• Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina

    Carly Fiorina Mocks Senator Barbara Boxer With “Call Me Barbara” Website

    From Carly Fiorina’s CallMeBarbara.Com website

    Carly Fiorina has come out swinging at incumbent California U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer. You remember the flap.

    Remember GOP U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina’s observation last week that “I can take a punch, and I can throw a punch” in the campaign ring?


    Round 1 has begun against incumbent U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, with Fiorina’s newest ad and effort to tag the Democratic incumbent in that new CallMeBarbara.com website.

    Carly’s camp, headed by campaign manager Marty Wilson, is clearly aiming to keep front and center that less-than-shining moment when she told Brigadeer General Michael Walsh to “call me Senator.” Not to mention raise questions about Boxer’s record in office.

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  • Obamacare,  Polling

    Obamacare Poll Watch: Most American Voters Continue to Oppose Legislation

    Although the House passed a health care reform bill this past weekend, most Americans continue to oppose the legislation.

    Over the weekend, Democratic leaders spoke of an historic moment as health care reform legislation passed the House of Representatives. But that legislative victory failed to significantly move public opinion.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 45% now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. Most (52%) remain opposed.

    Only 25% Strongly Support the plan while 42% are Strongly Opposed.

    Support for the plan has remained essentially unchanged for months.

    The House bill which was passed by a few votes is going nowhere in the U.S. Senate and I doubt the Senate will be able to pass ANY comprehensive bill this year or next.

    If the Congress wants to pass ANY reform legislation, they will have to start over and begin an incremental reform with bipartisanship.

    Think this will happen?


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  • Afghanistan,  Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day November 10, 2009 – The Drone Wars

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The White House has floated a trial baloon with President Obama agreeiing to send 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan – bring to about 100,000 in Afghanistan. I say a trial baloon because NOW the Obama Administration is denying it.

    The White House has issued the following response to this story, attributed to White House National Security Advisor James Jones:

    “Reports that President Obama has made a decision about Afghanistan are absolutely false. He has not received final options for his consideration, he has not reviewed those options with his national security team, and he has not made any decisions about resources. Any reports to the contrary are completely untrue and come from uninformed sources.”

    So, what is it going to be?

    President Obama has dragged his feet on a troop deployment decision, putting more Americans at risk in a bloddy war.

    Mr President, time to fish or cut bait.

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    links for 2009-11-09

    • Now it's not like the PAC's fundraising choices were Carly's decision, Team Carly notes. Sniff…sniff…sniff…we smell a "We Are SOOOOOOO Republican" quote coming on:

      "The HP PAC is employee directed and its contribution decisions are determined through a committee process that involves dozens of people," Fiorina spokesperson Julie Soderlund told us Monday. "Carly and Frank Fiorina have never personally donated to Democratic candidates and have given and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Republicans."
      Joe, what a frakking reach. Flap belongs to the American Dental Association and California Dental Association PACS which also give to Democrats.
      So, I, too am a Barbara Boxer and Democrat donor.
      How stupid……but then again, you are.

    • I’ve been fascinated by the rise of Chuck DeVore, a Republican state assemblyman from California whose grassroots campaign against Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) — and against brand-new Republican candidate Carly Fiorina — has transformed the Republican primary from a coronation to a neck-and-neck battle between conservative activists and GOP leaders. When I interviewed DeVore in May, Republican strategists were far more bearish on his chances. Why? To call DeVore an “outspoken conservative” is to make an understatement. Here, for example, is an Amazon.com review, posted by DeVore last week, of Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism.”
      Certainly not a mainstream opinion. Is DeVore jumping off the extreme right cliff?
      (tags: Chuck_DeVore)
    • Within minutes of Saturday’s historic House vote on health care reform, Republicans pronounced the political death of Rep. Thomas Perriello (D-Va.), pointing to the vulnerable freshman congressman’s vote in favor of the bill.

      And in the aftermath of the politically charged vote, Perriello wasn’t the only Democratic congressman whose fortunes were being reassessed. The GOP, which voted nearly in lock step against the measure, began crowing about the demise of various other vulnerable members and seized on the moment as a milestone in the path back to a House majority.

      (tags: Obamacare)
    • President Obama's victory dance yesterday for the House-passed health-care bill came as Senate foes — mainly Republicans with one key Democrat moderate — pronounced the measure mortally wounded, if not outright DOA.

      Speaking from the Rose Garden after the squeaker 220-215 Saturday-night vote, Obama urged senators to be like runners on a relay team and "take the baton and bring this effort to the finish line on behalf of the American people."

      (tags: Obamacare)
    • In California's race for governor, Meg Whitman jumped further ahead of her two GOP rivals in a new statewide poll released Sunday. And the poll also found something surprising: Men are much more likely to support the former eBay chief than women.

      Forty-one percent of men 50 and older said they would support Whitman if the June primary were held today, but only 26 percent of women in that age group who are registered to vote said they would cast a ballot for her. The numbers were similar for Republicans 49 and under, according to a poll conducted by the Los Angeles Times and the College of Letters, Arts & Sciences at the University of Southern California.

      (tags: Meg_Whitman)
    • If China, the world’s most populous country, could vote next year in the U.S. Senate race in California it’s likely that Carly Fiorina would easily win the race. Fiorina, who announced her decision to challenge current U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer this week, is widely admired in China.

      Fiorina’s memoir “Tough Choices” was translated into Mandarin and released in China in 2007. The book continues to be prominently displayed in book stores across the country. In it, Fiorina recounts some of her experiences in China as CEO of Hewlett Packard.

  • Chuck DeVore

    Chuck DeVore With Obama Birther Connections Now Associates FDR’s New Deal With Mussolini Fascism

    California Republican Assemblyman Chuck DeVore and Candidate for California U.S. Senate

    Chuck, your Obama birther connections are bad enough.

    It draws the links between Chuck’s support last year of Floyd Brown, an architect of the famous 1988 Willie Horton campaign against Michael Dukakis. Last year, Brown created a campaign to attack then Democratic Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Said Brown: “It is absolutely critical that Obama’s negatives go up with Republicans.”

    Brown’s ad focused on a 2001 vote by then-Illinois state senator Obama. He opposed a bill that would have expanded the use of the death penalty if the perp was in a gang.

    However, Chuck’s pals at Time magazine described the ad’s “links between Obama’s vote on that issue and the deaths of three Chicago resident’s are indirect and tenuous.”

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day November 9, 2009 – Dress for Success

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The “NAKED” truth, Chris, is that under Obama’s America more wealth will be spread around than what is earned. Remember the term redistribution of wealth and capital well.

    Creating a dependent Democrat Party voting class has always been the goal. Tax the rich to pay for Democrat Party controlled big government and redistribute the spoils to all.

    However, there is a major problem.

    What happens when the needs of the dependent class outweigh the capacity of the rich to provide it? And, what incentive do the rich have in continuing to see their labors simply given away?

    President Obama and Congressional Democrats should re-read some basic economic textbooks for the answers. Or, just wait a few months as their disastrous economic policies begin to affect America.

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Obamacare

    Day By Day November 8, 2009 – Afterlife

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Nancy Pelosi may be celebrating today because her House version of health care reform was rammed through her House of Representatives.

    But, the fact is San Fran Nan may have killed the Obama Presidency and her own Democrat majority in Congress.

    The issue of public funding for abortion via the Stupak amendment for health care reform is NOT over and simply moves over to the U.S. Senate and any conference committee.

    With ONLY one Republican voting for Obamacare in the House and NO GOP Senators (including a few Democrat Senators like Joe Lieberman) favoring this House version with a public option, the President may have to resort to the nuclear option of “reconciliation” in order for this legislation to pass. These kind of strong arm tactics and lack of bipartisanship WILL be used against Obama and his party in 2010 and 2012.

    President Obama and Nancy Pelosi may have won the battle but lost the war.


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    links for 2009-11-07

    • The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops delivered a critical endorsement to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday by signing off on late-night agreement to grant a vote on an amendment barring insurance companies that participate in the exchange from covering abortions.

      "Passing this amendment allows the House to meet our criteria of preserving the existing protections against abortion funding in the new legislation," the Bishops wrote in a letter to individual members. "Most importantly, it will ensure that no government funds will be used for abortion or health plans which include abortion."

      The group goes on to say, "The Conference will remain vigilant and involved through this entire process to assure that these essential provisions are maintained and included in the final legislation.

    • The DeVore camp tells me they’re already compiling the information on the Assemblyman’s record against child rapists, and I’m sure we’ll be hearing about it soon enough. He’s going to refute this desperate, flailing attack with a conclusive response.
      (tags: Chuck_DeVore)
  • Carly Fiorina

    Carly Fiorina Comes Out Swinging at Cancer

    California U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina at Goal Line Productions in Pleasanton, Califonia, November 6, 2009.

    An interesting piece about Carly Fiorina and her fight with cancer.

    Tough-as-nails former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina kicked off her U.S. Senate campaign this week with defiant words for a ruthless opponent – her cancer.

    “Let me start with the most obvious question: What’s with the hair?” she asked a crowd in Orange County, motioning to the graying buzz cut that replaced her auburn wigs of recent months.

    “I’m happy to tell you that having been through surgery and chemotherapy and radiation, breast cancer is officially behind me. I feel absolutely great and I am raring to go.”

    In California, where politics and drama are wedded, the Republican candidate’s public embrace of a disease that has ravaged millions of American women could resonate with women, who comprise the majority of the state’s 17 million voters and traditionally have been willing to cross party lines for candidates they like, experts said.

    Will this translate into votes as she runs against Senator Barbara Boxer? Who knows and I know Carly does not care.

    Carly has told me that she has seen the good, the bad and the ugly over the past year in the American health care system. This background can only help in crafting any reform of health care delivery.

    And, the message that anyone can come back from cancer and run a vigorous Senate campaign is a inspiring life lesson for all of us.

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