• Barack Obama,  Harry Reid,  Rod Blagojevich,  Roland Burris

    Hot Rod Blagojevich to Appoint Roland Burris to Obama’s Senate Seat But Harry Reid Says NO

    Rod Blagojevich and Roland Burris

    Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and former Illinois Attoreny General Roland Burris

    Yep, Hot Rod is set to make the appointment within the hour and YES, Roland Burris is a long time Illinois Democrat hack who is a crony of Hot Rod.

    Gov. Blagojevich today is expected to name former state Comptroller and Attorney General Roland Burris to Illinois’ vacant U.S. Senate seat, a knowledgeable source said this morning.

    A news conference is scheduled for 2 p.m.

    llinois Secretary of State Jesse White said he intends to block Gov. Blagojevich’s appointment of Roland Burris as U.S. Senator. As secretary of state, White must certify the appointment and said in a statement he will not do so.

    “I have previously stated publicly I cannot cosign a document that certified any appointment by Rod Blagojevich for the vacant United States Senate seat in Illinois. Although I have respect for former Attorney General Roland Burris, because of the current cloud of controversy surrounding the governor, I cannot accept the document,” White said.

    And, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said the Democrat caucus in the U.S. Senate will NOT accept the Burris appointment from Hot Rod (or ANY appointment) who was arrested and charged earlier in the month for trying to sell Obama’s former seat.

    The Senate will not seat Roland Burris if Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich attempts to appoint him, a Democratic leadership aide said.

    Majority Leader Harry Reid views Burris as “unacceptable,” the aide said.

    It is obvious that Blago is sticking a finger in the eye of the Democrat Party. And, playing a little African-American identity politics at the same time.

    And, the Democrat “Culture of Corruption” lingers on and on…….

    Now, all the GOP needs is for Al Franken to win in Minnesota and the comeback for the GOP will begin in earnest.

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  • Harry Reid,  Las Vegas

    Harry Reid Jeopardy: Las Vegas Casino Revenues Tumble Again

    Holder and Reid

    U.S. Attorney General nominee Eric Holder (L) meets with Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) on Capitol Hill in Washington, December 9, 2008

    Las Vegas Casinos are in trouble with tumbling gaming revenues.

    It just went from bad to worse.

    Nevada gaming revenues tumbled 22.3 percent in October, the single largest monthly drop in state history and the 10th straight month gaming revenues have fallen in the Silver State. For the year, gaming revenues are down 8.3 percent statewide.

    Casinos statewide won just under $905 million during October, compared with $1.165 billion in October 2007, according to figures released Wednesday by the Gaming Control Board. The figure was the lowest statewide one-month total since April 2005.

    Compounding the matter was the comparison with the statewide gaming win total from a year ago. The October 2007 figure was the single-largest monthly win in state history.

    On the Strip, gaming revenues were $475 million, a drop of 25.8 percent compared with $639.9 million a year ago. Analysts looking at the figures said gamblers wagered less but won at an above-average percentage rate.

    Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is up for re-election in 2010 and the GOP would love to defeat him as they did Democrat Tom Daschle in South Dakota when he was Majority Leader.

    Most of Reid’s base of voter support is in Clark County (Las Vegas area), based upon the clout of the large casino employee unions.

    Should the economy NOT improve and should there be continuing problems with home foreclosures in Southern Nevada, Reid could be in trouble.

    The Nevada GOP should be recruiting a good candidate to challenge Reid post haste.

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  • Day By Day,  Harry Reid

    Day By Day by Chris Muir December 6, 2008 – Reid Makes a Stink

    Day By Day 120608

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Harry Ried will be up for re-election in Nevada in 2010. Something tells Flap that the GOP will try to do to him as they did the last Democrat Majority leader, Tom Daschle.

    Run him out of the Senate.

    But, Reid is very popular in the southern part of Nevada and especially with all of the employee labor unions in Las Vegas.

    So, Americans will have to put up with Dingy Harry for a while.


    The Day By Day Archive

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  • Harry Reid

    Harry Reid Won’t Have to Smell the Tourists’ Body Odor Anymore Or Will He?


    Political cartoon by Michael Ramirez

    But, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada was wrong before – on the Surge and the Iraq War.

    The Capitol Visitors Center, which opened this morning, may have tripled its original budget and fallen years behind schedule, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid found a silver lining for members of Congress: tourists won’t offend them with their B.O. anymore.

    “My staff tells me not to say this, but I’m going to say it anyway,” said Reid in his remarks. “In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it’s true.”

    But it’s no longer going to be true, noted Reid, thanks to the air conditioned, indoor space.

    And that’s not all. “We have many bathrooms here, as you can see,” Reid continued. “Souvenirs are available.”

    Exit Question: Will this $621 million appropriation be enough?

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  • economics,  George W. Bush,  Harry Reid,  John McCain,  Nancy Pelosi

    SHOCKER: No Oversight for $700 Billion Financial Bailout Package


    Don’t blame Flap who didn’t support the financial bailout.

    In the six weeks since lawmakers approved the Treasury’s massive bailout of financial firms, the government has poured money into the country’s largest banks, recruited smaller banks into the program and repeatedly widened its scope to cover yet other types of businesses, from insurers to consumer lenders.

    Along the way, the Bush administration has committed $290 billion of the $700 billion rescue package.

    Yet for all this activity, no formal action has been taken to fill the independent oversight posts established by Congress when it approved the bailout to prevent corruption and government waste. Nor has the first monitoring report required by lawmakers been completed, though the initial deadline has passed.

    “It’s a mess,” said Eric M. Thorson, the Treasury Department’s inspector general, who has been working to oversee the bailout program until the newly created position of special inspector general is filled. “I don’t think anyone understands right now how we’re going to do proper oversight of this thing.”

    In approving the rescue package, lawmakers trumpeted provisions in the legislation that established layers of independent scrutiny, including a special inspector general to be nominated by the White House and a congressional oversight panel to be named by lawmakers themselves.

    The most MAJOR error in the McCain campaign for President was acquiescing on the Bush, Pelosi, Reid, Paulson bailout plan. Had McCain come out against the bailout he may have had a chance at being elected President.

    Now, the American taxpayers will just be screwed over and over again by the big spenders in Congress.

    No oversight indeed.

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  • Global Warming,  Harry Reid

    Harry Reid Watch: Killing Las Vegas

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) proclaims that the hidden cost of coal and oil is that they make us sick.
    As Flap heads back to Las Vegas for the World Series of Poker, the Las Vegas Journal excoriates their Senior Senator for his remarks above on Gobal Warming.

    Nevada’s own Harry Reid has become a YouTube sensation for continually combining his gloomy disposition with rhetoric that makes even his most partisan supporters cringe.

    His latest hilarious monologue came a few days ago on the Fox Business channel when, in trying to defend the exorbitant costs (and federal subsidies) of renewable power, he asserted that money is overrated in debating the country’s energy policy.

    “Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It’s global warming. It’s ruining our country. It’s ruining our world,” Sen. Reid blurted out between pregnant pauses. “We’ve got to stop using fossil fuels.”

    Yes, the resources that not only drive the world’s economy and rising standard of living, but make life and prosperity possible in his political base of Las Vegas, are “ruining our country” and “ruining our world.”

    And, the Journal points out the hypocrisy of Reid whose political base of support in Nevada is dependent upon fossil fuel to transport visitors to “Sin City” and to fuel the electricity generators for air conditioning systems that keep Las Vegas bearable in 115 degree summers.

    Last year the U.S. Senate Majority Leader said the Iraq War was lost. He was wrong then as he is now – unless he proposes giving Las Vegas back to the desert?

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  • Global Warming,  Harry Reid

    Harry Reid Watch: Coal and Oil Make US Sick

    Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) proclaims that “coal makes us sick and oil makes us sick…”

    Harry Reid who last year proclaimed that the Iraq War was lost now says that coal and oil make us sick.

    So, what do you propose Senator lay off all of the coal and oil industry workers and do what?

    Nuclear power?

    No, you are against that too.

    Back to the horse and buggy, and candles I presume……

  • ANWR,  Harry Reid,  John McCain,  President 2008,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Watch: Drill at ANWR


    During “Citizen Weeds Warrior Kickoff,” Governor Palin signs HB 330 “Noxious Weeds & Invasive Plants” at Russian Jack Park in Anchorage, Alaska on June 17, 2008 while flanked by (back left) Rep. Craig Johnson and members of Civilians Against Noxious Weeds Invading the North (CANWIN).

    Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has sent a letter to Congress asking them to open a small portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) to oil and gas development.

    In a letter addressed to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and key members of Congress, Governor Palin stressed the need to enact an energy policy that includes oil and gas production from domestic sources, since failure to enact a sound energy policy is having real-life consequences. The Governor reminded members of Congress that the footprint of development would be less than 2,000 acres. She also assured members that any development would be conducted in a responsible and environmentally safe manner.

    The letter is here.

    Damn, a conservative GOP leader who understands that oil and gas must be produced domestically to reduce our dependence on foreign sources.

    John McCain are you listening?

    A Vice President Sarah Palin would put your administration more in line with the Congressional GOP on oil exploration. How about modifying your stance on ANWR and then choose Palin as your VP?

    It would be a winning ticket.

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  • Barack Obama,  Harry Reid,  Joe Lieberman

    Will Joe Lieberman Caucus with the GOP?

    Barack Obama has some stern words for Joe Lieberman, leading him off the Senate floor

    After publicly being taken to the woodshed by presumptive Democrat Presidential nominee Barack Obama on the floor of the U.S. Senate yesterday, it is NOW reported that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid also had words with Joe Lieberman, the Independent, former Democrat Senator from Connecticut.

    In addition to the talking-to that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, gave Sen. Joe Lieberman, Ind-Conn., yesterday for his role as a supporter of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the Senate Majority leader chatted last night with the Connecticut senator, who caucuses with the Democrats but has endorsed McCain.

    Reid told reporters today, per ABC News’ Z. Byron Wolf, that “I’ve had conversations with Lieberman at some length. I’m not going to discuss the conversations here. But I think the discussions he had with Obama yesterday and the discussions he had with me yesterday were fruitful. We’ll let the future decide what it’s going to be, but I’m not about to threaten anybody.”

    Lieberman should tell Obama, Reid, Durbin and the rest of those clowns in the Senate to “go to hell.” Joe was elected as an Independent after the Democrat LEFT pushed Ned Lamont to a win in the Connecticut Democrat primary.

    Harry Reid continues to be Lieberman’s BITCH for now but with the Democrats on track to add more Senate seats this November, Joe might as well leave NOW rather than be pushed out later.

    Watch Joe Lieberman switch caucus sides in the immediate future.

  • Harry Reid,  Iraq War,  Nancy Pelosi

    Harry Reid Then……Nancy Pelosi Now……


    First, it was Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid:
    • April 19, 2007: “I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — that this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq,” Mr. Reid said.
    • December 21, 2007: Ray, you can’t have it both ways. The president said, “Let’s send some more troops over there, and that will give the Iraqis the time to take care of themselves.” We sent other troops over there, and there are a lot of reasons the surge certainly hasn’t hurt. It’s helped. I recognize that.

    Now, Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi weighs into the war is lost mantra.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said twice Sunday that Iraq “is a failure,” adding that President Bush’s troop surge has “not produced the desired effect.”

    “The purpose of the surge was to create a secure time for the government of Iraq to make the political change to bring reconciliation to Iraq,” Pelosi said on CNN’s “Late Edition.” “They have not done that.”

    In the meantime, Al-Qaeda in Iraq admit they are in crisis.

    Al-Qaeda in Iraq faces an “extraordinary crisis”. Last year’s mass defection of ordinary Sunnis from al-Qaeda to the US military “created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight”. The terrorist group’s security structure suffered “total collapse”.

    These are the words not of al-Qaeda’s enemies but of one of its own leaders in Anbar province — once the group’s stronghold. They were set down last summer in a 39-page letter seized during a US raid on an al-Qaeda base near Samarra in November.

    The fact is the Democrats will say anything to discredit the Bush Administration and the conduct of the Iraq War for political gain. Americans are smart to recognize political spin for political advantage.

    McCain vs. Obama should make for some interesting political contrast ads this Fall.