• Chris Christie,  President 2012

    President 2012: Chris Christie Ads ARE Running in New York, Philadelphia and New Jersey

    Committee for Our Children’s Future (CCF) ad

    With New Jersey Governor Chris Christie speaking this evening at the Reagan Presidential Library here in California, there are and have been television ads supporting Christie’s record on air.

    Backers of Gov. Chris Christie today launched a $1.5 million-dollar television campaign to promote the Republican governor’s policies.

    The Bernardsville-based Committee for Our Children’s Future (CCF), a self-proclaimed independent 501(c)(4) organization, is airing the ad on New York and Philadelphia broadcast and New Jersey statewide cable stations.

    “Washington is moving in the wrong direction. From runaway spending and record debt to gridlock, our federal government is not working. Meanwhile, in New Jersey things are moving in the right direction — two balanced budgets, a billion dollars in wasteful spending cut and millions of dollars in new education funding,” said Brian Jones, spokesperson, Committee for Our Children’s Future.

    “New Jersey should serve as a national model for government leaders across the country. It’s time for a better economic future for taxpayers, working families, and our children. We must protect our children’s future and keep the New Jersey reform movement going.”

    The ad launch roughly coincided with Christie’s education reform kickoff this month in time for campaign season.

    At his press conference today, Christie said he is not personally responsible for the group’s efforts but welcomed their support.

    Christie has quite a decision to make and he must make it soon.

    Maybe there will some hint or direction at the presser after his speech at the Reagan Library?

  • Chris Christie,  Mitt Romney,  President 2012,  Rick Perry

    President 2012: Why the GOP Should NOT Settle for Mitt Romney – The Unaired Ted Kennedy Television Ads

    The press and pundits have been good lately reporting the collapse of Texas Governor Rick Perry’s campaign for the Presidency. Well, he did perform poorly at the past two GOP Presidential debates and he lost the Florida GOP Straw Poll to Herman Cain.

    But, hold on…..

    Who is the alternative?

    The answer is Mitt Romney.

    But, what about Romney?

    Romney is NO conservative and will have illegal immigration problems with the GOP base when he is scrutinized – or Perry runs his ads. Remember this from the 2008 campaign.

    But, what conservatives need to understand before they “SETTLE” for Mitt Romney and throw Rick Perry under the bus is that Romney is VULNERABLE to the attacks Ted Kennedy used against him in 1994. See the devastating ads in the above video that Kennedy did NOT even have to run.

    Obama will run these type of ads BUT ON STEROIDS – just like they ran against Carly Fiorina in California last year.

    New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is speaking at the Reagan Presidential Library this evening. He would be a welcome addition to the Presidential field. However, if he or Mitch Daniels do not enter the Presidential arena, don’t be so hard on Rick Perry.

    Understand what you are getting should Romney win the GOP Presidential nomination.

  • Twitter

    @Flap Twitter Updates for 2011-09-27

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  • Barack Obama,  Obamacare,  President 2012,  United States Supreme Court

    President 2012: ObamaCare Headed to the U.S. Supreme Court

    About damn time. Let’s get this issue decided before it destroys more of the American economy.

    The Obama administration chose not to ask the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to re-hear a pivotal health reform case Monday, signaling that it’s going to ask the Supreme Court to decide whether President Barack Obama’s health reform law is constitutional.

    The move puts the Supreme Court in the difficult position of having to decide whether to take the highly politically charged case in the middle of the presidential election.

    The Justice Department is expected to ask the court to overturn an August decision by a panel of three judges in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals that found the law’s requirement to buy insurance is unconstitutional. The suit was brought by 26 states, the National Federation of Independent Business, and several individuals.

    Since the ruling, the Justice Department had until Monday to ask the entire 11th Circuit to review the case. Administration lawyers didn’t file the paperwork by the 5 p.m. deadline, so the ruling would stand unless the Justice Department asks the Supreme Court to step in.

    The petition isn’t due until November, and the administration could get an extension.

    Opponents of the law had expected the government to ask for the so-called en banc hearing to delay a ruling by the Supreme Court.

    “The president and solicitor general deserve full credit for refusing to employ delaying tactics in this pressing constitutional controversy,” said Randy E. Barnett, a Georgetown Law professor who is working with the plaintiffs.

    But former acting Solicitor General Walter Dellinger, who has worked on briefs in support of the legislation, said the move should be read as a sign of confidence from the administration.

    “This confirms what I had already concluded: That the government is confident that it’s going to prevail in the Supreme Court and would like to have a decision sooner rather than later,” Dellinger told POLITICO.

    The issue of the constitutionality of the individual mandate has been widely expected to be decided by the Supreme Court. The key question has been the timing.

    So, it looks like the Supremes will take up the case during this year’s term and render a decision during the Presidential election. If SCOTUS accepts the case by January, it could be heard in the Spring with a decision sometime in June.

    ObamaCare WILL be an issue during the Presidential campaign season and if SCOTUS were to rule the law constitutional, it could galvanize the RIGHT to defeat President Obama in November.

  • Pinboard Links

    Flap’s Links and Comments for September 23rd through September 26th

    These are my links for September 23rd through September 26th:

    • Here comes another Koch/Tea Party smear – Evidence was found four years ago that other KGF employees had paid bribes to obtain business. An investigation was begun, and Egorova-Farines was one of the investigators. Ultimately, more than two dozen people were either terminated or allowed to resign.

      Koch USA officials say they were as surprised and angered as anybody else when they were first apprised of the bribery allegations, and moved as quickly as possible to get to the bottom of the situation and fix it.

      But, during this period, Egorova-Farines grew progressively unhappy with KGF, allegations of discrimination were lodged, and her case went to the Employment Tribunal of Paris.

      All of Egorova-Farines' claims were dismissed. She appealed and the decision was overturned on a technicality. KGF and Egorova-Farines then settled out of court.

      I spent a lot of my reporting years working with whistleblowers, mainly within the government, and generally find them admirable. But, like the rest of us, they're just human and can have very mixed motives, of which careful journalists must always be aware.

      A former U.S. government official of my acquaintance was approached recently by one of the Bloomberg reporters working on a Koch investigative piece. After some conversation about the French case, the reporter said, "the other interesting thing here is Koch has strong ties to the Tea Party."

      When the official asked what the Tea Party had to do with French bribery allegations, the reporter dropped the topic.

      I've also had occasion to meet a lot of Bloomberg journalists over the years and have been unfailingly impressed by their professionalism. But they're human, too, and can make mistakes.

      Joining the rampant Koch-bashing would be a mistake.

    • Koch addicts seek another hit – As The Washington Examiner reported last week, Bloomberg Markets appears to be on the verge of dropping a lengthy treatise on the Kansas-based energy conglomerate Koch Industries.

      According to an individual interviewed by Bloomberg (who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity), much of the focus will likely be devoted to re-litigating past legal peccadilloes. But the piece may also reveal at least one previously unreported controversy: Koch Industries’ connection to the sale of petroleum industry equipment in Iran in the early-to-mid 2000s.

      Koch currently has a policy prohibiting its subsidiaries from doing business in Iran, and the past sales (some of which likely involved state-owned Iranian companies) appear to have been conducted by a foreign subsidiary of a subsidiary of Koch.

      Still, this comes on the heels of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech to the UN General Assembly — and at a time when Tehran’s nuclear ambitions are receiving increased attention.

      All of this, of course, means the story could provide political fodder to Koch’s political enemies — which are legion. (In 2005, you might recall, Halliburton, the company once run by former Vice President Dick Cheney, also came under fire for doing business in Iran.)

      In reality, the revelation isn’t terribly newsworthy. While U.S. law bans American companies from making direct sales in Iran, foreign subsidiaries of multinational corporations may do so under certain circumstances. And many of them do.

      Dozens of multinational companies — including household names like General Electric, Exxon Mobil, Hewlett Packard, Caterpillar, and Honeywell — conducted business in Iran during the time period. For example, a 2010 New York Times analysis identified 74 corporations — many of whom received government contracts — that have conducted business in Iran over the last decade.

      Regardless of whether or not one finds this troubling, the fact that the practice was ubiquitous raises an obvious question: Why is Bloomberg singling out Koch?

      The answer seems pretty obvious.


      Read it all

    • Ryan to put ‘replace’ back in ‘repeal and replace’ | Campaign 2012 – Ryan to put 'replace' back in 'repeal and replace' | Campaign 2012
    • foursquare – 10 miles and now Breakfast at Ronnie's with Alice and Tara (@ Ronnie's Diner)
    • Untitled (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-dKap5IWFQ8c/Tn3EPSyF02I/AAAAAAAAATg/9blXVHx-dB4/CIMG0150.jpg) – Off soon to LA Marathon training with LA Roadrunners for 10 easy miles. Ronnie's Diner after.
    • @Flap Twitter Updates for 2011-09-24 | Flap’s Blog – FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog – @Flap Twitter Updates for 2011-09-24 #tcot #catcot
    • Ryan to put ‘replace’ back in ‘repeal and replace’ | Campaign 2012 – Ryan to put 'replace' back in 'repeal and replace' | Campaign 2012
    • (500) http://flapsblog.org/2011/09/23/dilbert-september-23-2011-listen/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter – Dilbert September 23, 2011 – Listen
    • Ryan to put ‘replace’ back in ‘repeal and replace’ | Campaign 2012 – RT @philipaklein: RT @conncarroll: @RepPaulRyan will give major speech outlining alternative to Obamacare Tuesday
    • Flap’s Dentistry Blog: Los Angeles Roadrunners: My Saturday Mornings for the Next Six Months – Los Angeles Roadrunners: My Saturday Mornings for the Next Six Months
    • Poll Watch: Obama Rated Same or Worse Than Bush – Obama Much Worse Than Clinton | Flap’s Blog – FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog – Poll Watch: Obama Rated Same or Worse Than Bush – Obama Much Worse Than Clinton #tcot #catcot
    • 43% of Twitter Users Access Twitter From a Mobile Phone [Data] – 43% of Twitter Users Access Twitter From a Mobile Phone
    • 43% of Twitter Users Access Twitter From a Mobile Phone – The latest data on mobile phone usage is out, and the numbers show that mobile isn't slowing down. And where inbound marketing is concerned, some of the key mobile data centers around how people are using their phones to access content and social media.

      MarketingCharts' mobile research has found that people are increasingly using their mobile phones to access content on browsers, apps, and social networks:

      In March 2011, nearly 39% of US mobile subscribers were browsing the internet using their mobile device. That's up by 2.2 percentage points from just 3 months prior.
      Mobile apps are almost as popular as browsers; 37% of subscribers used downloaded apps.
      Subscribers are also increasingly using social networks on their phones. In March, 27.3% indicated they used a social network on their mobile phone, up from 24.7% just 3 months prior.

    • Flap’s California Morning Collection: September 23, 2011 » Flap’s California Blog – Flap’s California Morning Collection: September 23, 2011
    • Flap’s Links and Comments for September 20th through September 23rd | Flap’s Blog – FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog – Flap’s Links and Comments for September 20th through September 23rd #tcot #catcot
  • Facebook

    Facebook Forming its Own Political Action Committees to Support Candidates

    OK. Facebook is a big company with many employees and will exert its influence much like other big corporations.

    Facebook confirmed it filed paperwork on Monday to start its own political action committee.

    “FB PAC will give our employees a way to make their voice heard in the political process by supporting candidates who share our goals of promoting the value of innovation to our economy while giving people the power to share and make the world more open and connected,” said a spokesman via email.

    The firm acknowledged the formation of the PAC after reports emerged of Facebook registering the domain names FBPAC.org and FBPAC.us. Creating a PAC is just the latest step in Facebook’s continued expansion of its presence in Washington, but this is the first time the firm will back candidates.

    Facebook is likely looking to avoid the type of Washington scrutiny that has affected other firms like Microsoft and Google, which is currently under a Federal Trade Commission antitrust probe. The perception Google was previously sympathetic towards Democrats hasn’t helped with the GOP in charge of the House.

    Facebook executives like other Silicon Valley/Northern California firms probably lean LEFT, but will want to avoid the stigma of playing on one side and taking the heat. But, the PAC will be a vehicle for Facebook employees to support the candidates that support their company – just like Apple Computer or Verizon.

  • Chris Christie,  Michael DuHaime,  President 2012,  Rudy Giuliani,  Tom Kean

    President 2012: Tom Kean Confirms New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Mulling Over Presidential Run

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie answers a question as he and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels speak to a gathering at Rider University in Lawrenceville, N.J. , Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011

    I hope Christie decides to run.

    Former New Jersey Gov. Tom Kean (R), who has known Chris Christie since he was a teenager, tells National Reviewthat the governor is “very seriously” considering a presidential bid.Said Kean: “It’s real. He’s giving it a lot of thought. I think the odds are a lot better now than they were a couple weeks ago.”

    He added: “More and more people are talking to him. He’s getting appeals from major figures around the country. He is the best speaker I may have ever heard in politics.”

    The LEFT has already researched who are the money people possibly behind a Christie campaign.

    These money folks are pretty much the financiers of Rudy Giuliani’s campaign in 2008, especially Paul Singer.

    New York hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer is also named by Politico as one of the leaders of the latest Draft Christie movement. Singer was a major fundraiser for both George W. Bush’s and Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaigns. He also bankrolled an unsuccessful 2007 effort in California to try to pass a ballot measure ending the winner-takes-all system for California’s electoral votes, which would provide a massive boost to Republican presidential candidates. Like Langone, he has a moderate streak as well: he helped fund efforts to pass New York’s landmark law allowing same sex marriage this year.

    If the funding is in place and Rudy Giuliani helps Christie with NE GOP primary delegates and Florida, the campaign, even though late in arriving, will be winnable.

    Moreover, Christie has at least two staff members who worked for Giuliani’s 2008 campaign: Maria Comella (Rudy’s traveling communications director) and Michael DuHaime (Giuliani’s campaign manager).

    Governor Christie will be out in California tomorrow evening speaking at the Reagan Presidential Library.

    So, stay tuned…..

  • Barack Obama,  Mitt Romney,  Polling,  President 2012,  Rick Perry

    President 2012 GOP Virginia Poll Watch: Romney 45% Vs. Obama 37% and Perry 42% Vs. Obama 40%

    Electoral College vote map of Larry Sabato

    According to the latest Roanoke College Poll.

    President Obama trails some potential Republican opponents, but he leads others. The generic (unnamed) Republican leads Obama 41% to 33%; Mitt Romney leads 45% to 37%; and Rick Perry leads by an statistically insignificant 42% to 40%. At the same time, Obama leads potential opponents Michele Bachmann (46% to 35%), Ron Paul (43% to 33%), and Sarah Palin (50% to 31%). Looking only at registered voters, none of those margins change by more than 1 percent and several do not change at all.

    The GOP Presidential contenders must be pleased that in this key battleground state that they are either close or leading the incumbent President. President Obama’s approval rating is only 39% in Virginia (54% disapproval) and it is obvious that either Mitt Romney or Rick Perry will have a good chance of picking up those needed Electoral College votes against Obama.

  • Barack Obama,  President 2012,  Saul Alinsky

    President 2012: Obama Mocks Rick Perry and Florida GOP Debate Audience

    President Barack Obama stops to greet people on the tarmac during his arrival at Moffett Airfield, near San Jose, Calif., Sunday, Sept., 25, 2011

    President Obama mocks while America burns.

    President Obama broadened his attack on Republicans Sunday night, firing an indirect shot at Texas Gov. Rick Perry and condemning audience members at recent Republican debates.

    At a fundraiser in San Jose, Calif., Obama said that some in the audience might be former Republicans “but are puzzled by what’s happening to that party,” and voters should back him if they believe in a “fact-based” America.

    “I mean has anybody been watching the debates lately?” Obama said. “You’ve got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change.

    “It’s true. You’ve got audiences cheering at the prospect of somebody dying because they don’t have healthcare. And booing a service member in Iraq because they’re gay.”

    The remarks represent some of the most direct and combative for Obama so far as he has struck out on the campaign trail in earnest following the July debt-ceiling debate and the August break.

    Obama continued his critique of Republicans, saying of the boos in the audience at recent GOP debates: “That’s not reflective of who we are.”

    “This is a choice about the fundamental direction of our country,” the president said. “2008 was an important direction. 2012 is a more important election.”

    President Obama is campaigning directly out of the Saul Alinsky playbook: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”

    He is creating divisions and being combative. Such a shocker = NOT.

    I suppose Obama might as well MOCK because it is the only strategy he has because his record as President SUCKS and even the LEFT knows it.

    Good luck at that fundraiser in Los Angeles today, Mr. President, when you tie up all of the roadways so you can socialize at the House of Blues with Hollywood celebrities.