• Colin Powell,  Dick Cheney,  Scooter Libby,  Valerie Plame

    Doesn’t Colin Powell Owe Scooter Libby an Apology?

    Scooter Libby

    Jen rubin explains why in this excellent piece on Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, Vice President Cheney and his Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby.

    The extent of the dishonesty is quite stunning. In a Cabinet meeting on October 7, 2003, the White House press corps bombarded President George W. Bush with questions about who the leaker was. Bush said he didn’t know, but there would be an investigation to get to the bottom of it. Powell, who had been told by Armitage just days earlier that Armitage was the leaker, sat there next to the president, stone silent. Not very loyal or honest, was it?

    Moreover, the notion that Armitage’s slip was somehow inadvertent is belied by Bob Woodward’s taped interview in which Armitage repeatedly mentions Joe Wilson’s wife, evidently doing his best to get Plame’s identity out there. This was no slip of the tongue. Woodward testified that when he spoke to Libby sometime later that Libby never said anything about Plame.

    At issue here is not simply Powell and Armitage’s deception and undermining of their commander in chief. There was a victim, one whom neither Powell or Armitage has ever apologized to. The person who ultimately paid the price for this was Scooter Libby. Had the president and the country known about Armitage, a special prosecutor would never have been appointed. Libby was eventually convicted on the basis of a he-said-he-said dispute between his recollection and that of the late Tim Russert. (Charges concerning Libby’s alleged comments to Judy Miller were dismissed, and he was acquitted on the count involving Matt Cooper.) A compelling case for Libby’s innocence can be found in this account by Stan Crock.

    Powell may be peeved at being fingered by Cheney. But on this one Cheney has him dead to rights. The Plame is a blot on his record and that of Armitage. Maybe it is time to own up and make amends rather than bristling at Libby’s former boss.

    Dick Cheney said that when his book, In My Time, was released that heads would explode in D.C. It appears that Colin Powell’s has and he should apologize to Libby and Cheney for his despicable conduct in the Valerie Plame matter.

  • Colin Powell,  START

    Colin Powell Urges Senate Ratification of Obama START Treaty with Russia

    Political cartoon from Michael Ramirez

    Now, I know the U.S. Senate does not wish to rush ratification of the START Treaty during the lame duck session of the Congress.

    Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says a stalled nuclear treaty with Russia gives the U.S. the tools it needs to verify Russian nuclear activities and should be ratified by the Senate as soon as possible.

    Meeting at the White House with President Obama, the retired four-star Army general and former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman lent his clout to treaty backers. Powell said Wednesday that senators with doubts about the treaty had raised appropriate concerns, but that Obama had addressed them.

    Obama renewed his call for the Senate to act on the treaty during the current post-election congressional session.

    There are too many new Senators that will take office in January and some Senators have complained that the treaty has not been given a full debate. Colin Powell’s endorsement is really the icing on the cake – remember all of those WMD’s they found in Iraq?

    The U.S. Senate should defer this matter for the next Congress and with a full floor debate.

  • Barack Obama,  Colin Powell

    Colin Powell Holds Off On Obama Re-Election Endorsement – Tells Obama To Focus On Governing

    Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

    From NBC’s Meet the Press Today

    If you listen to Colin Powell above and in other clips, he really has little understanding of domestic politics.

    MTP >> go, you, of course, endorsed president obama in 2008. are you prepared to endorse him for re-election?

    CP >> just as i did in 2008, when 2012 comes along, i will look at the needs of the country, the situation as i see it and i will evaluate both candidates and see which one i think is best able to lead the country. in 2008, in my judgment, it was mr. obama. we had a country that was in recession, heading into depression. we had banks failing. we had a stock market collapsing. we were in difficulty. and i thought that he was best able to deal with that, with the advisers he was surrounding himself with. and we have stabilized our economy. i think that worked out.

    MTP >> you described him as a transformational figure. has he lived up to that or do you find yourself disappointed?

    CP >> i think he is a transformational figure. some people don’t like what he has done in transformation. it has caused him some difficulty. the fact of the matter is that he did put health care reform– it’s not perfect and it will have to be fixed over time. people are not happy with the health care reform but he did it. millions of our fellow citizens have no insurance, especially children. i think he has done transformational work with respect to education and should get credit for that. but in other aspects, i think he has to focus on now governing. not worrying about the daily campaign problem or reacting to everything that comes across the cable news channel. he needs to sort of get above all that. mr. president, they will kick you like a dog, treat you like a dog but that’s the nature of our system. america is a great country and this is the way we do our politics.

    Powell might be a great military general and a diplomat but when he says that President Obama has been a transformational figure while he rammed ObamaCare through the Congress and whose economic policies have led to high unemployment. Well, I think you understand why Powell cannot be taken seriously.

    And, with the President’s poll numbers in the basement, Powell wants to hedge his bets to continue the invites to the “A” Washington cocktail parties when the GOP ascends to power in November.

  • Barack Obama,  Colin Powell

    Colin Powell Warns Obama: “And We Can’t Pay for it All”

    Colin Powell

    Former Secretary of State General Colin Powell appears on the CBS talk show “Face the Nation” on Sunday in Washington

    Now, Colin Powell, the turncoat Republican In Name Only (RINO) who endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain is now expressing skepticism over Obama’s “Big Government Agenda.”

    Colin Powell, one of President Obama’s most prominent Republican supporters, expressed concern Friday that the president’s ambitious blitz of costly initiatives may be enlarging the size of government and the federal debt too much.

    “I’m concerned at the number of programs that are being presented, the bills associated with these programs and the additional government that will be needed to execute them,” Mr. Powell said in an excerpt of an interview with CNN’s John King, released by the network Friday morning.

    Mr. Powell, a retired U.S. army general who rose to political prominence after a long and accomplished military career, said that health care reform and many of Mr. Obama’s other initiatives are “important” to Americans.

    But, he said, “one of the cautions that has to be given to the president — and I’ve talked to some of his people about this — is that you can’t have so many things on the table that you can’t absorb it all.”

    “And we can’t pay for it all,” said Mr. Powell, who was the first African-American to serve as secretary of state, under former President George W. Bush. He was also national security adviser to President Reagan, and was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President George H.W. Bush from 1989 to 1993.

    Guess Obama did not deliver a plum appointment for Colin and now he feels free to lecture the President.

    But, we all know what a fair weather friend Colin is, now don’t we?

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  • Colin Powell,  Dick Cheney,  Meghan McCain

    Dick Cheney Has No Problem With Gay Marriage But Should Be Decided by the States

    Former GOP Vice President Dick Cheney

    Dick Cheney, whose daughter is a lesbian has NO problem with gay marriage, “people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish…” Cheney goes on to say that marriage should be handled at the state level.

    Sounds to Flap that Cheney may be taking some of Meghan McCain’s and Colin Powell’s “BIG TENT” advice.

    Actually, his view on gay marriage sounds very similar to John McCain’s position.

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  • Colin Powell,  Dick Cheney

    Dick Cheney: “We’re Happy to Have General Colin Powell in the Republican Party”

    Larry Kudlow interviews former Vice President Dick Cheney

    So, Dick Cheney backs off his comments about General Colin Powell and the Republican Party. But, Powell has never been a particularly good GOP party man and everyone knows it. This aspect of his career has nothing to do with his moderate social views on abortion or whatever.

    If General Powell was so interested in promoting the big tent in the Republican Party why hasn’t he recruited a whole bunch of moderate Republicans and used his celebrity status to raise tons of money for them so they could win Congressional or Senate seats? How about mentoring some African-American Republican candidates?

    No, General Powell is a great American but a good Republican Party activist he has not been.

    The GOP is happy to have Colin Powell as a member but how about some reciprocation General?

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  • Colin Powell,  GOP

    Colin Powell Lectures GOP – Return to Center Because Americans Want MORE Government and Taxes

    colin_powell and bloomberg

    Mayor Michael Bloomberg, left, joins former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell in Washington for President Barack Obama’s $5.7 billion national service bill signing, Tuesday, April 21, 2009. The bill triples the size of the AmeriCorps service program over the next eight years and expands ways for students to earn money for college by helping those in their neighborhoods

    Former Bush Secretary of State Colin Powell who endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for President is now lecturing the Republican Party on its future.

    The Republican Party is in big trouble and needs to find a way to move back to the middle of the country, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Monday.

    Powell said the GOP is “getting smaller and smaller” and “that’s not good for the nation.” He also said he hopes that emerging GOP leaders, such as House Minority Whip Cantor, will not keep repeating mantras of the far right.

    “The Republican Party is in deep trouble,” Powell told corporate security executives at a conference in Washington sponsored by Fortify Software Inc. The party must realize that the country has changed, he said. “Americans do want to pay taxes for services,” he said. “Americans are looking for more government in their life, not less.”

    Powell, secretary of State during the first term of former President George W. Bush, made waves last year when he came out for the Democratic presidential candidate, then-Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois. Powell described the 2008 GOP candidate, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, as “a beloved friend” but said he told him last summer that the party had developed a reputation for being mean-spirited and driven more by social conservatism than the economic problems that Americans faced.

    Powell also criticized other GOP leaders, for bowing too much to the right.


    Obviously, Powell who has never been a conservative cannot even read the polls.

    Why doesn’t Powell, who was fired by President Bush and replaced by Condi Rice, re-register and end his misery with the GOP?

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  • Colin Powell,  GOP,  Rush Limbaugh

    Updated With Video: Rush Limbaugh Responds to RINO Colin Powell By Calling Him a Washingtonian

    Well, you knew that Rush Limbaugh would respond to the attacks former Secretary of State Colin Powell smacked on the GOP this past weekend.

    What’s going on here with this Colin Powell thing is that the Washington establishment — Powell’s not a Republican.  McCain’s not a Republican.  These guys are not even mavericks.  They are Washingtonians.  Washingtonians have their own culture and their own desires, and it is to matter.  They don’t care who’s in power, they just want to be closely associated with whoever is.  That’s the name of the game and they want press adulation.  They want to be loved and adored by the media, they want fawning treatment, they want to be thought of as something special, unique, dignified and so forth, and that’s the Washington establishment.  These guys are Washingtonians.  And what is a Washingtonian?  Who are these people?  Ladies and gentlemen, they have driven this economy into the toilet.  Washingtonians are tone deaf in terms of how you and I actually live and the things that matter and are important to us.  Washingtonians are grabbing as much power for themselves right now as possible.  Washington does not live in the rest of the country, does not live in the same world we do.  What they’re doing now is looking for ways to silence opposition.  They don’t care about the timid ineffective opposition.  They like Republicans and conservatives who are ashamed of their views and their fellow citizens.  What they want to do is silence people like me because they can’t abide debate or opposition or challenges to their status and their authority. 

    So General Powell, let me explain something.  The fact is Republicans did not listen to me.  They listened to you.  They have not been listening to me for years.  The Republican Party nominated your ideal candidate.  They nominated your guy, a moderate, who’s willing to buy into an endless array of liberal causes…

    Enough said.

    As Flap said before there is some truth about what Secretary Powell says about racial demographics and the GOP needs to be more than an old white man’s party. But, this does not include surrendering the party’s core values and ideals. It is outreach and Colin Powell has been AWOL.


    Colin Powell on the GOP, Polarization and Sarah Palin – Plus Rush Limbaugh

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  • Colin Powell,  GOP,  Rush Limbaugh

    Rush Limbaugh Responds to RINO Colin Powell By Calling Him a Washingtonian

    Fareed Zakaria asks Colin Powell about the future of the GOP and Sarah Palin

    Well, you knew that Rush Limbaugh would respond to the attacks former Secretary of State Colin Powell smacked on the GOP this past weekend.

    What’s going on here with this Colin Powell thing is that the Washington establishment — Powell’s not a Republican.  McCain’s not a Republican.  These guys are not even mavericks.  They are Washingtonians.  Washingtonians have their own culture and their own desires, and it is to matter.  They don’t care who’s in power, they just want to be closely associated with whoever is.  That’s the name of the game and they want press adulation.  They want to be loved and adored by the media, they want fawning treatment, they want to be thought of as something special, unique, dignified and so forth, and that’s the Washington establishment.  These guys are Washingtonians.  And what is a Washingtonian?  Who are these people?  Ladies and gentlemen, they have driven this economy into the toilet.  Washingtonians are tone deaf in terms of how you and I actually live and the things that matter and are important to us.  Washingtonians are grabbing as much power for themselves right now as possible.  Washington does not live in the rest of the country, does not live in the same world we do.  What they’re doing now is looking for ways to silence opposition.  They don’t care about the timid ineffective opposition.  They like Republicans and conservatives who are ashamed of their views and their fellow citizens.  What they want to do is silence people like me because they can’t abide debate or opposition or challenges to their status and their authority. 

    So General Powell, let me explain something.  The fact is Republicans did not listen to me.  They listened to you.  They have not been listening to me for years.  The Republican Party nominated your ideal candidate.  They nominated your guy, a moderate, who’s willing to buy into an endless array of liberal causes…

    Enough said.

    As Flap said before there is some truth about what Secretary Powell says about racial demographics and the GOP needs to be more than an old white man’s party. But, this does not include surrendering the party’s core values and ideals. It is outreach and Colin Powell has been AWOL.


    Colin Powell on the GOP, Polarization and Sarah Palin – Plus Rush Limbaugh

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  • Colin Powell,  John McCain,  Rush Limbaugh,  Sarah Palin

    Colin Powell on the GOP, Polarization and Sarah Palin – Plus Rush Limbaugh

    Fareed Zakaria asks Colin Powell about the future of the GOP and Sarah Palin

    Retired General, former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Colin Powell has some ideas about the future of the GOP and comments regarding the past Presidential election cycle in the video above.

    The Republican party must stop “shouting at the world” and start listening to minority groups if it is to win elections in the 21st century, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday.

    In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria for Sunday’s “GPS” program, President Bush’s former secretary of state said his party’s attempt “to use polarization for political advantage” backfired last month.

    “I think the party has to take a hard look at itself,” Powell said in the interview, which was taped Wednesday. “There is nothing wrong with being conservative. There is nothing wrong with having socially conservative views — I don’t object to that. But if the party wants to have a future in this country, it has to face some realities. In another 20 years, the majority in this country will be the minority.”

    Flap will agree with General Powell about the GOP reaching out to Hispanic, Asian and African American voters. It is a travesty for these voters to vote in large majorities for the Democrat Party candidates on the basis of race and racial politics. But, they do. Powell had nothing to say about this fact.

    And, where was Powell over the last thirty years (since Reagan) in attempting to outreach for the GOP in the African-American communities?

    Crickets…..the General was AWOL.

    There is no doubt the GOP must be more than the old white man party. But, the party must be based on principles that appeal to all Americans – not entitlement politics which features walking around money distributed by local pols or the churches. Or promises of having wealth spread around to their ethnic group as a result of public policy.

    Now, Sarah Palin.

    Governor Palin was not a polarizing figure for John McCain or the GOP. Flap has complained that she was perhaps rushed to the national stage and needed some additional foreign policy experience but she is not the FAR-RIGHT polarizing figure that Powell portrays. Sarah Palin is a conservative and the elected Governor of Alaska. Also, Palin is very popular in the GOP. Powell is not.

    Colin Powell is not a conservative and has been said to be a RINO (Republican In Name Only) by many pundits over the years. Why anyone would think Powell wishes to reform a party in which he does not share many tenets of its platform, is anyone’s guess?

    Small town values are to America as is Apple Pie. General, the South Bronx, New York City, is not the norm in America and never will be. The Bronx is an urban cesspool. Most of America is NOT.

    Flap was raised in a small town in Southern California and the values there are definitely different than New York City. So, please, Colin.

    “I think the party has to stop shouting at the world and at the country,”Powell said. “I think that the party has to take a hard look at itself, and I’ve talked to a number of leaders in recent weeks and they understand that.” Powell, who says he still considers himself a Republican, said his party should also stop listening to conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

    “Can we continue to listen to Rush Limbaugh?” Powell asked. “Is this really the kind of party that we want to be when these kinds of spokespersons seem to appeal to our lesser instincts rather than our better instincts?”

    Good grief. Rush Limbaugh is a conservative entertainer who has never been elected to any office. Of course, Colin Powell has never won any elective office either. But, you know what they say about opinions and assholes…….

    Secretary Powell was fired by President Bush after his first term of office. The disastrous foreign policy of the early Bush years was a result of Powell’s bungling and ineptitude. Making amends for his missteps is a primary Powell agenda. Or is it retribution to George W. Bush?

    Now, after the election of Barack Obama it looks like Powell is trying to ingratiate himself with the media as a great pontificator of all things Republican. Why?

    Speaking fees and Washington cocktail parties obviously. Powell had not been involved with Republican campaigns in support of its candidates in recent memory.

    Exit question: Does anyone within the Republican Party really care what Colin Powell has to say?

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