• Day By Day,  Taxes

    Day By Day April 19, 2011 – Taxing

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The Super Rich that President Obama and Congressional Democrats wish to surcharge are not stupid. They will move their enterprises/investments offshore where a willing country will tax them less.

    Then, guess what?

    Yes, they will lower the definition of Super Rich and/or add a National Sales Tax or a Value Added Tax. And, keep on spending.

    Tax and spend Liberals – haven’t we heard this failed tune before?


    The Day By Day Archive

  • Day By Day,  GOP,  Tea Party

    Day By Day January 15, 2011 – Turn the Other Cheek

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, the Dems this past November were spanked hard and will NOT have control of the House for at least a decade. The number of Republican take over of state legislatures and Governorships are enough to safely gerrymander a goodly number of red state Congressional seats that might have been in play due to demographic changes.

    This is not to say that the GOP leadership can rest on its laurels because conservative Tea Party folks will be watching and any move to Republican Big Government will result in costly primary election campaigns.

    The era of Progressive bullying is over and the era of the Tea Party has just begun.


    The Day By Day Archive

  • Day By Day,  GOP

    Day By Day November 3, 2010 – Aliens

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The Republican Party had an outstanding election night and as a referendum to the Obama Administration sent a strong, mandated political message.

    In my Wednesday Washington Examiner column, which had to be filed before the full returns were available, I tried to set the Republicans’ historic gains in the House of Representatives in historic perspective, keeping in mind that the exit polls suggested that Republicans would not get the full advantage of the tsunami of public opinion in their favor in Senate races. As I told an interviewer on Britain’s Sky News, if you had to choose which legislative house you would like to control in America, you would pick the House of Representatives (where the party leadership usually can determined legislative outcomes) to the Senate (which no party even with a 60-seat supermajority really controls), just as in the United Kingdom you would rather have a majority in the House of Commons than in the House of Lords.

    As I write, the House results indicate that Republicans have gained a net 61 seats (64 gains minus 3 losses) and are leading in 6 races currently undecided and trailing closely in 6 other races currently undecided. So the Republican net gain will be something like 67 seats—more than any party has won in any single election since 1948 (my Examiner column actually looks at the big seat gains for the Republicans in 1946 and the Democrats in 1948).

    The upshot is that Speaker-to-be John Boehner will have a workable House majority, larger than the Republicans had during the 12 years they controlled the House from 1994 to 2006, larger than Republicans have enjoyed since the 80th Congress elected in 1946 which enacted laws which resulted in enduring public policies in 1947 and 1948. The sweet spot in the House, I would argue, is around 250 seats, enough so that you can let a fair number of your member dissent on a particular vote but not so many that dozens of members feel free to ignore party discipline because the party’s majority is so large. A 67-seat Republican gain would mean a House with 246 Republicans and 189 Democrats—a smaller number of Democrats than in any House since the one elected in 1946. The popular vote for the House is not yet available. California takes five weeks to count all its votes, a vivid contrast with Brazil, which voted on Sunday, where all the votes were counted within five hours (what is wrong with this picture?). But the popular vote appears to be a near-reversal from the Democrats’ popular vote 2008 majority in the popular vote for the House which was 54%-43%; the Republicans’ majority is likely to be greater than in 1994 and the largest since 1946 (54%-44%) and perhaps since 1928 (57%-42%). We are, as I wrote in the first sentence of my Examiner column, in uncharted territory.

    Of course, I am disappointed with California where the Republican Party continued to take a drubbing at the hands of the Democrats, especially the Carly Fiorina vs. Barbara Boxer U.S. Senate race. But, I will have more on this race later.

    America will be stronger and the political direction different for the Congress and President alike.

    The American people have spoken.


    The Day By Day Archive

  • Abortion,  Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day October 12, 2010 – Shell Game

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The Democratic Party and Obama game plan has been “hide the ball” with regards to federal abortion funding and ObamaCare. They know it would never pass Congress since the American people do not favor it and they do not want to take the political heat/fallout.

    But, their Far Left constituency demands free, unfettered abortion FOR ALL, since they know best.

    In today’s internet world, isn’t it naive for Obama to think that he can “shell game” this issue?

    Yes and another reason his Presidential approval ratings are in the dumpster.


    The Day By Day Archive

  • Day By Day,  SEIU

    Day By Day September 29, 2010 – The Top

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Big Labor like the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) have struggled for decades with a declining membership base in private sector jobs. So, they have diversified, so to speak, by expanding into the public job sector e.g. teachers, police, fire and other public government employees. Big government for the unions means more members, more union dues being paid, more pension funds, etc. etc – you get the picture.

    To assure themselves of an ever expanding member base, Big Labor support through their organizational efforts (campaign cash, volunteers to call and walk precincts) the election of politicians who support their ever expanding numbers of union dues paying members. A conflict of interest, you ask?

    Survival of the fittest for them.

    There is a major problem –  when the government has no more ability to exact money from the taxpayers. Who will then pay for the Hope and Change?


    The Day By Day Archive

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  GOP

    Day By Day August 4, 2010 – FossilsRus

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, more like a Troglodytes in the Republican Party.

    I remember the time when the GOP was a beaten down minority party with no hope of any meaningful role in American politics. Then, came a washed up actor named Ronald Reagan who brought a new generation of conservative thought and policy.

    It is time for the national Republican Party to rethink as to why Barack Obama is now President and the Democrats have recaptured large majorities in the Congress.

    Time for a new generation of leadership.


    The Day By Day Archive

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Illegal Immigration

    Day by Day July 31, 2010 – Busting Down Doors

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    And, Chris what do you think of the Obama Administration planning to grant amnesty to illegal aliens while bypassing Congress?

    Republicans are seizing on an internal memo they say is further evidence the Obama administration wants to bypass a gridlocked Congress and use its executive powers to grant “back-door amnesty” to thousands of illegal immigrants.

    But administration officials tried to downplay the significance of the draft memo Friday, reiterating that they have no plans to grant permanent residency to the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S.

    Written by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officials to the agency’s director, the memo discusses ways the administration – facing the reality that immigration reform is all but dead this year – could grant illegal immigrants permanent status, including indefinitely delaying deportation or issuing green cards.

    “This memorandum offers administrative relief options to promote family unity, foster economic growth, achieve significant process improvements and reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization,” states the memo, which was addressed to Director Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “In the absence of comprehensive immigration reform, USCIS can extend benefits and/or protections to many individuals and groups by issuing new guidance and regulations.”

    The 11-page memo provides fresh ammunition to Republican lawmakers who have been questioning the administration for the past month about rumors of a plan allowing illegal immigrants to remain in the country.

    “The document provides an additional basis for our concerns that the administration will go to great lengths to circumvent Congress and unilaterally execute a back-door amnesty plan,” Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Finance Committee, said in a statement.

    Of course, there will be a huge uproar and a court challenge, but American voters see the direction. No securing of the borders from Obama, as he panders to Hispanic voters in the Southwest.

    Plus Ca Change


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  • Carly Fiorina,  Chris Christie,  Day By Day,  GOP,  Meg Whitman

    Day By Day July 8, 2010 – Call It

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, the party of old white men, the GOP has diversified, no?

    Or is the appeal of the RIGHT = ideas and policy which have attracted a broad spectrum of Americans?

    It will be interesting to watch Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina in California push back against the old LEFT of Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer. A new day for the GOP in California and wins by one or both will have implications for the Presidential race to replace Obama in 2012.

    And, Chris Christie in New Jersey will lead a resurgence of the Republicans in the East.

    Interesting times for a GOP which was called a southern regional party less than two years ago.


    The Day By Day Archive

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Illegal Immigration

    Day By Day July 1, 2010 – The Tab

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    President Obama today will give “lip service” to the problem of illegal immigration. After having ignored border issues for the entirety of his presidency, I am positive he will blame corporate employers who exploit the law and do not pay their “fair” share.

    Some policy?

    The Obama blame game.

    There can be no illegal immigration reform until the Mexico – USA border is secured. I mean if America can send 100K plus troops to Iraq and Afghanistan what is so hard with sending 10K to Arizona, New Mexicao and Texas?

    Now, there is a solution and I did not even have to fire up the teleprompter.


    The Day By Day Archive

  • Barack Obama,  David Petraeus,  Day By Day,  MoveOn.org

    Day By Day June 24, 2010 – Gulf Handicap

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The 24 hour BP Oil Leak video feed reminds me of the Nightline Iranian Hostage Crisis reminder – except that it is streamed all of the time. Remember it was President Obama who wanted to EXPAND offshore oil drilling, baby!

    Plus, President Obama’s golf game is well documented. Where is Michael Moore and MoveOn.org? Remember how they criticized President Bush while America was at war in Iraq AND Afghanistan?

    Oh Yeah! They are busy scrubbing their website regarding General David Petraeus to cover Obama’s ass over the Taliban-Afghanistan War.

    It was there the last time Google cache took a screen shot of it (June 18th), so it was scrubbed
    sometime between then and today. If you try the link now (http://pol.moveon.org/petraeus.htm) it
    goes to MoveOn’s default page.


    I don’t think Obama or the LEFT will be able to cover the President’s ass over Obama’s policy failures. Americans are aware that Obama is all talk and no action.