• Barack Obama,  Missile Defense

    The Partisan Divide on Missile Defense – What is Obama Cutting?

    michael ramirez april 2 2009

    Political Cartoon by Michael Ramirez

    There is a good piece about the Obama Administration’s attempt to cut defense costs by reducing the Missile Defense Agency in Congressional Quarterly.

    So, what is Obama cutting?

    Obama’s budget plan would reduce the planned number of deployed ground-based missile interceptors in Alaska
    and California from 44 to 30, keeping the remainder as backups ortesting devices.

    Many GOP lawmakers are angered at the move.

    “This is the one system that protects the homeland from ICBMs that’s completely on our land, our territory, that’s under our control without having to ask permission to place it in a foreign nation,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions , R-Ala.

    The president’s budget also would kill two problem-plagued futuristic technology programs: the Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI), which was meant to hit missiles in their earliest stage, and the Multiple Kill Vehicle program, which was conceived to hit multiple incoming warheads at once.

    Sen. Richard C. Shelby , R-Ala., wrote to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) on May 13 calling on them not to halt the KEI project just yet. “Stopping work on the program now is irresponsible,” he wrote.

    The new MDA complex is in Huntsville, Ala., as is the Army’s Aviation and Missile Command. Boeing, a major MDA contractor, also is moving its missile defense headquarters to Huntsville.

    The budget would cancel plans for a second prototype airplane for the Airborne Laser program, which envisions shooting down missiles with lasers from 747airplanes. House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee Vice-Chairman Norm Dicks , D-Wash., is a staunch defender of the program. The planes would be built by Boeing Co. in his state.

    No funding is suggested in the budget request to build two planned missile defense sites in Europe, following Obama’s promise not to move forward until more testing is completed and agreements with the host nations
    Poland and the Czech Republic are signed.

    Republicans say stalling work on the European sites risks damaging diplomatic outreach to the two countries.

    “It leaves the Poles and Czechs and all of those who have been courageous in this effort fundamentally and objectively betrayed,” said Rep. Trent Franks , R-Ariz.

    In the meantime, Iran and North Korea develop and test new missiles which can carry nuclear warheads.

    And, the Obama Administration proposes saving money in its budget by cutting vital missile defense programs, including the deployment of missiles to protect the United States from an actual attack – making America less safe.

    The wrong move and it will be up to Congress to correct Obama’s misplaced priorities.


    Poll Watch: Strong Support for Missile Defense by Americans Across the Political Spectrum

    Obama Dodges And Plays Word Games With America’s National Missile Defense

    Folly of the Day: Obama Cuts Missile Defense

    The Missile Defense Archive

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Democrats,  GOP

    Day By Day by Chris Muir May 24, 2009 – Horror Film!

    day by day 052409

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The RIGHT resistance to the FAR LEFT of President Obama and his minions in the Congress is alive and well. The LEFT likes to portray their success at the polls lately as far more than what reality says.

    The facts are Obama majorities in Congress will decrease in 2010 and he will move his policies to the right to recapture independent voters in a bid for re-election in 2012.

    Now, if the economy stays poor and unemployment high, the losses to the LEFT will be substantial.


    The Day By Day Archive

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    links for 2009-05-24

    • At least one Republican doesn't think it's OK to compare Nancy Pelosi to Pussy Galore.

      After viewing an RNC video that juxtaposed the speaker with the James Bond
      villainess, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told POLITICO Saturday:

      "I thought it was reprehensible, irresponsible and unpersuasive. If we're going to regain the credibility of the American people, we're going to have to stop with silly antics like that. It may get a snide chuckle inside the Beltway, but it offends most people. We have to get away from the politics of personal destruction," he said of the video.
      Knowing that history of this MORON, he is sue a GOP primary challenge in 2010 anyway. Sleeping on a cot in his office indeed.

    • Under intense fire from the right, former secretary of state Colin L. Powell is preparing to answer his Republican critics this weekend in a television appearance that is likely to add fuel to his long-standing feud with top conservatives in his party.

      The appearance will come just days after Powell, one of the country's leading black political figures, told an audience in Boston that a new Republican Party is "waiting to emerge." Earlier this month, he said the party is in "deep trouble" because "Americans are looking for more government in their life, not less."

      (tags: Colin_Powell)
    • The RNC uses images and audio from 1964’s Goldfinger, where not only Bond but the CIA gets to play, to tweak Liar Pelosi and Hapless Gibbs. For a brief 3 seconds (at .40) SanFranGran is shown side-by-side with Bond villainess, Pussy Galore, and all kerfuffle breaks loose.
      (tags: Nancy_Pelosi)
    • Michael Steel, press secretary for House Republican leader John Boehner, said that while there isn’t a “deliberate strategy,” he’s noticed “Republican aides being sure to engage with liberal websites like Huffington Post — just because for no other reason than they drive a lot of cable coverage.”

      With that kind of cooperation from the right, it’s not surprising that Republican points of view have shown up on the site recently.

  • Nancy Pelosi,  Republican National Committee

    Video: The Obligatory Nancy Pelosi = Pussy Galore Post

    Republican National Committee video on Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

    The Politico has tried to make a big deal of the “below the belt” shot at Nancy Pelosi.

    She’s the 69-year-old speaker of the House of Representatives, second in the line of succession and the most powerful woman in U.S. history.

    But when you see Nancy Pelosi, the Republican National Committee wants you to think “Pussy Galore.”

    At least that’s the takeaway from a video released by the committee this week – a video that puts Pelosi side-by-side with the aforementioned villainess from the 1964 James Bond film “Goldfinger.”

    The RNC video, which begins with the speaker’s head in the iconic spy-series gun sight, implies that Pelosi has used her feminine wiles to dodge the truth about whether or not she was briefed by the CIA on the use of waterboarding in 2002. While the P-word is never mentioned directly, in one section the speaker appears in a split screen
    alongside the Bond nemesis – and the video’s tagline is “Democrats Galore.”

    Flap says BFD.

    You think this is sexist?


    Flap’s friend Darleen Click has the answer.

    First off, we can probably question why little Ms. Andie’s editorial is listed in the “news” section of Politico. Secondly, we can then wonder where Ms. Andie was when Her Lord and Savior Obama was (using her metric of OUTRAGE over teh sexism) much less subtle in calling Sarah Palin a pig and flipping the bird to Hillary Clinton.

    Two other women friends of Flap “GET IT.”


    Well, booh-frickin’-whoo. Where was Politico when the Dems were calling Condoleezza Rice the “house negro“?

    Little Miss Attila:

    No, I don’t think the idea of the video below was to call the Speaker of the House a “pussy,” though the final tagline does allude to the Pussy Galore character, and does indeed imply that Nancy Pelosi is on the wrong side here, having taken on the intelligence community in the aggressive fashion that she did. Ultimately, the video’s implication is the opposite of what we usually mean to communicate with the word “pussy……”

    What are they smoking? The President of the United States once made degrading remarks about Hilary Clinton’s menstrual cycles as part of his vicious primary battle against her; if the RNC is comparing Nancy to a femme fatale, that’s pretty small potatoes.

    Alas, both AllahPundit and William Jacobson think the RNC shouldn’t have made the ad, since they should have known that it might be “distorted” by the opposite side. What are we permitted to say that cannot be distorted by the opposite side?

    Again, BFD.

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  • Barack Obama,  economics,  Medicare,  Obamacare

    Epiphany: President Obama Says America is Out of Money


    Then, why Mr President have you pushed and signed into law massive government spending programs if America is out of money?

    In a sobering holiday interview with C-SPAN, President Obama boldly told Americans: “We are out of money.”

    C-SPAN host Steve Scully broke from a meek Washington press corps with probing questions for the new president.

    SCULLY: You know the numbers, $1.7 trillion debt, a national deficit of $11 trillion. At what point do we run out of money?

    OBAMA: Well, we are out of money now. We are operating in deep deficits, not caused by any decisions we’ve made on health care so far. This is a consequence of the crisis that we’ve seen and in fact our failure to make some good decisions on health care over the last several decades.

    So we’ve got a short-term problem, which is we had to spend a lot of money to salvage our financial system, we had to deal with the auto companies, a huge recession which drains tax revenue at the same time it’s putting more pressure on governments to provide unemployment insurance or make sure that food stamps are available for people who have been laid off.

    So we have a short-term problem and we also have a long-term problem. The short-term problem is dwarfed by the long-term problem. And the long-term problem is Medicaid and Medicare. If we don’t reduce long-term health care inflation substantially, we can’t get control of the deficit.

    So, one option is just to do nothing. We say, well, it’s too expensive for us to make some short-term investments in health care. We can’t afford it. We’ve got this big deficit. Let’s just keep the health care system that we’ve got now.

    Along that trajectory, we will see health care cost as an overall share of our federal spending grow and grow and grow and grow until essentially it consumes everything…

    SCULLY: When you see GM though as “Government Motors,” you’re reaction?

    OBAMA: Well, you know – look we are trying to help an auto industry that is going through a combination of bad decision making over many years and an unprecedented crisis or at least a crisis we haven’t seen since the 1930’s. And you know the economy is going to bounce back and we want to get out of the business of helping auto companies as quickly as we can. I have got more enough to do without that. In the same way that I want to get out of the business of helping banks, but we have to make some strategic decisions about strategic industries…

    SCULLY: States like California in desperate financial situation, will you be forced to bail out the states?

    OBAMA: No. I think that what you’re seeing in states is that anytime you got a severe recession like this, as I said before, their demands on services are higher. So, they are sending more money out. At the same time, they’re bringing less tax revenue in. And that’s a painful adjustment, what we’re going end up seeing is lot of states making very difficult choices there…

    SCULLY: William Howard Taft served on the court after his presidency, would you have any interest in being on the Supreme Court?

    OBAMA: You know, I am not sure that I could get through Senate confirmation…

    Mr President, you have gone back to smoking crack if you think your health care reform program, Obamacare will ACTUALLY cost the taxpayers LESS than today. It will cost FAR MORE because universal care, unless you ration care and curb utilization, by any standards it will mean more Americans seeking care and more costly treatment. Ask the British and the Canadians about their systems.

    Now, if you want to destroy the private medical delivery system in America and allow the Washington bureaucrats decide what care Americans can receive and what doctors patients can see, then you might be able to hold costs increases to a minimum but it will NOT lower the costs or solve the actuarial problems with the Medicare trust fund. But, then, again the quality of care will suffer and moe people will be waiting to see a doctor.

    How about supporting some common sense health care reforms and getting REAL with the American public that they will have to pay more though their Medicare payroll taxes to support the current program. How about a little honesty.

    And, how about ending your socialist, pie in the sky dream of uinversal health care for America and concentrate the government on helping American business to put people back to work. You know, stimulate business, more employment and hence more tax revenues.

    Is this too simple for you?

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  • Day By Day,  Dentistry

    Day By Day by Chris Muir May 23, 2009 Thith Happens

    day by day 052309

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Funny, isn’t it, Chris how your teeth affect your speech and persona?

    What worries Flap is with Obamacare and the rush of organized dentistry, including the American Dental Association and the American Dental Education Association to ask for government bailouts/subsidies that American private dentistry will go the way of the awful British National Health Service System.

    Then, the broken front tooth will NOT be a temporary inconvenience but a three/four month wait for an appointment to see your government dentist.


    The Day By Day Archive

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  • Del.icio.us Links

    links for 2009-05-23

    • Forty-four states lost jobs in April, led by California where employers slashed 63,700 positions, as the recession took a further toll on U.S. workers.

      Trailing California in over-the-month job losses were: Texas, which saw 39,500 jobs vanish; Michigan, which lost 38,400 jobs; and Ohio, where payrolls fell 25,200, according to a U.S. Labor Department report issued Friday.

      The few winners included Arkansas and Montana, followed by Florida—a dose of good news for a state that's been battered by the housing collapse.

    • In conclusion, the American Dental Education Association thanks the Committee for
      considering our recommendations with regard to addressing access and dental
      workforce issues. A sustained federal commitment is needed to meet the challenges
      oral disease poses to our nation’s citizens including children, the vulnerable and
      disadvantaged. Congress must address the growing needs in educating and training the
      oral health care and health professions workforce to meet the growing and diverse
      needs of the future. ADEA stands ready to partner with you to develop and implement a
      national oral health plan that guarantees access to dental care for everyone, eliminates
      oral health disparities, bolsters the nation’s oral health infrastructure, eliminates
      academic and dental workforce shortages, and ensures continued dental health
      (tags: dentistry)
    • Despite all the jawboning about healthcare reform in Washington, DC, these days, politicians have said very little about teeth. That shouldn't surprise anyone. Dentistry has resided outside the main body of U.S. healthcare almost as long as there have been doctors. But now that's starting to change.
      (tags: dentistry)
    • Founded in the decade before the Civil War as the Northern voice of union, the Republican Party today is more electorally dependent on the South than at any point in its past.

      In the House and Senate, nearly half of all Republicans were elected from that region, defined as the 11 states of the Confederacy, plus Kentucky and Oklahoma. In each chamber, Southerners are a larger share of the Republican caucus than ever before. Similarly, beginning with the 1992 presidential election, the South has provided at least 59 percent of the Electoral College votes won by the GOP nominee, including by George W. Bush in his 2000 and 2004 victories. That percentage is nearly double the South's share of all Electoral College votes and by far the most that GOP presidential nominees have relied on the region over any sustained period.
      Ron Brownstein, A Lefty journalist writes a lengthy but full of holes treatise on the South and the Republican Party.
      Look at the Congressional District Maps.

      (tags: GOP)
    • In the interview with CNN, set to air in full on State of The Union with John King Sunday, Ridge said he disagrees with "the approach both men are taking."

      "It's just the whole notion of a Republican vice president giving a speech after the incumbent Democratic president," he said. "It's gotta go beyond the politics of either party."

      The former Pennsylvania governor also took issue with a portion of Obama's speech, during which he said some Bush national security decisions were based on "fear, rather than foresight."

      "I'm surprised that President Obama, who I really, truly believe knows better, would make such a statement," said Ridge. "The men and women in charge of America's security, whether they're military, or the intelligence community — the president, the vice president, the attorney general, the FBI director — did everything they could at the time to prevent another attack on America. And did it consistent with the Constitution and the rule of law."

      (tags: tom_ridge)
    • California's political and financial vise tightened Thursday as the Legislature's budget analyst forecast bigger deficits, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared that he wouldn't increase taxes to cover them and gave up on borrowing $5.5 billion – and the Obama administration refused to guarantee short-term loans to keep the state functioning as it runs out of cash in July.

      "There's one thing for sure," Schwarzenegger told reporters, citing Tuesday's election. "There will be no revenue increases. This means cuts, cuts, cuts and living within our means. That was the message of the people."

    • In the first bit of good news in almost a year, unemployment in California essentially flattened out in April at 11%, the U.S. Department of Labor reported today.

      Though the Golden State led the country in the number of jobs lost for the month — 63,700 — the preliminary unemployment rate actually crept down a fraction from March's 11.2%.

      In all, California has lost 842,800 jobs since April 2008, when the jobless rate stood at just 6.6%. The state currently has the fifth-worst employment climate, ranking behind Michigan at 12.9%, Oregon at 12%, South Carolina at 11.5% and Rhode Island at 11.1%.

      (tags: California)
    • This document is based on polling results and Instant Response dial sessions conducted
      in April 2009. It captures not just what Americans want to see but exactly what they want to
      hear. The Words That Work boxes that follow are already being used by a few Congressional
      and Senatorial Republicans. From today forward, they should be used by everyone.
      But don’t expect to reach everyone. More than one quarter of the population will back
      significant government involvement in healthcare and a third support “universal” care. The
      primary message of this document is to focus on the persuadables and generate support among
      wayward Republicans and conservatives.
    • Veteran Republican pollster Frank Luntz has circulated a memo which attempts to
      teach Republicans how to kill health care reform by misleading people. Because they
      know they cannot win the argument honestly, Republicans are resorting to mendacity.
      Democrats must not let them get away with it.
    • Democratic strategist Paul Begala is circulating a point-by-point rebuttal of GOP consultant Frank Luntz’s widely read strategy memo on health care – with Begala urging congressional Democrats to push back hard against “Republican Orwellian rhetoric.”

      “Because they know they cannot win the argument honestly, Republicans are resorting to mendacity,” Begala wrote in the memo obtained by POLITICO. “Democrats must not let them get away with it.”

      Begala argues that the Luntz strategy aims to confuse voters about which party wants reform. He warns Democrats that they risk seeing their message co-opted and a health overhaul die this year unless they aggressively confront Luntz’s tactics.

      “Your job is to smoke them out,” wrote Begala, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton and CNN commentator. He is scheduled to brief Hill staff on the memo Friday.

    • The Bush policies in the war on terror won't have to await vindication by historians. Obama is doing it day by day. His denials mean nothing. Look at his deeds.
    • Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Charles Plosser said prices may rise 2.5 percent in 2011, a rate well above central bankers’ preferred range, and cautioned against complacency on inflation.

      “The economy may be at greater risk of inflation than the conventional wisdom indicates,” Plosser said in a speech yesterday in New York. “While inflation expectations appear to remain anchored, we should not become sanguine about our credibility. It can be easily lost.”
      Does this remind anyone of Jimmy Carter and his disasterous economic policies?

    • North Korea appears to be preparing to test-fire short-range missiles after banning ships from waters off its northeast coast, a report said Friday.

      A vehicle mounted with a missile launcher has been seen moving around for the past two or three days in an eastern coastal area of Hamkyong province, South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted a government source as saying.

      "Judging from an analysis of the movements, the North appears to be preparing to test-launch short-range missiles," the source was quoted as saying.

      (tags: NorthKorea)
    • Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) played odds-maker on healthcare reform over breakfast Thursday, predicting a 75 percent to 80 percent chance that his panel will advance a bipartisan bill next month.

      Asked by a reporter what were the chances he would succeed in winning the support of senators from both parties, Baucus responded: “Very high. Very, very high. If you want me to put a percentage on that, I’d say it’s about 75, 80 percent. It’s very high.”

      (tags: Obamacare)
  • CIA,  Mancow,  Waterboarding

    Mancow on Waterboarding: I Want to Find Out If It’s Torture?

    WLS Radio talk show host subjects himself to waterboarding

    How do you spell MORON? Oh Yeah MANCOW.

    Mancow admits that waterboarding is torture after lasting what 6 or 7 seconds but he could have discovered the same without the moronic exhibition from the journalists who went before – especially Vanity Fair’s Christopher Hitchens. Hitchen’s waterboarding is directly below.

    Journalist Christopher Hitchen’s is waterboarded

    Here is a reporter from Playboy, Mike Guy who was waterboarded.

    See if Mike Guy from Playboy can win his bet he can last 15 seconds?

    But, what is the real question for debate here? Is waterboarding torture, like having a red hot poker stuck up your ass or being boiled in oil or being stretched senseless on the rack?

    Or is it: whether waterboarding is a valid or moral means of reliable information extraction?

    And, to what limits and under whose authority would waterboarding EVER be used? Watch this video where these questions are explored.

    So, is torture an impermissible evil? Or are there exceptions?

    Rather than having these moronic and horrific displays of the technique itself, let’s move onto exploring what the actual results of the enhanced interrogation methods, including waterboarding were, what works and doesn’t.

    President Obama can start the debate by releasing the classified CIA memos for the public to evaluate. No more hiding the ball.

  • California Supreme Court,  Gay Marriage

    California Proposition 8 Ruling by California Supreme Court Coming Next Tuesday


    The California Supreme Court will issue its ruling next Tuesday.

    The California Supreme Court has announced that it will rule Tuesday on three cases challenging the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the measure voters passed to ban gay marriage

    The opinion will be released at 10 a.m. Tuesday, the High Court announced today.

    Proposition 8 passed last Nov. 4 with about 52 percent of the vote. It changes California’s constitution with a simple declaration that only a marriage between a man and a woman is legal and valid in the state.

    The court has been very quiet and so have court pundits. I would expect that had the Justices decided to overturn the voter approved Proposition 8 and thus legalize gay marriage in California that there would have been some timely leaks.

    It has been anticipated for months since the oral arguments that the California Supreme Court will declare Proposition 8 (which restored the tradtional definition of marriage (one man and one woman) to the California Constitution) constitutional.

    Flap’s Opinion:

    Flap can count as well.  Three California Supreme Court Justices that opposed gay marriage plus Justice Kennard (who refused to sign the order and voted to deny the petitions) equals four votes upholding the Proposition and the traditional definition of marriage.

    Flap bets the final vote will be 6-1 with Moreno dissenting to uphold Proposition 8 simply because a MORON would have to rule this is a revision of the Constitution and not an amendment.

    Stay tuned…..


    California Supreme Court Decision on Proposition 8 Gay Marriage Due Out This Week?

    California Supreme Court Appears to Be Ready to Uphold Constitutionality of Proposition 8

    California Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on Proposition 8 Re: Gay Marriage Today

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  • Barack Obama,  economics,  Inflation,  Jimmy Carter

    Shocker: American Dollar Craters as Obama Debt Mounts


    News Item: Dollar hits new multimonth low vs euro, pound, yen

    The dollar kept falling Friday, notching fresh multimonth lows against the euro, pound and yen as a warning that Britain’s debt level may result in its credit rating being cut ricocheted into worries about the massive U.S. deficit.

    The 16-nation euro rose to $1.4015 in morning trading from $1.3889 in New York late Thursday—its first time above $1.40 since Jan. 2.

    The British pound rose to $1.5916 from $1.5890, peaking at $1.5945 earlier in the session, its highest point since Nov. 6.

    Meanwhile, the dollar edged up to 94.51 Japanese yen from 94.23 yen—after earlier falling to 93.82, its lowest point since Feb. 23.

    “The problem for the U.S. is particularly acute because of its reserve status,” said UBS analyst Brian Kim in an e-mail to investors Friday. Major holders of U.S. debt, such as Middle Eastern sovereign funds and the Chinese government, have not been shy about calling the U.S. out for what it sees as policies that will trigger inflation, shrinking the value of their Treasury holdings.

    Well, no shit, Sherlock.

    With the massive Obama government spending and debt there will be massive inflation and stagnant economic growth – just like the Jimmy Carter STAGFLATION in the 1970’s.

    The solution then, as it is now, was the election of a conservative President (President Ronald Reagan), limited government, reduced federal spending and tax cuts.

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