prison at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

      As he took power, Mr. Obama promised a "new era of responsibility" that would transcend partisan politics.

  • Obamacare,  Polling

    Obamacare: More Americans Disapprove of Obama’s Health Care Plan Than Approve of It


    In fact, 46 per cent disapprove of Obamacare while ONLY 41 per cent approve of it. 13 per cent are not sure.

    Those numbers aren’t too far off from what former President Bill Clinton faced when he made an unsuccessful attempt to overhaul health care in his first term.

    In July 1994, 52% disapproved of Clinton’s plan while 40% approved.

    And, my bet is that most Americans don’t fully understand Obama’s plan to nationalize or socialize the health care system – while he lies that his plan does no such thing.

    While there will be NO Congressional vote on Obamacare before the August recess, the original House Obamacare proposal may be DOA when the U.S. Senate reconvenes in the Fall.

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  • Democrats,  GOP,  Obamacare

    Obamacare: Democrat Infighting Intensifies


    Political Cartoon by Michael Ramirez

    Well, the Democrats in Congress were all GIDDY when Al Franken became the 60th vote in the United States Senate.

    Now, what is the problem?

    A House fight among Democrats on overhauling the nation’s healthcare system has spread to the Senate, where centrists and liberals are clashing over the direction the legislation should take.

    Trouble is brewing now that a bipartisan group of senators — led by Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) — has signaled it will exclude a government-run insurance option from the committee’s draft legislation that could be marked up next week.

    Leaving it out would be a major step toward attracting Republican support for President Barack Obama’s signature issue. But it also would alienate liberals, who say the effort is wasted without it and are preparing a barrage of amendments for the Finance markup.

    The House legislation has divided Democrats in that chamber along similar lines and is built around a public option to be paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy, an idea that has almost no chance of winning GOP votes. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee this month voted along partisan lines to approve legislation with a public option at its core.

    Infighting among House Democrats has led to an impasse at the Energy and Commerce Committee that is expected to prevent House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) from meeting her deadline of completing work before the August recess.

    And on Tuesday it prompted Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) to hint that more liberal members of the party should consider challenging centrist Blue Dogs in next year’s primaries.

    Well. some Democrats know that they will have to run on Obamacare in 2010 with NO political cover and that will be – RISKY.

    Remember self-preservation on being re-elected TRUMPS party loyalty every time.

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  • Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton Staying Campaign Ready – Raising Campaign Cash


    Why, of course, Hillary Clinton is ready.

    Hillary Clinton says running for office isn’t on her “radar,” but she still has an eight-person political team and sports two overflowing campaign war chests.

    Her team transformed the former Democratic White House contender’s massive campaign debts into a $3 million mountain of political cash, according to federal fund-raising records through the end of June.

    Clinton’s failed presidential bid is now $1 million in the black, and her old Senate campaign committee has $2.1 million in the bank, much of it transferred in from the presidential account.

    The former First Lady paid eight staffers nearly $100,000 in the second quarter of the year to tend to the remains of her political empire.

    She officially pulled out of the political arena in January when she became secretary of state. But Clinton’s campaign Web site continues to accept contributions.

    So much for Hillary’s Presidential campaign debts. Wonder how much Obama helped with those?


    This is another check on the left-wing radicals behind President Obama. As Obama’s poll numbers fall due to an overreaching lefty agenda, Hillary will be there as a moderating influence – just like hubby, Bill.

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day by Chris Muir July 29, 2009 – Capitalist Running Dogs Don’t Lie

    day by day 072909

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Same as with the national Republican Party versus the Democrats.

    I cannot help but think that Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich KNEW that Barack Obama and the left-wing controlled Congressional Democrats would overreach with a socialist agenda. GOP leaders also knew that there were over 50 Congressional Districts where conservatism reigns and the Demcrats essentially misrepresented themselves to be elected – ala Rahm Emanuel’s strategy in 2006.

    Since the Democrats do NOT have an unpopular President or corrupt Congressional leaders to bash anymore, voters will focus on their left-wing agenda and policies. This, in turn, will return the GOP to power.

    Sort of a capitalism vs. socialism electoral cycle, no?


    The Day By Day Archive

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    links for 2009-07-28

    • Barack Obama may prefer European-style socialized health care. He may consider himself a citizen of the Earth and sometimes address his audiences as “people of the world,” as though he were born not in another country but on another planet. Like Bruce Springsteen, he has a lot of bad political ideas; but he was born in the U.S.A.
      (tags: barack_obama)
    • Alaska’s now former Governor is coy about her future political plans, but radio is at least one option she’s leaving on the table. While not exactly shopping the GOP’s 2008 vice presidential candidate, sources say Palin representatives have been quietly testing the waters to see how much interest radio syndicators have for her.

      Sources say Palin hasn’t committed to radio either, but rather it could be a possible next step for her. It isn’t unusual for a defeated national candidate to turn to radio. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s short-form commentaries air on more than 400 stations via Citadel Media. He remains among the names circulated for a potential presidential run in 2012.

      Coming to radio would be an ironic twist for Palin, whose position on the media is pretty clear. “Quick making things up,” she told reporters in her final speech as Governor last week.

      (tags: sarah_palin)
    • The American Dental Association (ADA) agrees with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) decision not to place any restriction on the use of dental amalgam, a commonly used cavity filling material.

      The FDA ruling issued today categorizes encapsulated dental amalgam as a class II medical device, placing it in the same class as gold and tooth-colored composite fillings. The ADA has supported a class II designation for dental amalgam since 2002 when first proposed by the FDA.

      "The FDA has left the decision about dental treatment right where it needs to be—between the dentist and the patient," states ADA President Dr. John Findley. "This decision underscores what the ADA has long supported—a discussion between dentists and patients about the full range of treatment options to help patients make educated decisions regarding their dental care."

      (tags: dentistry)
    • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Tuesday silver-colored dental fillings that contain mercury are safe for patients, reversing an earlier caution against their use in certain patients, including pregnant women and children.

      "While elemental mercury has been associated with adverse health effects at high exposures, the levels released by dental amalgam fillings are not high enough to cause harm in patients," the FDA said, citing an agency review of roughly 200 scientific studies.

      Still, in final regulations issued on Tuesday as part of an earlier legal settlement, it said the fillings were now considered "moderate risk" devices and will include details about the risks and benefits of the products. They will also carry warnings against their use in patients with mercury allergies or in poorly ventilated areas.

      (tags: dentistry)
    • The International Agency for Research on Cancer announced Wednesday that it had elevated sunbeds, used by tens of millions of people for tanning, to its highest cancer risk category.

      Classified in 1992 and a "probable" cancer agent, research since then has left no doubt that soaking up UV rays at tanning salons significantly enhances the chances of developing the disease, the World Health Organisation (WHO) agency found.
      "The use of sunbeds is carcinogenic to humans. It causes melanoma of the skin, and melanoma of the eye," said Vincent Cogliano, an IARC researcher who led the new assessment.

      "I cannot see any reason why a healthy person should use them," he told AFP by phone.

      The risk of melanoma — the most lethal form of skin cancer — increases by 75 percent when use of tanning devices starts before the age of 30, according to the findings, published in the British medical journal The Lancet Oncology.

      (tags: sunbeds WHO)
    • U.S. House Democratic leaders, struggling to reach an accord with party dissidents on health care, said they’re likely to miss President Barack Obama’s August deadline for legislation overhauling the medical system.

      “It doesn’t look like it to me,” House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel said in an interview. “I really hoped that we could have gotten a bill out of here by now,” he said, adding that he has a “heavy political heart.”

      (tags: Obamacare)
    • Have you left your air conditioner in the closet this summer, and worn long pants more often than shorts? If so, you may not be surprised to find out that Chicago is seeing its coldest July in more than 65 year
    • Most Britons believe the increasingly bloody war in Afghanistan is "unwinnable" and want troops pulled out, a poll suggested on Tuesday, as more soldiers' bodies were flown home.

      The dead servicemen were set to be honoured a day after the government announced the end of a deadly offensive in southern Afghanistan and outlined a change of strategy there following a sharp spike in deaths.

      Foreign Secretary David Miliband signalled on Monday that Britain would back talking to moderate Taliban representatives in a bid to isolate militant insurgents who have killed 191 British troops since 2001.
      A total of 22 have been killed this month alone after British forces went on the offensive in Operation Panther's Claw, just weeks before crucial presidential elections.

      Four more fallen soldiers' bodies were flown home to RAF Lyneham near Swindon in Wiltshire, before a solemn procession through the village of Wootton Bassett.

      Let Britain go.

      They are becoming an unreliable ally.

    • Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Tuesday is expected to use his line-item veto power to make additional cuts to the California's latest spending plan – a move advocates fear could hurt the poor.

      Social service advocates worry the Republican governor has little choice but to go after money counties receive to administer welfare and social service benefits. Likely targets include welfare-to-work assistance, in-home support, foster care and health insurance for poor families.

      With much of state spending tied up by federal and constitutional requirements, the Schwarzenegger administration believes more cuts are necessary to provide a cash cushion for the state in case of emergencies such as earthquakes and wild fires.

      "I just want to assure everyone that we will build up our reserve. We will make the necessary cuts," the governor said Friday in announcing he'll sign the budget passed by the Legislature.
      About time……too much welfare and too few taxpayers

  • Barack Obama,  Obamacare

    Obamacare: ONLY 23 Per Cent Believe Health Care Costs Will Go Down If Obama’s Reforms Pass Congress


    Political Cartoon by Michael Ramirez

    Not a very good poll number for President Obama and his health care reform boondoggle called Obamacare.

    At this time, voters are skeptical about the ability of the reform effort to help control the cost of health care. Just 23% believe passage of the reform legislation will lead to lower health care costs. Most voters (53%) say it will lead to higher costs, while 18% expect prices to remain about the same.

    If President Obama believes in health care reform he will take the time to campaign for it during the August Congressional recess. I bet he will NOT and a watered down saving face reform proposal will emerge after Labor Day.

    The Blue Dog Democrats can read the poll numbers and see political risk in 2010 if they deliver what Obamacare demands.

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