• Day By Day,  Matt Drudge,  Rush Limbaugh,  Sarah Palin

    Day By Day by Chris Muir November 8, 2008 – Marquess of Queensberry My

    Day By Day 110808

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, since the RIGHT is now in the wilderness, much like in 1992 when Bill Clinton beat the incumbent President Bush, Flap is NOT listening to “ENTERTAINERS” like Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly. These fellows are great showmen but the gold standard for conservatives is now (as was in 1992) Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh.

    William F. Buckley is gone and his successors at National Review pale in comparison. The talking heads from The Weekly Standard are no better.

    Watch who Rush interviews over the next 6-12 months to see who emerges from the RIGHT.

    Anyone want to bet that Sarah Palin is on the show alot?

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  • Rush Limbaugh,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin: “I’ve Got Nothing to Lose in This….”


    Rush Limbaugh and Alaska Governor and GOP Vice President nominee Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin was interviewed by Rush today and produced some interesting quotes.

    A full transcript is here.

    Key Graphs:

    RUSH:  Well, now, as I listen to your campaign appearances and Senator McCain’s, it seems that you are the more forceful in speaking out against Obama and his campaign ideas.  Are they giving you pretty much free rein to attack this campaign as you wish?

    GOVERNOR PALIN:  Well, you know, there just aren’t enough hours in the day I think to get out there and (cell garbled).  Rush, I’ve got nothing to lose in this, and I think America has everything to gain by understanding the differences, the contrasts here between Obama and McCain. So, you know, I’m going out there and I’m just simply speaking. So be it that I’m a simple talker, but I’m just going out there and letting people know the differences and how absolutely paramount it is that voters are paying attention and that voters are understanding candidates’ records, their associations, their plans for the future; instead of being kind of wrapped up into all this rhetoric of Obama’s and buying into it and not holding him accountable for the things that he’s done, the things that he’s said, his associates, and where he wants to take America.


    RUSH: This is an attempt by the media to make you stop being who you are.  What it means is, they’re really worried about the effectiveness that you have.

    GOVERNOR PALIN:  Well, yeah, I guess that message is they do want me to sit down and shut up.  But that’s not going to happen.  I care too much about this great country.  Now, yes, speaking of some of those associations — and you’re right; mainstream media is not holding Barack Obama accountable — let’s talk quickly about ACORN and the unconscionable situation that we’re facing right now with voter fraud. And given the ties between Obama and ACORN and the money that his campaign has sent them and the job that he had with them in the past, Obama has a responsibility to rein in ACORN and prove that he’s willing to fight voter fraud. We called him on it.

    RUSH:  He’s not going to do that.  He’s been paying for them.

    GOVERNOR PALIN: (laughing) Yeah. Right.


    RUSH: So, therefore, have you even thought about a political future beyond this campaign?

    GOVERNOR PALIN:  That’s a good question. (laughing) No, because I’m thinking about November 4th, and I am just so absolutely passionate about the job that we have in front of us from now ’til November 4th, getting people to understand how important paying attention is.

    El Rushbo is definitley paving the way for a Sarah Palin run in four to eight years should the McCain-Palin either win or lose.

    Sarah Palin will have an ally in Rush Limbaugh, the most popular conservative radio talk show host – more than John McCain EVER has.

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  • Barack Obama,  Rush Limbaugh

    Barack Obama Watch: Inflate Your Tires

    Barack Obama’s answer to meeting energy demands

    Let’s see, Barack Obama’s solution to high gasoline prices and America’s dependence on foreign oil:

    Inflate Your Ties?

    Say what?

    Listen to how Rush Limbaugh ridicules Obamessiah’s plans:

    Stupid indeed.

    But, Barack Obama is “The One.”

    Barack Obama has NO energy policy and it is the Democrats in Congress that have contributed to this energy crisis. How about some REAL solutions?


    Sean Hannity this afternoon has also ridiculed Barack Obama’s “Inflate Your Tires” energy policy:

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  • Barack Obama,  Germany,  Rush Limbaugh

    Rush Limbaugh on Barack Obama’s Berlin Speech


    Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) arrives to deliver a speech at the Victory Column in Tiergarten Park in Berlin, July 24, 2008

    El Rushbo on the Barack Obama Berlin speech today:
    Rush Limbaugh accuses Obama of believe that he will single-handedly reverse the damages caused by the US, which is apparently a nation of philistines.

    The transcript:

    “This is change. But ladies and gentlemen, if you are wondering when you hear Obama talk about change, this is it. The change is: America sucks, America’s deficient, America’s guilty, but America is now willing now to pay the price because we have a Messiah who understands the faults, the egregious errors made by the United States and her people. We are racist, sexists, bigots, homophobes. We discriminate against people who worship differently than we do, have skin color different from ours, and we have not always behaved properly in the world. And we torture. And we, of course, are biased against people who want to get into our country illegally. We have a lot to pay for. Not to mention that we are primarily the country responsible for climate change, shrinking the Atlantic coastline, melting the Arctic ice. This is the change. You want change? This is the change. Now, I think he knew he was on some thin ice.”

    Flap thought he had heard this speech before and he HAD. The presentation was excellent, short on substance and will probably mean little in the long run up to the political conventions.

    Not too many voters in Berlin, Germany.

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  • Rush Limbaugh,  Talk Radio

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: $400 Million Deal Shatters Broadcast Records


    Matt Drudge has the exclusive:

    In what is being described as an unprecedented radio contract, Limbaugh will keep his syndicated show on-the-air and e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e through 2016 with CLEAR CHANNEL and PREMIERE RADIO.

    Already host of the most lucrative hours since radio’s inception, Limbaugh’s total package is valued north of $400 million, according to media insiders.

    The NEW YORK TIMES will claim this weekend that Limbaugh, marking 20 years this summer as a national host, has secured a 9-figure signing bonus for the new deal, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE.

    Air America on the LEFT goes bankrupt and Rush Limbaugh secures a deal for $400 million. Does that tell you anything Snerdley?

    Certainly it is why the Democrats will push the Fairness Doctrine if Barack Obama is elected President.

    Congrats Rush…….

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  • Air America

    Air America Scandel: Where is Evan Montvel-Cohen? Answer: Arrested in Guam

    Evan Montvel-Cohen

    Flap asked the question back in 2005: Where is Evan Montvel-Cohen and why is Air America and Al Franken not pursuing him referencing Michelle Malkin’s piece, AIR ENRON: AL FRANKEN NEEDS HELP.

    First, a little refresher course in Evan Cohen and Air America’s rip-off of the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club in the Bronx.

    Evan Montvel-Cohen and Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club

    Well, the authorities finally caught up with Mr. Cohen and arrested him the other day in Guam.

    The mystery man behind the looting of a Bronx charity to finance the startup of liberal radio network Air America was arrested yesterday in Guam.

    Evan Montvel-Cohen was picked up by border-patrol officers at Guam International Airport on an outstanding warrant from Hawaii. He had been indicted there last month for money laundering and the theft of more than $60,000 from a Honolulu landscaping firm, prosecutors said.

    Brian Maloney over at the Radio Equalizer has more.

    The Cohen indictment is here.

    New York will probably not pursue Cohen criminally for his rip-off of the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club to the benefit of left wing Air America Radio. Maybe Hawaii will punish him.

    But, Flap wonders if this Air America scandal will filter over to the Al Franken vs. Norm Coleman U.S. Senate race in Minnesota? After all, Franken was enriched initially by the criminal activity of Cohen and others.


    Air America Radio Watch: The SPIN

  • Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton,  President 2008,  Rush Limbaugh

    John Kerry – “Rush Limbaugh was Tampering with the Primary”


    In a telephone conference call this morning, Democrat Massachusetts Senator John Kerry blames Rush Limbaugh for Barack Obama’s loss to Hillary Clinton in Indiana last night.

    “Rush Limbaugh was tampering with the primary,” Kerry said “If it was not for Republicans taking Democratic ballots, he would have won,” he said of Obama.

    (I’m not sure that’s true. The margin was about 18,500; Clinton only got 54% of the Republican votes, which made up 10% of the electorate. If none of those Republicans voted for either candidate, Obama would gain about 10,000. The question really is what share of Clinton’s votes were Limbaugh voters. For them to have provided the margin of victory, by my math, about 38% of all her Republican voters — that’s a lot — would have had to be voting tactically.)

    Rush on his show today is playing audio tracks from Chris Matthews calling Hillary’s victory “tainted.” And, Rush is saying he has not received flowers this morning from Team Hillary.

    To be a little clearer here, Limbaugh clearly had some effect. And 41% of the Republicans voting for Clinton said they’d back McCain in November — a big number that clearly included some tactically-voting Limbaugh Democrats. But they also included people like the man I quoted yesterday who considered Clinton a preferable second choice to McCain. So don’t give Rush all the credit.

    ALSO: A reader points out that some Limbaugh voters are registered independents, possibly increasing the number.

    Flap knows it would be hard to quantify the “Operation Chaos” vote in Indiana. The Obama campaign says Rush gave Hillary a 7 per cent bump.

    Whatever, the Hillary campaign continues – and more CHAOS to come.



    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Success in Indiana?

    Hillary Clinton Watch: Rush Limbaugh – “He’s Always Had a Crush on Me”

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Advice to Team Obama

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Vote for Hillary

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Gaming Indiana

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – an Operational Pause

  • Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton,  President 2008,  Rush Limbaugh

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Success in Indiana?

    *****Scroll Down for Updates *****


    Early news reports from Indiana have large numbers of Republicans crossing over and voting in the Democrat Presidential primary election.

    10:51 AM — ‘Hardcore’ Republicans voting Democrat

    The two precincts at Broad Ripple Family Center selected Republican Jon Elrod over Democrat Andre Carson in March’s special election for U.S. Congress. But by 9 a.m., just 21 voters in one of those precincts had requested Republican ballots — out of 168 cast.

    Amid heavy turnout, Republicans appeared to be crossing over in droves today in Marion County and suburban counties, where fewer Republican voters might impact down-ticket primary races.


    Stay tuned……


    Rush is having voters from Indiana calling into his show and the cross-over Republican voters VOTING for Hillary is progressing. Voters are not being challenged as promised by the Indiana Democrat Party.

    There are cross-over voters also reporting in from North Carolina.


    Hillary Clinton Watch: Rush Limbaugh – “He’s Always Had a Crush on Me”

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Advice to Team Obama

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Vote for Hillary

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Gaming Indiana

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – an Operational Pause

  • Hillary Clinton,  President 2008,  Rush Limbaugh

    Hillary Clinton Watch: Rush Limbaugh – “He’s Always Had a Crush on Me”


    Is operation Chaos an acting out of Rush Limbaugh’s POL CRUSH on Hillary Clinton? After all Hillary says: “He’s always had a crush on me.”

    Stephanopoulos pointed out that radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has encouraged Republicans to vote for Clinton to divide the Democratic Party, prompting one of the lighter moments of the show.

    “He’s always had a crush on me,” Clinton said, as the room of about 200 people erupted into laughter.

    Just a reminder to all Indiana Republicans – VOTE FOR HILLARY CLINTON on Tuesday.


    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Advice to Team Obama

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Vote for Hillary

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Gaming Indiana

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – an Operational Pause

  • Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton,  President 2008,  Rush Limbaugh

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Advice to Team Obama


    Today El Rushbo offers Team Obama some advice – now mind you Operation Chaos is in full swing and the word is to vote for Hillary in Indiana and North Carolina on Tuesday, May 6th.

    Moments ago, Rush Limbaugh was addressing the Obama campaign with a “pep talk” of sorts, pointing out that the Clintons have gained ground by pointing out that Obama is associated with crooked, extreme, and unsavory individuals like Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, and William Ayers.

    The Clintons.

    Rush pointed out the towering mountain of ethical questions, unsavory characters, run-ins with the law, and examples of bad judgment in the Clintons’ past. He recalled the Chinese money ending up in Bill Clinton’s reelection coffers, renting out the Lincoln Bedroom, the millions Bill Clinton has collected since leaving office, sometimes from foreign sources… Marc Rich, Hillary’s brothers…

    So, Obama should use the GOP approach to attack Hillary, right?

    Sowing the seeds of chaos…….


    And, the general election campaign has not even started yet.


    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Vote for Hillary

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – Gaming Indiana

    Rush Limbaugh Watch: Operation Chaos – an Operational Pause