• Obamacare,  Polling

    Obamacare Poll Watch: 53 Per Cent OPPOSE Congressional Health Care Reform

    ramirez toon072109

    Political Cartoon by Michael Ramirez

    Another poll showing that President Obama and Congressional Democrats are in trouble with health care reform legislation.

    The health care reform legislation working its way through Congress has lost support over the past month. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 44% of U.S. voters are at least somewhat in favor of the reform effort while 53% are at least somewhat opposed.

    Today’s 44% level of support is down from 46% two weeks ago, and 50% in late June.

    Opposition has grown from 45% in late June to 49% two weeks ago and 53% today.

    As in earlier surveys, those with strong opinions are more likely to oppose the plan rather than support it. The current numbers: 24% strongly favor and 37% strongly oppose.

    You cannot fool American voters all of the time and seasoned POLS know how to read the numbers.

    The President will go on television to try to rescue his Obamacare reform but will he be successful?


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  • Obamacare,  Polling

    Poll Watch: 50 Per Cent of Americans Disapprove of Obama Healthcare Policy

    Obama health care gallup poll

    There are a couple things politicians understand – campaign cash and poll numbers. For members of Congress grappling with passing President Obama’s health care reform these poll numbers cannot be reassuring for the President.

    As the debate over healthcare reform intensifies, the latest USA Today/Gallup poll finds that more Americans disapprove (50%) than approve (44%) of the way U.S. President Barack Obama is handling healthcare policy. There is a tremendous partisan gap in these views, with 74% of Democrats but only 11% of Republicans approving. Independents are more likely to disapprove than to approve of Obama’s work on healthcare.

    I don’t think President Obama and his minions will be able to ram this Obamacare legislation through the Congress.

    Members of the Democrat Party do so at their own electoral peril and remember Obama does NOT stand for election next year.

    But, all members of the House and 1/3 Senators DO.

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  • Day By Day,  Sarah Palin

    Day By Day by Chris Muir July 22, 2009 – Mirror, Mirror – Debunking the Latest Sarah Palin Smear

    day by day 072209

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Interestingly, as I woke up this morning both CBS and NBC national morning newscasts featured the nonsense the Associated Press promulgated yesterday. Nowhere was there a mention about a response from Palin. Here it is.

    “I find the notion that I have taken any action pertaining to the legal defense trust fund misguided and factually in error. I am informed that this fund was created by experienced attorneys in DC and was modeled after other similar funds established for senators and others. The fund itself was not created by me nor is it controlled by me. Neither I nor my lawyer has received a penny from this fund, and I am informed the Trustee was withholding any action or payment pending final resolution with the Personnel Board. This is the hallmark of legal compliance and prudent conduct.

        In short, I have not ‘acted’ relative to the defense fund and it is misleading to say I have. I have no doubt that the Trust will welcome guidance by the Board, as do we all, but it is my understanding that this matter was not resolved and the complainant’s violation of law has served to mislead the public and prejudice a fair review of this matter.”

    Sarah Palin leaves the Alaska Governorship next Sunday but the MSM Left-Wing media cannot let her go without at least one more BS shot.

    There will be more inaccurate and biased reporting of this matter.

    Mirror, Mirror……..


    The Day By Day Archive

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    links for 2009-07-21

    • I think the President ought to hit the reset button. I think it is critical that he have the participation, involvement, and support of people on both sides of the aisle, as well as people in various sectors of the health economy. If we are going to have a dramatic shift in the nature of so large a part of our economy then it needs to be something that has been thoroughly vetted and has received great support. Out of a desire to move very quickly, while his support is highest, he has skipped the critical steps of educating, involving, and evolving his own plans to meet the perspectives of the great majority of our citizens.
    • Best video of the day: Rep. Russ Carnahan meets the government health care takeover resistance.

      My favorite parts? Well, all of it. But especially when Carnahan tries to tell the audience that Obamacare will create “efficiencies” and a “surplus” and when constituent Kevin Jackson asks:

      “If it’s so good, why doesn’t Congress have to be on it?”

    • "The resolution of the Trust Fund is not final. I have been working with the investigator regarding supplemental information. The matter is still pending. Whatever you have seen was released in violation of law. There has been no Board finding of an ethics violation and there is a detailed legal process to follow before there is a final resolution."

      Thomas Van Flein
      Private Attorney for Sarah Palin

      A "leaked" incomplete report which is Wrong on the Facts.

      Nice one AP.

    • The following e-mail from Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee, R-San Luis Obispo, was sent to Assembly Republican Caucus members Tuesday. Blakeslee indicated Democrats have been back-peddling on an agreement about corrections cuts — and now the entire budget deal may be in peril.

      Senate staff is set to brief the media this afternoon on the corrections cuts, and some Assembly Republicans were still hopeful that a deal could be worked out. But if it is not resolved, this issue could threaten the entire budget deal.

    • Ending weeks of negotiations, the City Council voted today to move the date of the Los Angeles Marathon from Memorial Day in May back to a Sunday in March — the month used in 23 of the last 24 years.

      On a 12-0 vote, the council scheduled the marathon for March 21 and agreed to alter the location dramatically, allowing for a “Stadium to the Sea” route that begins at Dodger Stadium and ends at the ocean.

      “I’m convinced this is the right date and the right route for the race,” said Russ Pillar, president of the Los Angeles Marathon.

    • We're still waiting for the details, but the only real question about this budget deal is exactly how short its shelf life will be.

      Or to put it another way: Will state leaders be negotiating another budget by the World Series (late October) or by the Super Bowl (early February)?

      No one knows. But the economic collapse of California continues. If tax revenues continue their decline (and the decline has outpaced nearly all estimates), we'll need another set of budget "solutions" and soon.

      It's already plain that this budget doesn't really balance. There's no political constituency for that kind of honesty. So we get billions in gimmicks – and gimmicks make some sense in a recession; if you're going to do deficit spending in disguise, this is the time. But it would have made more economic sense to limit some revenue cuts (particularly in programs that put cash in the hands of citizens quickly, and thus stimulate the economy) and fill those budget holes with sin taxes.

    • A president's standing after his first six months in office doesn't forecast whether he'll have a successful four-year term, but it does signal how much political juice he'll have for his second six months in office.

      That's the lesson of history.
      Barack Obama, who completed six months in office Monday, has a 55% approval rating in the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, putting him 10th among the dozen presidents who have served since World War II at this point in their tenures.

    • VPOTUS and Yushchenko were seated a table in the back of the pub with their two translators, the mayor and vice mayor of Kiev, and the head of the presidential secretariat….

      Yushchenko was talking about Ukrainian churches.

      VPOTUS overheard saying: "I cannot believe that a Frenchman visiting Kiev went back home and told his colleagues he discovered something and didn't say he discovered the most beautiful women in the world. That's my observation."

      Unclear who Frenchman VPOTUS was referring to.

      "It's certain you have so many beautiful women."
      Both VPOTUS and Yushchenko drank Cokes; others drank coffee.

      (tags: joe_biden)
    • The president's decision to appeal for help to the hard-left edge of the blogosphere tells us his health care plans are faltering in the Senate where hopefully risky, radical and increasingly widely unpopular schemes go to die, even when one party has 60 votes.

      In another attempt to save his radical attempt to remake American medicine from sinking under the weight of common sense and objections on cost and other grounds, President Obama conducted a conference call with bloggers from the leftosphere. So much for any pretense that the hard-left scheme to move the country to Canada-style single payor has anything to do with common-sense, reasonable reform of aspects of a generally-admirable health care system. The president went to his hard-edged shock troops –a political strategic reserve– and asked them to rush and bully the Hill. No doubt they will, but will Democratic senators and an increasing number of House members looking at a difficult re-election landscape a mere 15 month

      (tags: Obamacare)
    • House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says House Democrats are struggling to reach consensus on overhauling health care, a divide that could delay House approval of a plan beyond lawmakers' scheduled vacation in August.

      House leaders have said they wanted to pass a plan before they leave on a monthlong break. But Hoyer, D-Md., said Tuesday there is still disagreement on proposed tax increases on the wealthy, and whether to establish a government-run insurance program to compete with private plans.
      Hoyer said House Democrats will continue to negotiate in private, with the goal of passing a plan next week. He downplayed the idea of keeping lawmakers in session while negotiations continue, but wouldn't rule it out.

    • Trust in President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies to identify the right solutions to problems facing the country has dropped off significantly since March, according to a new Public Strategies Inc./POLITICO poll.

      Just as Obama intensifies his efforts to fulfill a campaign promise and reach an agreement with Congress on health care reform, the number of Americans who say they trust the president has fallen from 66 percent to 54 percent. At the same time, the percentage of those who say they do not trust the president has jumped from 31 to 42.

    • Another Republican considered a retirement possibility is Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.), who raised only $42,000 for the quarter — a significant dropoff from the $115,000 he raised in the first quarter.
    • Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders announced Monday that they had reached a deal to close California's $26.3-billion deficit and begin paying all of the state's bills again, potentially ending months of partisan wrangling and a cash crisis that threatens to push California into insolvency.

      Their agreement, which could go before the full Legislature within days, does not include any broad-based tax increases, relying instead on deep cuts in government services, borrowing and accounting maneuvers to wipe out the deficit.
      The plan has not been formally released. But as outlined by lawmakers and their staffs, the proposal would reshape some aspects of government in California, significantly scaling back many services that have been offered to residents — particularly the elderly and the poor — for years.

    • It was interesting to watch the Republican Party lose touch with America. You had a party led by conservative Southerners who neither understood nor sympathized with moderates or representatives from swing districts.
      They brought in pollsters to their party conferences to persuade their members that the country was fervently behind them. They were supported by their interest groups and cheered on by their activists and the partisan press. They spent federal money in an effort to buy support but ended up disgusting the country instead.

      It’s not that interesting to watch the Democrats lose touch with America. That’s because the plotline is exactly the same. The party is led by insular liberals from big cities and the coasts, who neither understand nor sympathize with moderates. They have their own cherry-picking pollsters, their own media and activist cocoon, their own plans to lavishly spend borrowed money to buy votes.

      (tags: democrats GOP)
  • Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton: The United States is BACK

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives at Don Muang international airport in Bangkok July 21, 2009. Clinton will first visit the 16th ASEAN Regional Forum in Phuket on Wednesday

    Back from where?

    On her second trip to Asia as U.S. secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton is carrying a no-nonsense message about American intentions.

    “The United States is back,”
    she declared Tuesday upon arrival in the Thai capital.

    By that she means the administration of President Barack Obama thinks it’s time to show Asian nations that the United States is not distracted by its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and intends to broaden and deepen its partnerships in this region.

    Clinton was trumpeting that line Wednesday in an appearance with a prominent TV personality before flying to a seaside resort at Phuket for two days of international meetings to discuss North Korea, Myanmar and a range of other regional issues.

    But, the United States under President Bush was NEVER distracted – especially in foreign policy and the War on Terror.

    What is Hillary talking about?

    I mean – she isn’t even the President.

    In any case, how can anyone think Hillary Clinton is serious after:

    1. Becoming an appointed LACKEY for “The One”


    2. Wearing such an ugly orange pant suit

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, left, talks with Thailand’s Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva at the government house in Bangkok, Thailand, Tuesday, July 21, 2009. Clinton is on a three-day visit to Thailand

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  • Barack Obama,  George W. Bush

    Senior Congressional Democrats Say Obama Sounds Like Bush

    At least as far as signing statements go.

    President Barack Obama has irked close allies in Congress by declaring he has the right to ignore legislation on constitutional grounds after having criticized George W. Bush for doing the same.

    Four senior House Democrats on Tuesday said they were “surprised” and “chagrined” by Obama’s declaration in June that he doesn’t have to comply with provisions in a war spending bill that puts conditions on aid provided to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

    In a signing statement accompanying the $106 billion bill, Obama said he wouldn’t allow the legislation to interfere with his authority as president to conduct foreign policy and negotiate with other governments. Earlier in his 6-month-old administration, Obama issued a signing statement regarding provisions in a $410 billion omnibus spending bill.

    “During the previous administration, all of us were critical of (Bush’s) assertion that he could pick and choose which aspects of congressional statutes he was required to enforce,” the Democrats wrote in their letter to Obama. “We were therefore chagrined to see you appear to express a similar attitude.”

    The letter was signed by Reps. David Obey of Wisconsin, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, and Barney Frank of Massachusetts, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, as well as Reps. Nita Lowey and Gregory Meeks, both of New York, who chair subcommittees on those panels.

    Obey and Frank in particular are needed by Obama to push through Congress key pieces of his agenda, including health care and financial oversight reform.

    The White House said Tuesday the administration plans to implement the provisions of the bill and suggested that Obama’s signing statement was aimed more at defending the president’s executive powers than skirting the law.

    “The president has also already made it clear that he will not ignore statutory obligations on the basis of policy disagreements and will reserve signing statements for legislation that raises clearly identified constitutional concerns,” White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said in a statement.

    Bush issued a record number of signing statements while in office as he sparred with Democrats on such big issues as the war in Iraq.

    Democrats, including Obama, sharply criticized Bush as overstepping his bounds as president. In March, Obama ordered a review of Bush’s guidelines for implementing legislation.

    “There is no doubt that the practice of issuing such statements can be abused,” Obama wrote in a memo to the heads of executive departments and agencies.

    At the same time, however, Obama did not rule out issuing any signing statements, which have been used for centuries. Rather, he ordered his administration to work with Congress to inform lawmakers about concerns over legality before legislation ever reaches his desk. He also pledged to use caution and restraint when writing his own signing statements, and said he would rely on Justice Department guidance when doing so.

    Another Obama statement with an expiration date. But, this like the others will come back to haunt him in the coming months. It is one thing to criticize another POL for policy decisions but to turn right around and do the same thing?

    Look at Obama’s health care reform and the taxing of health benefits where he criticzed and ran ads attacking John McCain.

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  • Barack Obama,  Obamacare

    Obamacare: Here Comes the Arm Twisting


    The President’s health care reform proposal, Obamacare is in trouble in the Congress.  So, what does Obama do? Why bring them to the White House for a little lobbying session.

    Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce panel are headed to the White House, not their committee room, on Tuesday.

    Instead of continuing their markup, Energy and Commerce Democrats will be lobbied by President Obama at the White House. Tuesday’s continuing markup was canceled, but the panel is scheduled to meet again on Wednesday.

    The delays and intense effort by the White House cast more doubt on whether the House will meet its deadline of voting on the landmark bill before the August recess.

    Conservative Democrats on the panel have criticized the healthcare reform bill’s costs, and complained it does not do enough to reduce long-term healthcare spending. Freshman Democrats have also been worried about growing fiscal deficits and the risk the healthcare bill could add to them, while members from wealthy districts are upset about a surcharge on the wealthy that would be used to pay for some of the bill’s costs.

    The White House meeting is scheduled at 12:45 on Tuesday.

    Good luck with that Mr. President.

    Those House members are up for re-election next year and YOU are NOT and the bill is a disaster.

    Stay tuned…….

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  • Sarah Palin

    No Media Circus for Sarah Palin Simi Valley Event – What is the Big Deal?

    Palin Alaska

    Gov. Sarah Palin talks with residents in Unalakleet, Alaska, July 17, 2009

    Remember the event?

    Republican Women Federated of Simi Valley said in a statement Sunday that Palin is scheduled to attend the group’s 50th anniversary gala at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Aug. 8.

    Republican Women Federated of Simi Valley spokeswoman Pat Saraceno said the invitation-only event will be closed to the media. Several hundred people have already confirmed they plan to attend the gala, which costs $100 for members and $150 for invited nonmembers.

    The group expects no more than 900 people at the event, which will be held at the cavernous pavilion that houses the former president’s jet, Air Force One.

    The master of ceremonies for the event will be conservative radio talk-show host and filmmaker John Ziegler.

    No press or media passes for the Simi Valley Republican speech which is customary for fundraising events – even though alot of good RED meat is usually dished out as the main course. But, the Lefty press is nonplussed nevertheless.

    One of the best kept secrets in California in recent weeks has been why Gov. Sarah Palin’s upcoming and much-heralded Reagan Library speech — her political debut after leaving public office — will be…closed to the media?

    We’ve been trying for more than a week to get some kind of explanation from the Simi Valley Republican Women’s Club, which is hosting her, without success. (To be honest: even getting a call returned was one of the greater challenges of our career.)

    But finally today, Pat Saraceno of the club has issued a statement, though she would not tell us whether the decision to bar press from what would likely have been the most watched political event of the year was the club’s — or Palin’s.

    What does Marinucci think? Sarah Palin is dodging her and the Ventura County Star – Simi Valley’s hometown paper?


    As I said, it is very common for FUNDRAISING EVENTS to be closed to the press. Usually, at least it was with the Rudy Giuliani Presidential campaign which I covered extensively, the POL will have a public AVAIL either before or after the speech/dinner. But, the AVAIL is not a certainty.

    Now, if Carla wants to see Sarah Palin, she can camp outside the Reagan Presidential Library with the hundreds of other reporters and media crew. And, stop the whining.

    Don’t you think Sarah Palin will pose for a few photos and make just a few comments?

    You betcha – WINK.

    By the way, I won’t be camped out in Simi Valley and will be instead in Las Vegas for the weekend.

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Obamacare

    Day By Day by Chris Muir July 21, 2009 – More Cowbell?

    day by day 072109

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Yes, Chris, the economy is sick and President Obama and his health care reform plan (among other policies) is NOT helping.

    But, I am confident that Day By Day readers will rally to support you and all of your efforts.


    A reminder to all Flapsblog readers:

    The annual Day By Day fundraising drive is under way.

    Day By Day FundraiserPlea09

    Please donate generously so that Chris Muir can keep up his great conservative cartoon work.

    So, what are you waiting for?

    Click here and give Chris a few bucks.

    Flap knows you will be glad you did.

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